• 地区油气资源量丰富勘探研究程度

    There is abundant hydrocarbon resource in Yuqi area but the degree of exploration and study is low.


  • 通常附近的霍里奇地区迎战博尔我的最爱纯粹是因为隔壁比赛。

    Normally the short trip to Horwich to face Bolton is a favourite, purely to see our neighbours.


  • 以“印度花生著称索拉什特拉卡奇地区面临着农业地图上消失的威胁。

    The Saurashtra Kutch region, popularly known as India's groundnut bowl, is threatening to fall off the agricultural map.


  • 本文通过霍尔地区光华岩石研究,对光华组沉积沉积环境进行了分析。

    According to researching the petrology of the Guanghua formation in Huoerqi area, the sedimentary facies and depositional environment were analyzed in this paper.


  • 本周恒河印度河、纳尔默达河、沙巴马蒂河哥达瓦里河以及喀奇地区其它河流水平面达到了危险的水位

    Water levels in the Ganges, Indus, Narmada, Sabarmati, Godavari and other rivers of the Kutch were this week at dangerously low levels.


  • 2月7一个女孩距离印度艾哈迈达巴德城160公里的卡奇地区Khadaghoda自行车运载装满的塑料桶。

    A young girl transports plastic cans filled with water in the Khadaghoda Sector in the Little Rann of Kutch, some 160 kilometers from Ahmadabad, India, on Feb. 7.


  • 今年七月七日,东非乌干达西部卡穆文地区(Kamwenge)塔卡金矿劳作的年仅二十九岁的矿工进了医院

    ON JULY 7th a 29-year-old miner at the Kitaka gold mine in the Kamwenge district of western Uganda was admitted to hospital.


  • 人类学家谢泼德·克雷指出即使没有证据证明古印第安人猎杀大型动物地区,大型动物也灭绝了。

    Anthropologist Shepard Krech points out that large animal species vanished even in areas where there is no evidence to demonstrate that Paleoindians hunted them.


  • 世界银行已经招聘了大约6000名助理员。 他们覆盖了亚2000来个村庄,占该地区村庄数量的一半左右

    The World Bank already has about 6000 facilitators covering some 2000 villages in Aceh – about half the number of villages in the region.


  • 日本已经疏散了处于险境的核电站周边平民百姓,但是林乔,如果局限这次危机的努力失败核辐射可能蔓延远离日本的地区

    Japan has evacuated civilians from areas surrounding the troubled plant, but Cirincione says radiation could spread far beyond Japan if efforts to contain the crisis fail.


  • 季风性降雨使杰赫勒姆纳布河、拉维河萨特累季河涨满,来自这些河流的急流印度河旁遮普南部的拉詹普尔地区汇合。

    Massive torrents of water from the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi and Sutlej rivers fed by these monsoon rains eventually met the Indus at Rajanpur district in southern Punjab.


  • 当地奶酪商店一种巴斯克羊奶制成味道愉悦的艾特干酪来自法国巴斯克地区提醒一下,不是西班牙的- - - - -什么!居然知道法国巴斯克奶酪

    At my local cheese shop, the Etorki, a delightful Basque sheep's milk cheese from France's Basque region, mind you, not Spain 's-what, you don't know about France's Basque cheeses?


  • Nofara旁边Yasser专门经营勒姆(东方制绣织地毯),这种地毯是从叙利亚北部IfrinKurdish地区来的,去年它们还曾登上了Hali的封面,Hali一本国际性的地毯杂志

    Yasser (+963115423229) near Nofara specializes in kilims from the Kurdish area of Ifrin in northern Syria, which were on the cover of Hali, the international carpet magazine, last year.


  • 欧洲中东一些地区有种叫摩卡术语用来形容加入可可巧克力的拿咖啡。

    A term moccaccino is used in some regions of Europe and the Middle East to describe Café Latte with cocoa or chocolate.


  • 这里学校总体水平不错(尤其是地区),拥有大量公园室外操场。

    Overall the schools here are strong, especially in the Richland School District, and parks and playgrounds are plentiful.


  • 这种病毒具有地区长期存在严重危险多梅内警告说

    There is a serious risk that the virus becomes well-established in the region, Domenech warned.


  • 使得美国卡拉(巴基斯坦地名)撤出四分之三战争供给,它在在自己的部落地区极端分子发动非常不受欢迎无人机袭击。

    It lets America drive three-quarters of its war supplies from Karachi, and goes along with immensely unpopular drone strikes against extremists in its own tribal areas.


  • 非洲猪瘟病毒高加索地区蔓延家畜健康带来极大的威胁有可能导致出现严重局面,”粮农组织首席兽医约瑟夫·多梅内

    "The spread of the African Swine Fever virus to the Caucasus region poses a very serious animal health risk and could lead to a dramatic situation," said FAO Chief Veterinary Officer Joseph Domenech.


  • 现年13岁丹尼尔。柯洛特·俄罗斯加里宁格勒地区发现了一个啤酒瓶里面有一封信来自弗兰克5岁时的投递。

    Daniil Korotkikh, 13, spotted the beer bottle glittering on a beach in Russia's Kaliningrad region, and found a letter inside from Frank Uesbeck, 5.


  • 地球公正一个非盈利环保律师事务所正在请求阻止租赁蒙大拿奥特·克里克国有土地和劝阻阿煤炭公司开采煤矿用于满足亚洲其它地区需求

    Earthjustice, a nonprofit environmental law firm, is suing to block the lease of state-owned land in Otter Creek, Mont., to Arch Coal for mining to serve demand in Asia and elsewhere.


  • 该国众多地区面临禽流感病毒流行危险,”多梅内

    "The bird flu virus is threatening to become endemic in several parts of the country," Domenech said.


  • 空转无效不要相信但是听听我的机械师美国康涅格,布里波特地区经营汽修厂罗伯.梅勒是怎么说的吧。

    Don't take my word about idling being ineffective, but do listen to my mechanic, Rob Maier, who runs Maier's Garage in Bridgeport, Connecticut.


  • 现在外围运河未来命运取决于三角洲地区水资源专家们,他们合法的增加泵站的数量就必须解决好胡瓜鱼努克鲑鱼的安顿问题。

    The canal's future now lies with the delta's water exporters, who must develop a plan for restoring smelt and salmon habitat before they can legally increase pumping.


  • 珀斯少校提到了内华达州美国空军克里基地工作的“捕食者”无人机驾驶员,该驾驶员已经操控“捕食者”在亚洲西南部地区执行监视工作。

    One Predator pilot, he says, has been stationed at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada, flying surveillance over the same area of southwest Asia for nine years.


  • 张惊人照片反映了加拿大地区的拉伯的倒影。

    The striking image is mirrored on Lake Laberge, Yukon Territory, Canada.


  • 为了容纳快速涌入人口议会计划鼓励市中心地区第三大道边上的布伦德尔布里波特之间建造高密度住宅

    To accommodate the rapid influx of population, city council plans to encourage high density housing in its town centre area which lies between Blundell and Bridgeport on both sides of No. 3 Road.


  • 为了容纳快速涌入人口议会计划鼓励市中心地区第三大道边上的布伦德尔布里波特之间建造高密度住宅

    To accommodate the rapid influx of population, city council plans to encourage high density housing in its town centre area which lies between Blundell and Bridgeport on both sides of No. 3 Road.


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