• 本文研究壁流式DPF系统基于特性失效诊断策略

    This paper studies up on the strategy for failure diagnosis of wall-flow DPF system based on pressure drop characteristics.


  • DPF失效诊断通过车载试验进行为了验证诊断策略可行性,试验分别进行了空载中等载荷满载试验

    DPF failure diagnosis is carried out by on-board smoke hanging test, to verify the feasibility of this diagnosis strategy, no-load, medium load and full-load test are respectively carried out.


  • DPF技术,作为轻型车尾气后处理技术主流技术,对DPF失效诊断整个DPF技术obd系统中的关键点

    And DPF technology is the mainstream technology of tail gas after-treatment technology for light vehicle, the failure diagnosis of DPF is the key point of OBD system in the entire DPF technology.


  • 因此大量网上购物、医疗诊断检查华尔街进行交易规程方面的专利可能面临失效的局面。

    As a result, a lot of patents for online shopping, medical-diagnostic tests and procedures for executing trades on Wall Street could be invalidated.


  • 两种失效形式对于用户来说都是不可接受因此,对DPF失效诊断整个系统走向产业化关键所在。

    Neither of these two failure symptoms is unacceptable to users, therefore, the diagnosis of DPF failure is the crux in the industrialization of the whole system.


  • 这些并发症相当于失效压力测试,”说道医生通过压力测试诊断心脏病

    "These complications are the equivalent of a failed stress test," she says. Doctors use exercise stress tests to diagnose heart disease.


  • 模拟试验研究各种脱裂缝燃烧发动机造成故障效应故障诊断失效分析提供依据

    The fault effects on restrict layer debonding and crack burning were studied by simulated test in order to provide analysis basis of fault diagnostics for solid rocket engine.


  • 恰当地选用各种检测仪器可以验证失效分析诊断思路正确性推动分析不断深入。

    The suitable use of some testing instruments can verify the correctness of the ideas of failure analysis, and develop the ideas also.


  • 金属记忆检测无损检测领域的一项技术不仅可以对尾框的失效进行早期诊断而且可以钩尾框缺陷进行准确检测

    Metal Magnetic Memory Testing (MMMT) is a new technology in metal non-destructive test (NDT). MMMT is not only used for failure early diagnosis, but also for defective inspection of steel casting.


  • 旋转整流器失效导致同步电机不能正常运行,严重时还交流励磁机造成一定的损失,因此对旋转整流器进行实时监测故障诊断非常重要的。

    The failure of rotating rectifier can lead to the synchronous motor can not operate normally. Therefore the real-time monitoring and diagnosis of rotating rectifier's failure is very important.


  • 发明公开了一种能够制动系统失效提前做出判断用于车辆制动系统的诊断系统和诊断方法。

    The invention discloses a diagnosis system which is capable of judging the failure of a braking system in advance and is used for a vehicle braking system, and a diagnosis method.


  • 介绍彩色显像管早期失效性能特征失效原因诊断过程

    The paper introduced the early stage lapse performance characteristics of several color picture tubes and the diagnoses of their lapse causes.


  • 机器运行发生任何故障失效导致的生产中断都将造成重大经济损失,经济损失程度与故障诊断修复时间正比

    Since the cost of machinery maintenance is higher and higher, any failures will give rise to huge economic lost. The lost money is proportional to the time of fault diagnosis and recovery.


  • 本文介绍了批彩显早期失效性能特征失效原因诊断过程

    The text introduced a set of color picture tubes early stage lapse performance Characteristic and the diagnose course of their lapse cause.


  • 如此分析资料诊断原因

    You can then analyze that data to diagnose the reasons for the loss of performance.


  • 针对发动机发电机支架安装凸台连接螺栓常出现断裂失效问题提出一种仿真分析实验结合诊断方法

    To solve the rupture problem of mounting boss and bolt at generator bracket of the engine, a method combining computer simulation and experiment is presented.


  • 针对发动机发电机支架安装凸台连接螺栓常出现断裂失效问题提出一种仿真分析实验结合诊断方法

    To solve the rupture problem of mounting boss and bolt at generator bracket of the engine, a method combining computer simulation and experiment is presented.


- 来自原声例句

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