• 失控汽车我们飞驰而

    A runaway car came hurtling towards us.


  • 公共汽车失控

    The bus went out of control and ran into a line of people.


  • 汽车显然失控滑出猛地撞到了一个交通指示牌

    The car had apparently hit a traffic sign before skidding out of control.


  • 货车失控撞上公共汽车尾部。

    A truck went out of control and crashed into the back of a bus.


  • 在飙车躲避警察追截的时候,汽车失控了,到了墓地外的石墙上,但他却大难不死

    There was a high-speed chase and he lost control of his car. He survived a crash into a stone wall guarding a cemetery.


  • 洛杉矶时报星期一报道称,诉讼宣称某些丰田汽车卡车一种缺陷能导致汽车突然失控速度意外加快,高达每小时100英里更快。”

    The lawsuits allege that "certain of Toyota's cars and trucks have a defect that causes sudden uncontrolled acceleration to speeds of up to 100 MPH or more," the Los Angeles Times reported Monday.


  • 忙于解决汽车加速失控问题的同时,丰田宣布车载电脑系统没有问题

    As it worked on solutions to the acceleration problem, Toyota has said that computers on its cars were not at fault.


  • 失控john汽车旅馆装满滚烫热水的浴缸里。

    The out-of-control John who tied her up in a motel bathtub and filled it with scalding water.


  • 丰田公司他们自己的报告称“在对4000汽车实地检查中,没有发现一例因为电子节气门故障而产生失控加速现象。”

    Toyota said its own findings show that after "more than 4, 000 on-site vehicle inspections, in no case have we found electronic throttle controls to be a cause of unintended acceleration."


  • 丰田公司他们自己的报告中称“在对4000汽车实地检查中,没有发现一例因为电子节气门故障而产生失控加速现象。”

    Toyota said its own findings show that after "more than 4,000 on-site vehicle inspections, in no case have we found electronic throttle controls to be a cause of unintended acceleration."


  • 警方表示名男子持枪杀死一名司机汽车失控后撞向一辆出租车

    Police say a gunman shot and killed the driver of a car, which then crashed into a taxi.


  • 近日。加利福尼亚条高速公路上,一飞机失控坠落撞上一辆汽车车上名乘客因此遇难几年前它曾安全降落在这同一路上。

    A plane has crashed on a California freeway, slamming into a car and killing one of the vehicle'spassengers - years after being safely landed on thesame stretch of road.


  • 遇上重大比赛越俎代庖地把自己忙团团转:确保贵宾球票分配失控,确保有汽车那些需要用车的使用

    At big games he will be fussing around doing other people's work, ensuring the ticket allocations are under control in the VIP area, that cars are available afterwards for those who need them.


  • 女孩上班的路上失控汽车了。

    One day, while the girl was on her way to work, she was knocked down by a car that lost control.


  • 没想到几天李先生机场朋友回来路上发生意外汽车爆胎失控冲下高速路,车内四人不同程度受伤车辆严重受损

    Li from the airport to meet a friend on the way back accident: car tire out of control, the car down the highway after four different levels were injured, badly damaged.


  • 司机失控汽车就横冲直撞地冲下山去。

    The driver lost control and the car careen down the hill.


  • 司机失控汽车横冲直撞地冲下山去。

    The driver lost control and the car careened down the hill.


  • 丰田公司因突然加速失控风险在全球召回了800汽车

    Toyota has recalled more than eight million vehicles worldwide over a risk of gaining speed suddenly and uncontrollably.


  • 这家日本汽车制造商车主发出警示如果车主感觉车辆加速而失控应当检查其车辆脚垫

    The Japanese automaker warned owners that if they think their vehicle is accelerating out of control they should check to see whether their floor mat is under the pedal.


  • 一方面,汽车电控系统自身故障导致汽车失控不能正常运行。

    On the other hand, the manufacture fault of the electric control system causes the control losing problems.


  • 汽车失控完全无能为力只能准备上帝

    There was nothing I could do except prepare to meet my maker!


  • 汽车失控完全无能为力只能准备上帝

    There was nothing I could do except prepare to meet my maker!


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