• 普林夫斯大学科学家们完全不同角度来看待纹身

    Scientists at Princeton and Tufts are taking teeth tattoos in a completely different direction.


  • 博士后研究员胡涛(音译)正在观察蚕丝制成带有莫比夫斯大学标志全息图。

    Hu Tiger Tao, postdoctoral researcher, with a hologram made of silk showing mobius strips and the Tufts logo.


  • 瓦特教授团队所捕捉到的信息2011年夫斯大学瓦特教授的实验室中的出的结论”。

    The message Professor Walt's team wrote was 'this is a bioencoded message from the Walt lab at Tufts university 2011'.


  • 夫斯大学研究者发明用途丝线丝质衬底元素制作而成的线圈所组成,能够显示食物何时会变质

    NEW USES silk creations by Tufts University researchers include a coil made of silk substrate and gold that can help tell when food goes bad.


  • 夫斯大学研究者发明用途丝线丝质衬底元素制作而成的线圈所组成,它能够显示食物何时会变质

    NEW USES Silk creations by Tufts University researchers include a coil made of silk substrate and gold that can help tell when food goes bad. More Photos »


  • 马塞诸塞夫斯大学研究人员制造了关于大肠杆菌的菌株暴露在光束下的时候,能呈现出不同颜色

    Researchers at Tufts University in Massachusetts created strains of E.coli that glowed different colours when exposed to light beams.


  • 论文描述了夫斯大学(Tufts University)生物化学家LarryFeig一次鼠类实验

    The paper described an experiment with mice led by Larry Feig, a Tufts University biochemist.


  • 马塞诸塞夫斯大学研究人员制造了关于大肠杆菌的菌株暴露在光束下的时候,能呈现出不同颜色

    Researchers at Tufts University in Massachusetts created strains of E. coli that glowed different colours when exposed to light beams.


  • 夫斯大学埃利奥特·皮尔森儿童发展部唐纳德·沃特莱博教授警告说,这样惩罚孩子情感造成极度伤害

    Donald Wertlieb, a professor of child development at the Eliot-Pearson Department of child development at Tufts University, warned that such punishment could do extreme emotional damage.


  • 夫斯大学的一项研究发现那些饮食富含谷物只有少量精制谷物的人的腹部脂肪那些这些的人要少10%。

    Tufts University study found that people who ate diets rich in whole grains and limited refined grains had 10% less abdominal fat than those who didn't eat this way.


  • 夫斯大学大学生马克·布伦克尔(Mark Brenckle)正在往沸水加入碳酸钠蚕丝脱胶步骤一部分。

    Mark Brenckle, an undergraduate at Tufts, adding sodium carbonate into boiling water as part of the silk degumming process.


  • 每一个页面包含了这些学校徽章以及类似于这样的说明,“欢迎来到纽约州大奥威格分校2015班级”,“欢迎来到夫斯大学2015班级”。

    Each contains the school’s logo, as well as descriptions like, “Welcome SUNY Oswego Class of 2015” or “Welcome Tufts University Class of 2015.”


  • 没有饮食方面的要求,”波士顿夫斯大学营养信息负责人Kathleen Cappellano表示,“最好的目标能达到每天2000毫克更多。”

    "There isn't a dietary requirement for potassium, " says Kathleen Cappellano, nutrition-information manager at Tufts University in Boston. "But a good goal is about 2000 milligrams or more a day."


  • 特拉大学管理学助理教授黛博拉·科默说:“人们认为办公室政治涉及一些操纵行为。”

    "People assume that office politics involves some manipulative behavior," says Deborah Comer, an assistant professor of management at Hofstra University.


  • 国俄亥俄州克利兰凯西大学的詹姆·祖尔教授说:“学习就是改变大脑。”

    "Learning is brain change," says Professor James Zull from Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.


  • 俄亥俄州克利兰的凯西大学研究科学家设计了一种4英寸硅片可以容纳700个微型原始马达

    At Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, research scientists have designed a 4-inch silicon chip that holds 700 tiny primitive motors.


  • 佛罗里达大学盖恩维尔分校研究社会态度凯特·拉特利领域似乎两个阵营,一个是关心开放科学阵营,另一个则对其漠不关心

    Kate Ratliff, who studies social attitudes at the University of Florida, Gainesville, says that it can seem as if there are two camps in a field—those who care about open science and those who don't.


  • 希蒙·普泰尔尼波兰克拉科压盖洛尼安大学物理学家。

    Szymon Pustelny is a physicist at the University of Galonian in Kraków, Poland.


  • 美国经济这次辩论重点,辩论将于星期三美国纽约州的霍夫斯特拉大学举行。

    The economy will be the focus of the debate, which will be held at Hofstra University in New York.


  • 定义神经电路依然神经科学圣杯”,布兰·大学的伊·马德尔

    Defining neural circuits is still "the holy grail of neuroscience," says Eve Marder at Brandeis University.


  • 英国曼切·特、卡迪、兰彼得、诺丁汉谢菲尔德爱丁堡伦敦大学设有孔子学院,通常都是在校园里。

    In the UK, there are Confucius Institutes at universities in Manchester, Cardiff, Lampeter, Nottingham, Sheffield, Edinburgh and London, usually on campus.


  • 来自微软约翰·内希伯来大学达尼·里奇开发了这个混合多个方法算法包括像素分析样条曲线

    Johannes Kopf from Microsoft and Dani Lischinski from the Hebrew University built the algorithm by blending a number of approaches, including pixel analysis and spline curves.


  • 罗森是博士是大学药学院的教授修改标签投了赞成票但反对严格的警告迫使人们停止服用该类药品。

    Dr. Clifford J. Rosen, a professor at the Tufts University School of Medicine, who voted for the new label, opposed a tougher warning for people to stop taking the drugs.


  • 学校的首任校长大卫··乔丹毕业康奈尔大学放弃了印第安那大学校长的职位加入这场西部冒险。

    The university’s first president was David Starr Jordan, a graduate of Cornell, who left his post as president of Indiana University to join the adventure out West.


  • 瑞•瓦瑟加州大学欧文分校历史学教授洛杉矶书评》的亚洲编辑

    Jeffrey Wasserstrom is a Professor of History at UC Irvine and Asia Editor for the Los Angeles Review of Books.


  • 这些工人则威胁破坏格但克举行聚会因此聚会地点改在了波兰南部大学克拉

    The workers threatened to spoil the party in Gdansk, so Mr Tusk moved it to Poland’s southern university city, Cracow.


  • 医学博士罗纳德·纽约州立大学上州医科大学分校一位精神病学教授,他同时作为临床精神病学教授就任于塔大学医学院

    Ronald Pies, M.D., is a professor of psychiatry at SUNY Upstate Medical University and a clinical professor of psychiatry at Tufts University School of Medicine.


  • 俄国科学家在做以备万一计划。圣彼得堡国家大学李尔尼德·索科尔教授,阿波99942更有可能撞上地球之前已经被击碎。

    The Russian scientists are also hedging their bets. Professor Leonid Sokolov of St. Petersburg State University remarked that 99942 Apophis would most likely disintegrate before hitting Earth.


  • 圣彼得堡国家大学李尔尼德·索科尔教授,阿波99942更有可能撞上地球之前就已经被击碎。

    Professor Leonid Sokolov of St. Petersburg State University remarked that 99942 Apophis would most likely disintegrate before hitting Earth.


  • 圣彼得堡国家大学李尔尼德·索科尔教授,阿波99942更有可能撞上地球之前就已经被击碎。

    Professor Leonid Sokolov of St. Petersburg State University remarked that 99942 Apophis would most likely disintegrate before hitting Earth.


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