• 定义将会大大地加长太阳系行星名单

    Such a definition would greatly expand the list of planets in the solar system.


  • 许多人造卫星测量太阳系行星微小运动

    Many satellites measure minute movements of the planets revolving around the sun.


  • 金星缓慢逆向自转太阳系行星非常独特

    The slow and retrograde rotation state of Venus is very peculiar among the planets in the solar system.


  • 确实这些计算机制图几乎我们探测器摄太阳系行星图片一样复杂

    Certainly, these computer-generated drawings are nowhere near as complex as the images that our probes have brought back of our solar system's planets.


  • 这些引力作用太阳系行星轨道演变具有微妙又明显重要影响

    These gravitational effects have a subtle, but apparently significant influence on the evolution of planetary orbits in the solar system.


  • 反射吸收65%的阳光,比任何太阳系行星的反射比例

    This world reflects 65% of its incoming sunlight, the highest percentage for any solar sytem planet.


  • 这个世界反射了65%阳光任何太阳系行星中,是最高比例了。

    This world reflects 65% of its incoming sunlight, the highest percentage for any solar system planet.


  • 太阳系行星GJ1214b有40光年远的由岩石组成行星

    The extrasolar planet GJ 1214b is a rocky planet rich in water that sits about 40 light-years away.


  • 研究范围非常广泛主题太阳系行星地球周围大气以及热核

    The research covers a wide range of topics including the planets of our solar system, the atmosphere of the Earth and its hot core.


  • 蒙太奇照片各种美国宇航局飞船所获得多种照片构成,它显示太阳系行星的次秩。

    This montage of photos, taken by various NASA spacecraft, shows the order of planets in the solar system.


  • 为期七天的调查发现2006年之后被称为人马座窗口吞噬在外太阳系行星搜索()。

    The discovery followed a seven-day survey in 2006 called the Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search (SWEEPS).


  • 我们有生之年对于这些太阳系行星大气层研究可能提供地球存在生命证据

    It is quite possible that, within our lifetimes, atmospheric studies of these extrasolar planets will provide the first evidence of biological life beyond Earth.


  • 我们至今发现最近太阳系行星的星体,有助我们进一步寻找近似我们(地球)的行星系统

    This is the closest we have yet got to a real Solar System-like planet, and advances our search for systems that are even more like our own.


  • 2001年,空间望远镜在外太阳系行星欧西·里斯(古埃及司阴府之神)发现气体第一种在外太阳系行星发现的气体。

    2001 - a hydrogen atmosphere was discovered on the extrasolar planet Osiris by the Hubble Space Telescope, the first atmosphere detected on an extrasolar planet.


  • 这些性能是观测关键不仅可以发现致命太空陨石可以发现庞大数量更加普遍天文现象我们太阳系行星大小的物体广泛遥远宇宙大爆发

    These abilities are key to discovering not only killer space rocks but huge Numbers of much more common phenomena, from planet-size bodies in our solar system to far-flung cosmic cataclysms.


  • 土星太阳系第二行星

    Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system.


  • 月球自转倾斜太阳系其他行星独一无二的。

    The Moon's spin and tilt are unique among other planetary bodies in the solar system.


  • 我们太阳系其他行星缺乏氧气大气层有助于解释为什么地球存在生命

    Other planets in our solar system lack the oxygen atmosphere that helps explain why life exists on Earth.


  • 目标测量AU随后,当我们知道所有围绕太阳其他行星轨道速度,对太阳系规模有充分的认识了。

    The goal was to measure the AU; then, knowing the orbital speeds of all the other planets around the Sun, the scale of the Solar System would fall into place.


  • 太阳占据了太阳系总质量大约99.85%,剩余的0.15%中,行星占据大部分

    An estimated 99.85 percent of the mass of our solar system is contained within the Sun, while the planets collectively make up most of the remaining 0.15 percent.


  • 当然我们现在知道包括地球在内行星围绕太阳公转,太阳系只是宇宙一小部分

    Of course, we now know that the planets, including Earth, revolve around the Sun, and that the solar system is only a tiny part of the universe.


  • 我们行星地球连同其他行星围绕我们的太阳旋转,就是我们的太阳系

    Our planet Earth, together with other planets, revolve around our Sun in what is called our Solar system.


  • 我们太阳系有序特性使大多数天文学家得出结论,这些行星基本上同一时间形成,且物质来源太阳的一样。

    The orderly nature of our solar system leads most astronomers to conclude that the planets formed at essentially the same time and from the same material as the Sun.


  • 张图片展示太阳系9个行星中的6个行星

    The picture shows six of the nine planets in the solar system.


  • 119颗太阳系行星中的颗。这些行星围绕太阳外的其他星体运行。

    The planet is one of 119 known extra-solar planets, objects that orbit stars other than the sun.


  • 大多数已知太阳系行星都居住高度拉长而非圆形轨道上

    Most known extrasolar planets reside in highly elongated, not circular, orbits.


  • 我们太阳系中,行星轨道几乎是圆形的,这使得科学家预测其他恒星周围的行星位于圆形轨道上。

    The nearly circular orbits of planets in our solar system led scientists to expect that planets around other stars would also reside in circular orbits.


  • 火星我们太阳系其他行星没有氧气,这意味着这些行星缺乏保护地表生物免受紫外线辐射臭氧层

    The absence of an oxygen atmosphere on Mars and other planets in our solar system means that these planets also lack an ozone shield that would protect surface-dwelling life from UV radiation.


  • 我们太阳系中的行星不是那些可以通过理论预测组成普通行星,而是独特个体它们化学构造特征都是由它们创造的。

    Instead of normal planets whose composition could be predicted by theory, the planets populating our solar system are unique individuals whose chemical and tectonic identities were create.


  • 复杂生命地球表面进化不是火星太阳系其他行星上,因为那些行星上,早期地表生命被紫外线杀死了。

    Complex life evolved on the Earth's surface, but not on Mars or other planets in the solar system because on those planets, early surface life was killed by UV radiation.


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