• 驾驶蓝色宇宙飞船太阳上。

    I will pilot a big blue spaceship to the sun.


  • 第一携载了一名飞行员充足电池储量提供夜间飞行动力太阳飞机

    It is the first solar-powered plane to carry both a pilot and enough battery storage to power flight through the night.


  • 卡门埃里西亚俩成一条逢,打量着穿着朴素衣服头顶一副太阳镜。

    Carmen Elcira narrowed her eyes and studied his face. He was wearing the plainest of clothes, with sunglasses propped on his head.


  • 岛上四个池塘太阳水泵负责取水,此外建筑人员还居民提供了1000个人工鸟巢

    There are four ponds fed by a solar-powered electric water pump, and the builders erected 1000 artificial nests for the new residents.


  • 那时我们太阳最亮颗行星——金星木星密切会合,天王星和海王星将发出绿光,不过需要好的双筒望远镜才能看到

    That's when the two brightest planets in our own solar system, Venus and Jupiter, will almost unite.Uranus and Neptune will be shining green but will need a good binocular to be seen.


  • 那时我们太阳最亮颗行星——金星木星密切会合,天王星海王星将发出绿光不过需要好的双筒望远镜才能看到

    That's when the two brightest planets in our own solar system, Venus and Jupiter, will almost unite. Uranus and Neptune will be shining green but will need a good binocular to be seen.


  • Borschberg希望太阳动力号“成为第一使用染有,却可以昼夜飞行36小时不间断太阳动力飞机

    Mr. Borschberg wants Solar Impulse to become the first solar airplane to fly day and night, for 36 hours non-stop, without fuel.


  • 太阳为能源的飞机已经圆满完成首次试飞任务——其结果越来越接近我们利用太阳环球飞行目标

    A prototype solar-powered plane has made its first full test flight - coming closer to the goal of using solar energy to fly around the world.


  • 颗行星围绕着小于偶们的太阳的恒星转动,而这颗恒星鱼座座星群有42光年之遥。

    The trio of planets orbit a star slightly less massive than our Sun, 42 light-years away towards the southern Doradus and Pictor constellations.


  • 航天器不同视角太阳进行一项观测很大程度破解了为什么太阳大气层——或者说是日冕层——的温度太阳表面还要高上百万这个让人困扰不已的谜团

    A new look at the sun using views from two different spacecraft has put a big dent in the nagging mystery of why the sun's atmosphere, or corona, is millions of degrees hotter than its surface.


  • 放置好三脚尽可能好地完成了拍摄。我试不同角度直到发现了我喜欢的一种然后太阳露面。

    I set my tripod up and composed the shot as best I could, trying different angles until I found one I liked, then waited for the sun to come up.


  • 2显示了连接太阳面板TMP36传感器

    Figure 2 shows TMP36 sensors attached to a solar rack and panel.


  • 第二太阳能飞机已经开始建造了

    Construction of the second plane has already begun.


  • 依赖太阳提供动力用于环球旅行太阳飞机今天圆满完成首次试飞航程。

    Solar Impulse, a prototype of an airplane designed to fly around the world using only solar power, made its first real flight today.


  • 为了给筏子上的现代小工具提供电力——卫星导航仪,应急无线电标识,船舶自动识别仪——我们准备了太阳电池板风力发电机一部兼健身器脚踏

    To create electricity for our modern AIDS - GPS, EPIRB, AIS, Satnav and so forth - we have four solar panels, a wind generator and a foot pump, which will also serve as exercise equipment.


  • 由于技术问题第一可实现载人昼夜飞行太阳飞机推迟首航。

    The first manned day and night flight of a solar-powered aircraft has been postponed due to technical problems.


  • 太阳脉冲终极目标建造太阳环游世界的飞机。

    Their ultimate aim with Solar Impulse is to build an aircraft that can circle the world using only the power of the sun.


  • 就在这个夏天瑞士团队已经制造出了一载人太阳飞机,它不间断地持续飞行24个小时

    Just this summer, a Swiss team proved a manned solar-powered plane can fly for 24 hours straight.


  • 名为完全太阳提供动力的”太阳动力号“(Solar Impulse原型本月26瑞士苏黎世揭晓

    A prototype of the Solar Impulse, an aircraft powered entirely by the sun, is expected to be unveiled on June 26 at an airfield near Zurich in Switzerland.


  • 现在一晃一晃固定露托家铁皮屋顶上的,是一独立式太阳电池板,可以手机提供足够的电力点亮4开关的吊灯。

    Now balanced precariously atop their tin roof, a lone solar panel provides enough electricity to charge the phone and run four bright overhead lights with switches.


  • 这家飞机配有电动机,这种电动机能够节约使用高性能电池内的太阳电池能源,整飞机只有1600公斤,约合3500中型汽车相当。

    Weighing just 1, 600 kg (3, 500 lb), as much as a medium-sized car, theplane powered by four electric motors is designed to save energy from its solarcells in high-performance batteries.


  • 美国国家航空宇宙航行局利用飞机一枚飞马火箭发射了一枚卫星枚卫星将要探测太阳,并有望提高太空天气预测能力

    And NASA used a plane and a Pegasus rocket to launch a satellite. The satellite will observe the sun, in hopes of improving space weather forecasting.


  • 上个月公司宣布太阳能动力无人机成功测试

    Last month, it announced a successful test of a solar-powered drone, or unmanned aircraft.


  • 太阳那样的一普通恒星就是十分巧妙可控机器稳定条件下持续运转异常长的时间

    An ordinary star such as the sun is a splendidly controlled machine that can go on operating under stable conditions for an immense length of time.


  • 这种情况下,离合器行星太阳连成一体,使两者相同转速运转

    The clutch pack is used, in this instance, to lock the planet carrier with the sun gear forcing both to turn at the same speed.


  • 杜鲁门号航空母舰上,眼睛双筒望远镜太阳

    The sun sets over a set of "Big Eyes" binoculars on the signal bridge of the USS Harry S. Truman.


  • 杜鲁门号航空母舰上,眼睛双筒望远镜太阳

    The sun sets over a set of "Big Eyes" binoculars on the signal bridge of the USS Harry S. Truman.


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