• 这些工作包罗万象,制造风力涡轮太阳电池板你们使技术等。

    These are jobs making everything from wind turbines and solar panels to the technology that you use every day.


  • 电网电池大大提高能效,比如允许存贮太阳用于夜间,或者存储一个核电厂夜间发出过多天使

    Grid-scale batteries would boost efficiency by allowing solar energy to be used at night, for example, or excess power from a nuclear plant to be stored for later.


  • 那个召唤天使以及将会成为"天空亮的那颗星"的神秘地点(译注: 指洁德的病房)只有太阳镜报才能访问.

    That mysterious place was illuminated only by Sun and Mirror pieties, where the angels were calling and Jade would bethe brightest star in the sky”.


  • 太阳明耀地照着穿着袍子天使面前,就是那天晚上教堂门口看见那个天使

    Then the sun shone so brightly, and right before her stood an angel of God in white robes; it was the same one whom she had seen that night at the church-door.


  • 飞机天使着陆,天空正在下着雨。没有看作某种征兆——下雨在福克斯是不可制止的。我已经太阳说过再见了。

    When I landed in Port Angeles, it was raining. I didn't see it for omenjust unaudio-videooidable. I'd then said my goodbyes to the sun.


  • 老人斑主要是由于暴露于太阳色素积累全年内使防晒霜(spf的),防止进一步损害

    Age spots are accumulations of pigment due primarily to sun exposure. Use a sunscreen with a high SPF every day year-round to prevent further damage.


  • 第四天使吹号,太阳,三分一的月亮三分一的星辰击打,导致三分一的星変暗

    The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark.


  • 第四天使那一碗倒太阳上面,使太阳可以它的炎热烧灼

    The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.


  • 一刻开始懂得什么平凡因为我感受到了天使祝福看到太阳微笑,我感受到了平凡的快乐

    But from that moment on I began to understand what is ordinary, because I felt the angel's blessing, to see the sun smile, I felt an extraordinary pleasure!


  • 太阳西方落下,,天使看守着上帝

    Sun is a-setting in the west, , Angels watching over me, my Lord.


  • 如果直视太阳,你看到所向无敌天使坐在主位,而另沉稳天使月球表面微笑

    If you had eyes that could look straight into the sun, you would see an overwhelming angel presiding there; a more serene one smiles out from the face of the moon.


  • 公司称,该单元能力每日系统输出储存在面板中这样可以夜间阴雨天使太阳

    According to the company, the unit will have the capability to store the system's daily output inside the panels that will allow access to solar energy for night time use or on cloudy days.


  • 使太阳能制造水幕落下时能量可以带动涡轮机进行发电,用以晚间供电给整个建筑物,以及作为咖啡厅剧院的SOLO城市

    The movement of the water will be also utilized to turn the turbinen and produce the power to work the system at night time. for the Solo City Tower is the Cafe amphitheatre, auditórium, shops etc.


  • 使太阳能制造水幕落下时能量可以带动涡轮机进行发电,用以晚间供电给整个建筑物,以及作为咖啡厅剧院的SOLO城市

    The movement of the water will be also utilized to turn the turbinen and produce the power to work the system at night time. for the Solo City Tower is the Cafe amphitheatre, auditórium, shops etc.


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