• 包括属于专业性桑园茶园果园果木苗圃林地芦苇天然人工草地面积

    The land of mulberry fields, tea plantations, orchards, nurseries of young plants, forest land, reed land, natural and man-made grassland and other lan are not included in cultivated land.


  • 这个物体可能天然人工物体,它可以看得见摸得着,它可能是苹果,一个咖啡一支铅笔等等。

    An object is something natural or synthetic that can be seen or touched, ranging from an apple, to a coffee cup, to a pencil.


  • 传统热狗使用的是一种叫硝酸钠人工合成的添加剂天然机型的热狗则是用香芹香芹产品防腐。

    Conventional hot dogs use sodium nitrite, the synthetic version of the additive, while natural and organic versions use celery powder or celery juice to preserve their product.


  • 使用天然炊具好在它不会任何人工颜料涂料溶解食物里面您的擀面棍,烧烤用具,多功能碗和厨房炊具完全可以天然的,环保的,和长久耐用的竹制品来替换。

    The beauty of natural bamboo cooking utensils is that there are no artificial colours or coatings which can leach into your foods.


  • 大部分肉类,无论是来自哪间连锁店的,所具有的都只不过是一个相似而简单的成分标签:乳化剂,防腐剂味精人工色素反式脂肪酸,隐藏成分的通用标签(如:调味料,天然人工的香料)。

    They add emulsifiers, preservatives, MSG, artificial colors, trans fats, and hidden ingredients under generic labels such as spices, or natural and artificial flavors.


  • 天然含有人工加入天然气体通常会冒泡用于治疗

    Water naturally or artificially impregnated with mineral salts or gasses; often effervesce nt; often used therapeutically.


  • 天然含有人工加入天然气体通常会冒泡用于治疗

    Water naturally or artificially impregnated with mineral salts or gasses; often effervescent ; often used therapeutically.


  • 水路运输,是通过江、天然人工水道海洋航道运送货物旅客运输业务

    Water transportation refers to the transportation business of carrying cargoes or passengers through rivers, lakes and streams and other natural and artificial water courses or sea lanes.


  • 美国神经心理药理学大学。神经心理药理学领域包括天然人工合成化合物思维人类行为方面作用评估

    American College of neuropsychopharmacology. The field of neuropsychopharmacology involves the evaluation of the effects of natural and synthetic compounds upon the brain, mind, and human behavior.


  • 鄂尔多斯盆地安塞渗透油田由于存在天然裂缝或人工压裂裂缝,造成了储集层平面渗透率的方向均质性。

    Ansai oil field in Ordos basin is a ultra low permeability reservoir with natural and induced fractures, which caused serious lateral heterogeneity of permeability in the reservoir.


  • 一般地势较低区域通过天然土壤更换人工种植植物绿化、消纳面积汇流初期雨水

    Rain Court usually built in low-lying areas, through the replacement of natural soil or artificial soil and planting green plants, small area elimination on the convergence of the initial rain.


  • 很多认为天然的”东西本身人工的”人造的”东西好。

    Many people believe that natural" things are inherently better than "artificial" or "man-made" things."


  • 饮料可用天然甜味剂人工甜味剂、组合加以增甜。

    The beverage may be sweetened with natural sweeteners, artificial sweeteners, or combinations thereof.


  • 弹性刚性刚性纤丝覆盖天然人工合成纤维可以生产出包

    Core spun yarn is produced by covering an elastic, rigid or semi-rigid filament with a natural, artificial or synthetic textile fibre.


  • 宝石荧光光谱可提供样品的珍贵信息可据此判明天然宝石人工合成宝石。

    It is found that the fluorescence spectrum recorded at the same with the Raman spectrum also has valuable information for the identification of the natural or synthetical.


  • 实用新型优点:可固定23)内添加人工天然引诱物,增强效果

    The utility model has the advantage that artificial or natural bait can be added in the fixed covers (2, 3) to cause effect on sticking the flies to be enhanced.


  • 文章介绍了气体液体燃料用于工业加热一些基本特性以及工业加热设备的燃料人工煤气天然转换时,设备应做的调整

    The Author describes some characteristics of gas fuel and liquid fuel for industry heating, and necessary adjustment of related facilities converting from MG or oil to ng.


  • 可以透过看见人,透射进来光线源头也看不见,你不知道那光线人工的,抑天然的阳光。

    You can't even see the source of the light that shines through. You can't tell if the light is from an artificial source or from the sun.


  • 含有溶解无机盐,矿物成分气体天然或人工合成通常用于治疗某些疾病。

    Naturally occurring or prepared water that contains dissolved mineral salts, elements, or gases, often used therapeutically.


  • 新鲜采古法慢火烟薰削成薄片精致而成,风味极佳产品添加任何化学防腐剂或人工甘味,内涵天然DHA维他命天然营养食品

    Skipjack fish strictly selected and cooked by tradition method. It taste great. This product does not added extra pigment, but rich in DHA and vitamins. It is natural and nutrition food.


  • 研究对多种天然人工设计的生物学元件进行了合理系统的组合获得重构天然的“生物系统”。

    Synthetic biology is the synthesis of complex, biologically based(or inspired) systems which display functions that do not exist in nature.


  • 天然制造,不含可的松类固醇石化产品香精人工合成物质任何致癌物质

    Pot of Gold skin balm is a natural product in the truest sense of the word. It contains no cortisone, steroids, petrochemicals, fragrances, synthetics, or carcinogens of any kind.


  • 天然制造,不含可的松类固醇石化产品香精人工合成物质任何致癌物质

    Pot of Gold skin balm is a natural product in the truest sense of the word. It contains no cortisone, steroids, petrochemicals, fragrances, synthetics, or carcinogens of any kind.


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