• 笔者以为生命权是以天然生命平安好处内容权益,详细包罗生命平安维护生命好处支配权

    The writer thinks that the life power is the right that takes the life safe benefits of natural person as a contents, concretely include the life safety maintenance right and life benefits mastery.


  • 研究目的就是大宗动植物油为原料,模仿天然中的脂肪酸组成甘三酯结构,研制乳脂替代品,其产品将作为婴儿奶粉脂肪配料

    The objective of this study is to produce human milk fat substitutes, which mimic tatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions found in human breast milk, as fat ingredients of infant formula.


  • 罗马使用天然颜料刷墙

    The Romans used natural pigments on their fabrics and walls.


  • 胚胎干细胞如此激动是因为天然功能就是分化身体所有细胞

    Why people are so excited about embryonic stem cells is because in nature they become all the cells of the body.


  • 一些认为这些长寿应归功于他们饮用一种明显不含杂质天然矿泉水

    Some people have attributed this longevity to their consumption of a natural mineral water, which is remarkably free from impurities.


  • 稀奇的推测说,萨科奇先生对于外祖父祖国一种天然同情的外祖父来自塞萨洛尼基犹太

    A more fanciful theory is that Mr. Sarkozy has a natural sympathy for the country that was home to his maternal grandfather, a Jew from Thessaloniki.


  • 参与有助于活动时,他们大脑会释放出内啡肽种大脑中天然麻醉剂,能让产生幸福感

    When people engage in activities that help others, their brain releases endorphins, the brain's natural opiates, which induce in people a feeling of well-being.


  • 由于天然免疫力一种新的流感病毒引起广泛死亡疾病社会经济破坏

    As people would have no natural immunity, a new influenza virus could cause widespread death, illness, social and economic disruption.


  • 一系列减税政策的石油开采地使用费这个委员会意识以色列以较低的国际标准挥霍完以色列天然资源

    A series of tax breaks and low royalties would mean, the committee found, that Israeli citizens would do poorly out of their country's natural resources by international standards.


  • 科学家研究发现大脑开始出现过热时,打呵欠动作就充当天然的“自动调温器”,清凉空气进入大脑,使大脑温度恢复健康水平

    When the head begins to heat up, yawning acts as a natural "thermostat" by allowing cool air to rush in and bring the brain back down to a healthy temperature, research suggests.


  • 相较而言,水果汁干制水果富含天然糖分因此能量密度卡路里高,同时不容易让感到足。

    In contrast, fruit juices and dried fruits are concentrated sources of natural sugar and therefore have a high energy density - more calories - and they don't fill you up as much.


  • 1977年阿里·马欧·马阿林成为世界天然发生天花感染最后一个

    In 1977 ali Maow Maalin became the world's last person to contract naturally occurring smallpox.


  • 如果看到任何一样东西粘贴了“天然”之类标签反倒使更加怀疑其“天然性”。因为那会让容易想到,那只不过商家的一种营销伎俩罢了,根本没法确保其纯净与否。

    If anything, when I see a natural label, it makes me all the more skeptical of the product, as it more often tends to be a sign of cynical marketing than any certifiable purity.


  • 实际上使用天然卫生保健品有很多信服理由

    There are actually many convincing reasons to use natural products.


  • 恋爱时,侧盖膜区的细胞产生天然兴奋剂多巴胺,传输多个

    The ventral tegmental area is a clump of cells that make dopamine, a natural stimulant, and sends it out to many brain regions [when one is in love].


  • 比如说很多这样食品标签都能找到对危害很大的氢化深加工(天然)的高浓度玉米糖浆

    Many foods with the label have dangerous hydrogenated oils or highly processed (and unnatural) high-fructose corn syrup, for example.


  • 二十世纪后半叶以来石油天然财富推动下,昔日阶层、海滩商贩们和都因游牧部落早已改天换地。

    Tiny societies of pearl divers, coastal merchants, and nomadic Bedouin were transformed in the last half of the 20th century by oil and natural-gas wealth.


  • 20世纪80年代研究发现针灸产生作用部分原因在于刺激释放出 (endorphins),一种让感到愉悦的天然化合物体育锻炼后的那种舒适感觉。

    Studies in the early 1980s found that acupuncture works in part by stimulating the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals, much like vigorous exercise does.


  • 许多了太多这类不健康的零嘴,但是其它则选择较健康的饮食习惯,有些甚至选择天然”的食物他们拒绝任何有化学制品添加物的食物。

    Some even go "all natural."They refuse to eat any food prepared with chemicals or additives.


  • 俄国加拿大丹麦挪威以及美国这个资源丰富的地区提出领土要求。一些认为北冰洋的石油天然储量可能全球总量四分之一

    Russia, Canada, Denmark, Norway and the United States have all made claims in the resource-rich region, which some believe could hold up to a quarter of the world's oil and gas reserves.


  • 一些相信英语流传下去因为一个天然优势容易学习

    Some believe English will survive because it has a natural advantage: it is easy to learn.


  • 一体化晶体移除替换设备看起来机器设计用来治疗那些天然晶体正在混浊导致失明们。

    This is an all-in-one lens removal and replacement kit, looking rather like a robot, that is designed to treat people whose natural lenses are going cloudy, thus making them blind.


  • 自从听说“还是天然原因者居多”之后,我就再也不敢拼命天然食品了。

    I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.


  • 一些专家认为这些长寿应归功于他们饮用明显不含杂质天然矿物质

    Some have attributed this longevity to their consumption of a natural mineral water, which is remarkably free from impurities.


  • 房地产经纪玛吉·靠近天然区域附近的房价变得越来越

    Maggie Palmer, an estate agent, says that houses near the gas field have become much more expensive.


  • 俄罗斯天然工业股份公司发言新年前夕莫斯科举行新闻发布会上展示了一封信这封信乌克兰天然气公司的负责签署的。

    A spokesman for the Russian gas giant, Gazprom, held up a letter at a Moscow new conference on new Year's Eve that he says was signed by the head of Ukraine's gas company.


  • 迄今为止,威斯康星州名77妇女由于食用了“天然选择菠菜而死亡并且已有23共146发病,其中有些病情非常严重

    So far, a 77-year-old woman in Wisconsin has died from eating spinach traced back to Natural Selection, and 146 people in 23 states are ill, some very seriously.


  • 代价俄国纳税承担不由俄罗斯天然工业股份公司负担因为出售乌克兰天然价格折扣将由免除该公司交给国家出口来实现。

    Its cost will be borne by Russian taxpayers rather than by Gazprom, as the discount in gas prices to Ukraine will be provided by a cut in export duty paid by Gazprom to the Russian state.


  • 迪拜金融危机爆发之后海湾地区债权可能会钟情于那些依靠石油天然这类“实际资产国家

    In the wake of the Dubai debacle, lenders to the Gulf may favour those states that can fall back on "real assets", such as gas and oil.


  • 迪拜金融危机爆发之后海湾地区债权可能会钟情于那些依靠石油天然这类“实际资产国家

    In the wake of the Dubai debacle, lenders to the Gulf may favour those states that can fall back on "real assets", such as gas and oil.


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