• 意思是如果一个更天体运行而不是大的围着小转,不是合理吗?

    I mean, isn't it more sensible to think that a smaller heavenly body would orbit a larger one, rather than the opposite?


  • 计算出天体运行轨迹无法预料到人们疯狂

    I can calculate the trajectory of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of men.


  • 遇事果决,就象天体运行不能改变,就象四时变化不能更易一样

    Govern without doubt, similar to the revolutions of heaven or the changes of the seasons, nothing can change them.


  • 哥白尼美学观反对等分,这是否定托勒密天体运行系统的重要动机

    Copernicus' aesthetic objections to [equants] provided one essential motive for his rejection of the Ptolemaic system....


  • 接下来占学原理中的天人感应、分野理论天体运行规律方面作了介绍

    Next on the principles of astrology in the interaction between heaven, differences between the theory and laws of the three celestial bodies are introduced.


  • 探测器前让苏联创造了一个第一成为成功围绕另外一个天体运行人造物体

    Racking up another Soviet first, this mission became the first man-made object to successfully orbit another celestial body.


  • 如果一个天体自由运行那么凯普勒牛顿定律就不再存在了,任何天体运行观念不再存在了。

    If there is so much as one body moving at its free will, the laws of Kepler and of Newton are annulled, and every conception of the movement of the heavenly bodies is destroyed.


  • 最好捷径寻找宇宙中一天体运行天体与观察者之间,使前者如同经过后者表面,使我们地球上观察到的光线

    The best approach is to look for transits, in which an orbiting planet passes in front of its star, dimming the amount of light we detect on Earth.


  • 在灶神轨道之后的“黎明”号太空旅行中进行一次罕见的表演- - -重新点燃发动机转变方向环绕一个天体运行

    After spending a year in orbit around Vesta, Dawn will perform a trick rare in space travel-it will reignite its engines and head off to orbit another body.


  • 小行星观察网站JPL的有关天体技术化的网站的链接在那个网站上许多科学家研究人员正在研究近地天体运行信息

    "Asteroid Watch" also contains a link to JPL's more technical near-Earth objects Web site, where many scientists and researchers studying near-Earth objects go for information.


  • 发现的这个天体运行轨和任何其他行星不同

    The newly discovered world followed an orbital path unlike that of any other planet.


  • 喟道:“天体运行无法预测人类疯狂。”

    He lamented: “I can calculate the motions of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.


  • 而且我们现在也认为时间普遍存在东西即使所有时钟、所有天体,所有人造产品停止运行,它依然一刻不停地流逝。

    It's also because we've come to think of time as something universal, something that would keep marching on even if all clocks, celestial or man-made, were to stop.


  • 太阳风暴威胁着所有围绕地球运行人造天体包括GPS定位通讯卫星载人航天飞机和国际空间站

    Solar flares threaten all of the artificial objects orbiting our planet including GPS and telecommunications satellites occupied spacecraft and the International space Station.


  • 不久以后意大利伽利略第一自己的望远镜对准天空看到了难以置信景象诸如月球凹凸不平的围绕木星运行四个天体

    Soon after, Galileo Galilei in Italy turned his own telescope to the sky for the first time and saw incredible sights, like craters on the moon and four bodies orbiting Jupiter.


  • 如今有40多个国家900个人工天体地球轨道运行

    Today almost 900 of the things are in orbit around Earth, operated by more than 40 countries.


  • 发亮,可能说明沿轨道运行天体对着地球就像月亮反射阳光那样。

    Brightening would imply that the lighted-up side of an orbiting object is facing the Earth, as when sunshine reflects off the moon.


  • 尽管我们可以相当精确地计算出地球这些小行星运行轨迹影响,但是太空中别的天体运行机制对这些石块的作用很难评估。

    Although gravitational influences on the asteroid's trajectory can be fairly accurately calculated, other mechanisms acting on the rock are not so easily modeled.


  • 路易斯安那大学拉斐特分校天文学家约翰·马泰丹尼尔·特迈尔曾多次发表声明表示,基于周期彗星运行轨道的不规则性,他们发现了天体存在证据

    Astronomers John Matese and Daniel Whitmire of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette repeatedly claimed to have evidence of its existence based on irregularities among long-period comets.


  • 大约7000个已知的近地天体在内行星之间疯狂运行其轨道路径收到太阳重力热量的影响。

    About 7,000 known NEOs loop wildly among the inner planets, following paths that shift in response to gravity and the Sun's heat.


  • 电影星球大战》中,虚构天体图因(Tatooine)绕恒星运行,因此科学家它来命名此次发现的颗行星。

    They are calling the new planet Tatooine after the fictional body in the "Star Wars" films that boasts a double sunset.


  • 这个组织亚利桑那州立大学天体生物学家,保罗戴维斯运作MSNBC称,SETI Post-DetectionTaskgroup (检测搜寻地外文明的任务小组)是在国际航空学院主持运行的。

    Run by Paul Davies, an astrobiologist at Arizona State University, the SETI Post-Detection Taskgroup operates under the aegis of the International Academy of Astronautics, according to MSNBC.


  • 天体物理学家约翰·马特斯丹尼尔·特米尔分析了太阳系内部彗星运转,发现许多彗星运行轨道非常奇特

    Astrophysicists John Matese and Daniel Whitmire analyzed comets passing through the inner solar system, discovering many of them had strange orbits.


  • 照片美国航天局黎明号”探测器拍摄探测器自上月起就在该直径达330英里岩石天体轨道上运行传送团队刚刚开始关注大量不可思议表面细节信息

    The images were taken by NASA's Dawn spacecraft, which began orbiting the 330-mile-wide rocky body last month and beaming back incredible surface details that the team is only beginning to pore over.


  • 太阳系太阳大行星以及围绕太阳运行所有其他天体

    The sun together with the nine planets and all other celestial bodies that orbit the sun.


  • 太阳系太阳大行星以及围绕太阳运行所有其他天体

    The sun together with the nine planets and all other celestial bodies that orbit the sun.


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