• 也没办法避免……双月碰撞属于低速碰撞,”圣克鲁兹加利福尼亚大学天体科学兼本次研究论文撰写者埃里克·埃斯帕格

    This big splat is a low-velocity collision, " said study co-author Erik Asphaug, a planetary scientist at the University of California, Santa Cruz.


  • 也没办法避免……双月碰撞属于低速碰撞,”圣克鲁兹加利福尼亚大学天体科学兼本次研究论文撰写者埃里克·埃斯帕格

    This big splat is a low-velocity collision," said study co-author Erik Asphaug, a planetary scientist at the University of California, Santa Cruz.


  • 近期天体物理空间科学杂志上,物质带有引力反物质带有引力荷的假设进行了概述

    According to his idea, outlined in the current issue of the journal Astrophysics and Space Science, matter has a positive gravitational charge and antimatter a negative one.


  • 就是在关于这个事件讨论重要点,这个天体法则实相科学。。。

    The "Time Flow Program" that I am going to be using to discuss the importance of this event is the New Reality Science of Astronomology...


  • 月球轨道侦察已经传回有关我们这个最近天体邻居大量漂亮照片科学数据,并且美国宇航局已经举办了一些宣传活动

    The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been sending back loads of pretty pictures and gobs of new science about our nearest astronomical neighbor, and the folks at NASA hosted several outreach events.


  • 光线具有大气所含有化学物质印记”雅各布。宾安,他是位于马萨诸塞州剑桥的哈佛—索尼·史密斯天体物理研究中心的首席科学家。

    "That light has imprinted on it the signature of chemicals in the atmosphere," said study leader Jacob Bean of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


  • 此外,科学家利用SDSS数据已经发现近5亿个天体,其中包括小行星、恒星、星系类星体。 科学公布所有这些天体最新精确位置颜色形状

    The latest, most precise positions, colours and shapes for all these objects are also being released today.


  • 像哈勃空间望远镜现代天体物理学影响一样这项任务科学巨大的影响。

    This mission will have a huge impact on science, similar to the impact of the Hubble Space Telescope on modern astrophysics.


  • 地球科学一门研究地球地球周边天体科学

    Earth Science is the study of the Earth and its neighbors in space.


  • 科学估计伊伯可能存在有几万大小超过60英里(100公里)天体还有数量在万亿以上彗星

    Scientists estimate the Kuiper belt is likely home to hundreds of thousands of icy bodies larger than 60 miles (100 km) wide, as well as an estimated trillion or more comets.


  • 提供NASA研究彗星小行星天体任务信息提供了有关这些天体基本事实最近科学研究成果。

    It provides information on NASA's missions to study comets, asteroids and near-Earth objects, and also provides the basic facts and the very latest in science and research on these objects.


  • 天体物理学中心以及MIT有,钱德拉科学中心,所有广播来自那里街对面几个街区之外

    The Center for Astrophysics and MIT are running the Chandra Science Center, from which all radio commands are given, which is here just across the street, a few blocks away.


  • 因此天文学家们正在号召民间科学研究有关的图像从而帮助他们发现与冥王星毗邻的极天体

    Because astronomers are calling on citizen scientists to eyeball images that will help them find the outermost icy bodies in Pluto's neighborhood.


  • 小行星观察网站JPL的有关天体技术化的网站的链接在那个网站上许多科学研究人员正在研究近地天体运行信息

    "Asteroid Watch" also contains a link to JPL's more technical near-Earth objects Web site, where many scientists and researchers studying near-Earth objects go for information.


  • 2005年对土天体探测飞行中,科学家们期待利用美国宇航局的卡西尼宇宙飞船月球表面拦截粒子地方观察读数下降

    During a 2005 flyby of Rhea, scientists working with NASA's Cassini spacecraft expected to see a dip in their readings where the moon's surface intercepted the particles.


  • 广谱红外勘测探索卫星(简称智慧”)于2009年发射升空,已检测了超过500个天体其中123个属于新的科学发现。

    Wise, the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer launched in 2009, examined more than 500 Near-Earth Objects (NEOs), 123 of which were new to science.


  • 我们黑洞爆炸超新星极端天体物理学令人难以置信能量联系起来,所以很显然科学家们不能实验室真正地把它们制造出来。

    We associate black holes, Big Bangs and supernovae with extreme astrophysics and mind-boggling destructive energies, so obviously scientists can't really build the genuine article in a lab.


  • 科学家们希望此次发现能够帮助人们预防外来天体毁灭性撞击

    Scientists hope its discovery will help determine the risks of further potentially catastrophic impacts.


  • 无论如何,科学第一柯伊伯天体发现这种表面特征

    Either way, it's the first time astronomers have observed this kind of surface detail on an object in the Kuiper Belt.


  • 方法已经获得极大成功Provencal说,它羽翼未丰星震科学带入了恒星天体物理学前沿

    The approach, which has been extremely successful, according to Provencal, has placed the fledgling science of "star quakes" at the forefront of stellar astrophysics.


  • 然而鉴于现代科学全球化今天天体物理学家花费相当的时间去设法对抗机场杂音。

    Given the global nature of modern science, however, today's astrophysicists often spend just as much time confronting the cacophony of the airport.


  • 本周早些时候,加天体生物学中心研究员钱德拉·威(ChandraWickramasinghe暗示非典病毒甚至可能来自太空但是这种观点并不科学家们所认同。

    Earlier this week, Chandra Wickramasinghe, of Cardiff's Centre for Astrobiology, suggested the Sars virus may even have fallen to Earth from space, but this is not a view widely shared by scientists.


  • 电影星球大战》中,虚构天体图因(Tatooine)绕恒星运行,因此科学它来命名此次发现的颗行星。

    They are calling the new planet Tatooine after the fictional body in the "Star Wars" films that boasts a double sunset.


  • 许多科学现在相信在外太空某些天体生命体存在

    Many scientists now believe that there are some worlds in outer space having animate beings.


  • 用天文学方法研究地球各种运动状态及其力学机制学科天体测量学与地学交叉科学

    Study on the earth with a variety of astronomical state of motion and mechanical mechanisms of disciplines, is astrometry intersection of science and earth science.


  • 虽然一度被视为非主流科学问题,天体生物学成为正式的研究领域

    Though once considered outside the mainstream of scientific inquiry, astrobiology has a formalized field of study.


  • 天文学是一门有关天体科学

    The science of astronomy relates to heavenly bodies.


  • 天文学研究太阳月亮星星其他天体科学

    Astronomy is the scientific study of the sun, moon, and stars and other heaven bodies.


  • 天文学研究太阳月亮星星其他天体科学

    Astronomy is the scientific study of the sun, moon, and stars and other heaven bodies.


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