• 虽然社会学成为门学科在一个世纪就已出现了,并且这种大量出现理想化(构想)有助于在感召力领域集团心理学领域的科学研究

    Sociology was not yet a discipline, but before the century was out, mass idealisation of this sort would lend itself to the scientific study of charisma and group psychology.


  • 劳合社集团希望顾客不再接受供应商例如产权交易工厂部分占有他们业务同时支付大量转介的公司。

    Lloyds Group wish instead for their customers to use volume providers such as 'conveyancing factories' who in part obtain their business by paying large referral fees.


  • 近年来,拉丁美洲贩毒集团通过非洲西部传输了大量可卡因,这使得经由撒哈拉路径获得的利润尤为丰厚。

    In recent years Latin American drug gangs have been funnelling a lot of cocaine through west Africa, making the trans-Saharan route far more lucrative.


  • 严格XMI对象管理集团OMG对象设施MOF)”模型大量装入器、保存以及模式映射进行序列化

    Strictly speaking, XMI functions to serialize mappings from Object Management Group (OMG) Meta Object Facility (MOF) models to a variety of loaders, savers, and schemas.


  • 保险业巨头美国国际集团(aig)当时持有大量CDS空头头寸违约风险迫在眉睫。

    AIG, the insurance giant, was carrying a large short position in CDS and faced imminent default.


  • 波士顿咨询集团Pierre Pour query认为考虑基金面对上升赎回保证金要求波冲击的受害者可能来自持有大量期合约的对冲基金倒闭。

    The next shock could be the failure of a hedge fund with a big swap book, given the spike in redemptions and margin calls many funds face, thinks Pierre Pourquery of the Boston Consulting Group.


  • 中国经济奇迹催生了大量百万美元级的富翁,人数估计有35万,促使全球财富管理集团都在谋划进入市场

    China's economic miracle has produced an estimated 350,000 dollar millionaires, prompting wealth management groups around the world to plot market entry.


  • 国家仪器公司花旗集团生产健康器械的St.Jude医疗公司淡定的决定在未来几年大量增加槟榔屿的职员总数

    National Instruments, Citigroup and health-equipment company St. Jude Medical are all poised to significantly increase their Penang headcounts over the next few years.


  • 去年简氏防卫顾问集团总裁Roy F.Schwitters便曾经警告称:“目前的技术水平还无法实时处理大量侦察数据随着侦察机部署量的增加,这种差距所带来的不良后果将越来越明显。”

    Last year, chairman of the JASON Defense Advisory Group Roy F. Schwitters warned that “analysts are not currently equipped to cope with gobs of data and parse them in real time.


  • 关于花旗集团本周裁员五万两千)的研究表明之前落后现金储备公司现在远远胜过债台高筑的企业(指在金融危机之前不保持大量现金储备的公司)。

    A study, aptly from Citigroup (which axed 52,000 people this week), shows cash hoarders now outperforming indebted firms, having lagged before.


  • 大量资金银行那些需要股权或者处于重组的银行那里购买资产(例如花旗集团苏格兰皇家银行)。

    Banks that have lots of capital will buy assets from Banks that need equity or are still in the process of rebuilding themselves (for example, Citigroup or the Royal bank of Scotland).


  • 鉴于花旗集团贷款帐面风险比例需要显著提高即便可能会给银行第四财季业绩带来巨大亏空,因此大量损耗银行资本

    Given the risk in Citi's loan book, that ratio needs to rise even though taking it higher could eat a massive hole in fourth-quarter earnings, and thus deplete its capital.


  • 海沃德表示回到BP公司位于伦敦西区·詹姆斯广场的总部不无道理特别是集团由于之前裁员而产生大量空闲办公空间的时候。

    The move back to BP's corporate headquarters at St James's Square in London's West End made sense, particularly when the group was sitting on spare office space due to earlier cutbacks, said Hayward.


  • 抱怨道拉丁美洲大量来自巴尔干半岛的犯罪集团

    There are plenty of Balkan gangs operating in Latin America, he lamented.


  • 伯纳德·阿诺正在创建世界最大奢侈品集团成为法国富有的已经为了吞并那些庞大的家族企业做了大量工作

    ON HIS way to creating the world's biggest luxury group and becoming the richest man in France, Bernard Arnault has made a career of swallowing grand, family-owned businesses.


  • 丑闻导致大量高级警官国际新闻集团高管辞职

    The scandal has led to the resignation of a number of senior police officers and executives at News International.


  • 集团为了摧毁写字楼产权置业,然而签订协议之前最开始是疯狂寻找买家购买被收购方大量产权,但楼市不久就出现暴跌之后这样就让黑石集团免受大量损失。

    Set on breaking up EOP, it frantically sought buyers for many of the properties before going ahead with the deal, thus insulating Blackstone when the property market plunged shortly after.


  • 八国集团新的债务免除建议若干国家提供了一个机会HIV/艾滋病重新分配大量资源

    The new G-8 debt relief proposal provides an opportunity for several countries to reallocate significant resources to HIV/AIDS.


  • 上个月MySpace搜索巨擎Google达成协议未来年中允许GoogleMySpace以及新闻集团旗下其他网站上出售大量广告空间

    Last month MySpace made a deal allowing Google, an internet-search giant, to sell a big chunk of AD space on MySpace and on News Corp's other websites over the next three years.


  • 年前非洲甚至不在我们视线内,如今我们发现那里涌现出大量机会。”百盛集团董事长首席执行官大卫·诺瓦克

    "Africa wasn't even on our radar screen 10 years ago, but now we see it exploding with opportunity," says David Novak, Yum's chairman and chief executive officer.


  • 现在印度公司拥有英国西北部大量工业靠近哈利伍德Stanlow石油精炼厂今年早些时候印度埃莎集团收购

    Today Indian firms own large chunks of Britain’s old industrial north-west. The Stanlow oil refinery close to Halewood was bought earlier this year by Essar, an Indian conglomerate.


  • 这家超大型跨国集团拥有德比尔斯钻石公司De Beers)的大量股份

    The vast multinational also owns a big stake in the De Beers diamond business.


  • 成功之后开除集团高层主管裁汰大量员工

    After he succeeded, he fired the top executives and laid off many employees.


  • 这种设计的独特重要集团方面团队一流工作领先的项目一起大量经验

    A unique and important aspect of this design group is that the team have a huge amount of experience of working together on class-leading projects.


  • 这种设计的独特重要集团方面团队一流工作领先的项目一起大量经验

    A unique and important aspect of this design group is that the team have a huge amount of experience of working together on class-leading projects.


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