• 核电站工作人员受到大量辐射

    Workers at the nuclear plant were exposed to high doses of radiation.


  • 来自太空各种宇宙射线通过空气进入大气层,来自太阳大量辐射屏蔽了。

    Cosmic rays of various kinds come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are screened off.


  • 颗星亮度增加了30%释放大量辐射

    The star grew 30% brighter and threw off huge amounts of radiation.


  • 太阳耀斑一种剧烈太阳爆发活动,可空间中释放大量辐射

    Flares are intense explosions on the Sun that blast radiation into space.


  • 产生大量辐射微尘的产生大量长期放射性下降物的。

    Producing a very great amount of long-lived radioactive fallout.


  • 这些气体大气停留多年吸收大量辐射比重计算得出,比二氧化碳影响很多

    These stay in the atmosphere for years, absorb a lot of radiation and, weight for weight, have many times the impact of carbon dioxide.


  • 反应堆核心合金燃料融化时,需要2,200摄氏度高温同时释放大量辐射微粒

    This is when the uranium and the zircalloy fuel rods at the heart of the reactor melt. It occurs at temperatures above 2, 200c, releasing highly radioactive particles.


  • 反应堆核心合金燃料融化时,需要2,200摄氏度高温同时释放大量辐射微粒

    This is when the uranium and the zircalloy fuel rods at the heart of the reactor melt. It occurs at temperatures above 2,200c, releasing highly radioactive particles.


  • 无线电开始传输大量信息,都是关于卫星轨道路径探测到辐射以及陨石存在

    Its radio begins to transmit an astonishing amount of information about the satellite's orbital path, the amount of radiation it detects, and the presence of meteorites.


  • 本周发现大量放射性以及核电站附近水域升高的辐射水平显示了:对于重新控制局势当局还有长的路要走

    This week the discovery of large pools of highly radioactive water and raised levels of radiation in seawater near the plant has shown how far the authorities really are from regaining control.


  • 原子不会动能形式释放能量而是通过大量电磁辐射释放。

    The atoms do not release the energy as kinetic energy but release it in the form of large amounts of electromagnetic radiation.


  • 每天邻居SUV大气中排放大量二氧化碳其他污染气体,吸收太阳辐射导致大气层升温

    Every day your neighbor's SUV is spewing carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the air, trapping the sun's radiation and heating up the atmosphere.


  • 大约240,000清理反应堆方圆30公里之内地区进行大量清理活动受到最高剂量辐射

    About 240 000 liquidators received the highest radiation doses while conducting major mitigation activities within the 30 km zone around the reactor.


  • NASA(北美航天局)警告称,太阳磁能循环可能2013年左右达到顶峰大量黑子耀斑出现,将会导致辐射强度急剧增大。

    Nasa has warned that a peak in the sun's magnetic energy cycle and the number of sun spots or flares around 2013 could generate huge radiation levels.


  • 南极天文台三大观测宇宙天文台之一,旨在检测由宇宙大爆炸而产生的大量存在于微光辐射中的扭曲现象,利用天文望远镜对宇宙射线背景进行筛选,再利用星系群的特点确定一个,即宇宙射线穿过气体时会产生轻微混乱,混乱的一刻就是所的那个点。

    The telescopes sift through the background cosmic radiation to find spots where it has been slightly perturbed as it passes through extremely hot gas, a hallmark characteristic of galaxy clusters.


  • 近年来,科学家利用大量粒子加速器或者同步加速器产生辐射剂量,从而不断地提升X光射线能量

    In recent years, scientists have been scaling up the power of the X-ray, using massive particle accelerators or synchrotrons to deliver much larger radiation doses.


  • 水星发送任务除飞行伴随着太阳辐射或者浪费非常大量燃料较正针对太阳引力的影响

    Send a mission to Mercury and you risk frying it with solar radiation or wasting tremendous amounts of fuel to correct against the influence of solar gravity.


  • 当然这些云气恒星辐射塑造成的,这些恒星风和辐射来自星云新诞生梅洛15星团大量炽热恒星

    Of course, the clouds are sculpted by stellar winds and radiation from massive hot stars in the nebula's newborn star cluster, Melotte 15.


  • 通过辐射光谱取样研究人员发现行星的大气层中一氧化碳甲烷形式存在着大量碳元素

    By taking the spectrum of heat radiating from the planet, the researchers found that the planet's atmosphere was loaded with carbon, in the form of carbon monoxide and methane.


  • 放射性破坏其中一种方式产生氧化分子所以大量类胡萝卜素供给免受辐射之害

    One of the ways that radiation causes harm is by generating molecules that promote oxidation, so a good supply of carotenoids protects against such damage.


  • 与此同时常规电源重启冷却系统计划也碰到了难题,因为这样做势必电缆架涡轮机房中,而涡轮机房中也发现大量辐射积水

    Meanwhile, plans to use regular power to restart the cooling system hit a roadblock when it turned out that cables had to be laid through turbine buildings flooded with the contaminated water.


  • 也就是说一次释放辐射可能会增加,如果2单元情况变得更,很可能出现一次大量辐射释放。

    That said, there is every likelihood of further releases-and it is impossible completely to rule out large ones if the situation at unit two worsens.


  • 有些因素可能会增加患白血病风险比如暴露大量辐射工作中接触某些化学物质

    Some things may increase your risk, such as being exposed to large amounts of radiation and being exposed to certain chemicals at work, such as benzene.


  • 物质吸导致的Ia超新星会在爆发产生大量X射线辐射

    A Type 1a supernova caused by accreting material produces significant X-ray emission prior to the explosion.


  • 整个喜马拉雅冰川同样吸收辐射大量尘埃其它空气中的污染物可能掩盖了黑碳的影响。 “北极地区基本上距离尘埃污染源非常远,冰雪很洁净,因此影响就特别大。”

    Over Himalayan glaciers, large amounts of dust -- which also absorb radiation -- and other pollutants in the air may dampen the effect.


  • 整个喜马拉雅冰川同样吸收辐射大量尘埃其它空气中的污染物可能掩盖了黑碳的影响。 “北极地区基本上距离尘埃污染源非常远,冰雪很洁净,因此影响就特别大。”

    Over Himalayan glaciers, large amounts of dust -- which also absorb radiation -- and other pollutants in the air may dampen the effect.


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