• 生殖力大量繁殖能力

    Fecundity is the ability to reproduce in large numbers.


  • 病毒大脑大量繁殖同时几乎所有动物都开始表现狂犬病的早期征兆。

    Also at this time, after the virus has multiplied in the brain, almost all animals begin to show the first signs of rabies.


  • 为了使大量繁殖浮游生物形象得到增强必须使一波段的正片记录曝光过量。

    It was necessary to overexpose this positive record in order to enhance the presence of the Plankton bloom.


  • 反而是,我们以往更多地到遭受海岸盲区由于“富氮化”而使藻类大量繁殖影响。

    Instead we suffer ever more coastal "dead zones" overrun by nitrogen-fed algal blooms.


  • 这种潜水大量繁殖的紫微生物发现涂料可以利用太阳光二氧化碳转化为碳化合物然后细菌使用这些碳水化合物作为能量

    The pigment, found in purple microorganisms that thrive in shallow water, harnesses sunlight to convert carbon dioxide to carbohydrates, which the bacteria then uses for energy.


  • 然后大约100年前,出现了大型商用养鸡厂,很多公司寻找能够大量繁殖鸡种。 “最适合食用的鸡,事实证明,考尼什鸡最合适。

    Then, about a century ago, large commercial chicken farming began, and companies looked for breeds that would be well-suited to mass production.


  • 剩下不足以大量繁殖

    Not enough fish are left to reproduce in large number.


  • 由于昆虫每年可以繁殖产生大量后代许多种类的昆虫通常迅速适应环境变化

    Because they can reproduce several times each year and produce large numbers of offspring, many insect species can generally adapt quickly to changes in their environment.


  • 这些寿命短的植物大量繁殖;也就是说,它们母株周围持续提供着“种子”。

    These very short-lived plants reproduce prolifically; that is to say they provide a constant rain of seed in the neighborhood of parent plants.


  • 浮游生物通常海洋表面附近某些氮化合物浓度足够区域大量繁殖海洋表面正是浮游生物生存的地方。

    Plankton generally thrive in areas of the ocean with sufficient concentrations of certain nitrogen compounds near the surface, where plankton live.


  • 鸭子大量地方觅食繁殖鸟类几十年来由于干旱它们栖息地一直在缩小

    Ducks are birds that feed and breed in areas where there is a lot of water, but their habitats have been shrinking in recent decades because of the droughts.


  • 欧亚水草一种属于弗里达杂草自从意外引进后,就大量繁殖

    Eurasian watermilfoil, a weed not native to Frida Lake, has reproduced prolifically since being accidentally introduced there.


  • 一旦毛虫摄入蛋白质小球就会溶解释放出数以千计病毒病毒粒子,大约周后这些病毒就大量繁殖足以填满整个体腔

    Once ingested by a caterpillar, the protein globule dissolves, releasing thousands of viruses, or virions, that after about two weeks multiply enough to fill the entire body cavity.


  • 据英国国民托管组织的自然保育专家马修·奥茨解释说,“春天来得太早很多物种其实是个灾难,因为它们繁殖太早,后代就容易受到突如其来寒潮降雨影响。 寒冷的冬天动物能够正常冬眠,而温暖的春天和早早到来的夏天为昆虫创造了理想的环境来大量繁殖,并进而保证了秋天果园、树林和灌木丛里各种浆果的大丰收。”

    He said that very early springs can prove disastrous for species who breed too early making their offspring susceptible to unexpected cold or wet snaps later in the season.


  • 这种休眠细胞不会自己制造大量蛋白质因此病毒无法介入蛋白质生产过程——它们就是借此繁殖

    Such cells on sabbatical do not churn out many proteins of their own, so the virus cannot hijack the protein-manufacturing process—which is how it reproduces.


  • 蚊子所谓的“容器繁殖”昆虫,城市废弃物垃圾容器包括储存家庭用水的容器中的积水大量繁殖

    The mosquito vector, the so-called "container breeder", thrives on stagnant water contained in urban litter, trash, and receptacles, also for storing household water.


  • 这么可以海藻开始大量繁殖释放大量氧气进入空气这就是新闻稿怕米诺原因的解释。

    With plenty of phosphorous to munch, algae were off to the races, churning out oxygen that flooded the atmosphere, Papineau reasons in this press release.


  • 既然这些蚊在之前大量时间进行繁殖通过杀死它们所带来进化得多

    Since these females would have had plenty of time to reproduce before they died, the evolutionary pressure imposed by killing them would be much lower.


  • 繁殖时一直延续行为因为昆虫疾病总是在进化气候也在不断的变化,所以我们尝试繁殖大量农作物,比如抗干和耐热的农作物。

    Breeding is an ongoing activity because pests and diseases are always evolving and the climate is changing. We're always trying to make more productive, drought-tolerant and heat-resistant crops.


  • 两种情况下阑尾里面细菌大量繁殖,于是阑尾就燃了——发炎、肿胀、积聚汁。如果没有及时治疗,发炎的阑尾可能会破裂。

    In both cases, bacteria inside the appendix multiply rapidly, causing the appendix to become inflamed, swollen and filled with pus. If not treated promptly, the appendix can rupture.


  • 藻类这些丰富营养滋润下大量繁殖细菌在享用藻类同时消耗水中大部分氧气

    Bacteria consume most of the water's oxygen when they feast on the algal blooms attracted by these abundant nutrients.


  • 主要流域出现污染造成的藻类大量繁殖其中2008年北京奥运会帆船赛海湾就出现过类似问题。

    Pollution-related algae blooms have appeared in major water basins, including just before the 2008 Olympic Games in the bay set aside for sailing competition.


  • 有害藻类大量繁殖鱼类死亡常见原因

    Harmful algae blooms are a common cause of fish kills.


  • 气溶胶云层增加海平面反射太阳光线,让藻类无法大量繁殖从而海水看起来不那么绿。

    They increase the amount of the sun's rays reflected away from the sea, reducing the amount of algae and therefore lessening the water's greenish hue.


  • 仔细观察时发现这些年老的卫士们都是无法繁殖雌性它们的繁殖器官已退化,腹部积累大量

    On close inspection, these defenders were found to be sterile females, whose reproductive organs were displaced by an abdominal stockpile of sticky wax.


  • 兴庆公园发言人梁子斌说:“五月雨水将一些污染物冲入湖中,再加上持续高温使得大量繁殖。”

    "The heat wave and pollution flushed into the lakes by the rains in May are causing red algae to thrive, " Xingqing Palace Park`s spokesman Liang Zibin said.


  • 兴庆公园发言人梁子斌说:“五月雨水将一些污染物冲入湖中,再加上持续高温使得大量繁殖。”

    "The heat wave and pollution flushed into the lakes by the rains in May are causing red algae to thrive, " Xingqing Palace Park`s spokesman Liang Zibin said.


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