• 否认者争辩说事都利用表示全球变暖理论棺材最后一颗钉子”的“大规模欺骗”,造成了轰动。

    Both created a furore with the former revealing "a massive fraud" that represented "the final nail in the coffin" for the theory of global warming, deniers argued.


  • 查卡拉波蒂研究团队大规模数据库中获取蛋白质数据,使用随机矩阵理论分析病毒基因序列,最后发现几组氨基酸突变可调节的。

    Working with HIV proteins taken from a massive database, the team used random matrix theory to analyze HIV's genetic code and find groups of amino acids whose mutations were coordinated.


  • 可靠有关口红销售历史数据很难找到而且大多数口红理论教徒只能孤立的,趣闻式例子作为这一大规模现象证据

    Reliable historical figures on lipstick sales are hard to find, and most lipstick believers can only point to isolated, anecdotal examples as evidence of the larger phenomenon.


  • 看吧,这个理论开始风靡了,因为利比亚叛军控制的东部开始大规模外卖石油了。

    And the theory has gained further circulation once oil from the rebel held eastern Libya finally began to trickle.


  • 一些环保团体认为即使是本质上无害试验,也有可能标志着滑向危险的一步,根据滑坡理论,有了这第一步,就完全可能最终导致全面大规模地应用这些技术

    Some environmental groups feel that even physically harmless tests could represent the first step onto a slippery slope that would ultimately lead to full scale deployment of these technologies.


  • LorenzRahut试验适合大规模混乱现实世界,也适合理论研究

    Lorenz and Rahut's experiment fits between large-scale, real-world messiness and theoretical investigation.


  • 大规模的实验基础上显示这个理论不仅仅是个传说

    ‘But we are showing on a very large scale that this idea goes beyond folklore.’


  • 大规模纵向农场比如图示的"Type O2"设计仍旧理论阶段,一些城市已经表示理论变为现实的强烈兴趣。

    Large-scale vertical farms, like the "Type O2" design seen here, are still only theoretical, but certain cities have expressed a serious interest in making them a reality.


  • 科学家已经对Toba引发现象理论,现象包括它使全球温度降低至使增长数千以及导致大规模植物动物死亡。

    Scientists have theorized that Toba triggered plunging global temperatures that caused ice sheets to grow for a thousand years and led to a mass die-off of plants and animals.


  • 如果石油峰值理论家们正确我们终将面临大规模化石燃料供应中断时候可以通过库存解决循环二氧化碳排放过慢的问题。

    Ifpeak oil theorists are correct, we will have largely discontinued our use of fossil fuels and the carbon cycle may be able to handle slow releases of CO2 from storage.


  • 电力系统机组组合问题一个典型大规模混合整数非线性组合优化问题,很难得到理论的最

    Power system unit commitment, a problem of nonlinear commitment optimization with typical large-scale hybrid integers, is difficult to get an optimal solution in theory.


  • 员工激励始终管理理论研究一个热点焦点由于兼职员工大规模出现,因而兼职员工激励更是管理理论前沿课题

    The employee motivation always is a hot topic and focus management theories study, due to large-scale emergence of part-time employees, the part-time employee motivation is also the front subject.


  • 研究并采用理论,将大规模高连通无线传感器网络拓扑抽象超图模型从而有效减少网络控制消息

    Using the hypergraph theory, the paper represents the large-scale wireless sensor networks into the hypergraph model, which can effectively decrease the control messages in routing process.


  • 按照区域梯度理论应该发生的先发区域边际产业后发区域的大规模转移没有按照预期的发生。

    According to gradient theory early-developing regions should have mass transfer from early-developing regions to late-developing regions, but it does not happen as expected.


  • 方法CHI特征选取粗糙理论充分结合,避免用粗糙集大规模决策进行特征约简,同时避免了决策表离散化。

    The method combined CHI value feature selection and rough set theory fully so as to avoid both feature reduction on a large scale decision table and the discretization of the decision table.


  • 本文基于大规模语料库现代汉语大量存在的类固定短语进行一定理论建设探讨

    This article, we rest on the large-scale corpus, carries on certain theory construction and the discussion to quasi-fixed structure in modern Chinese.


  • 新中国成立这一理论得到大规模实践

    After new China was founded, the theory was largely put into practice.


  • 本文主要研究适合于大规模科学数据挖掘分类聚类理论应用

    The main point of this paper is to research the theories and applications of classifying and clustering which is suitable for large-scale science data mining.


  • 因此研究如何有效地组织管理检索大规模WEB图像数据库未来互联网服务具有重要的理论和应用价值

    So research on how to organize, manage and retrieval the large WEB image database has great value to future Internet service.


  • 针对传统理论优化方法策略迭代数值迭代不能适用大规模系统的问题,我们采用仿真方法。

    Because traditional theoretical methods such as policy iteration and value iteration can usually not be used to optimize large-scale systems, we rely on simulation methods.


  • 目前非二进制ldpc研究较少理论不够完善译码算法复杂度较高严重影响了大规模普及

    However, the study of non-binary LDPC codes is less, the theory is not perfect, and the high complexity of its decoding algorithm seriously affecting its massive popularity.


  • 近年来分布式大规模网络化群体系统协调控制问题逐渐成为国内外智能系统理论界研究的热点。

    Recently, distributed coordination control of the scale networked swarm system has been a particularly active topic in intelligent system field.


  • 随着城市化进程加快,我国大城市开始大规模建设城市交通枢纽,急需相对应的规划理论方法的支持。

    With the quick development of national economy and urban traffic, many cities have built urban traffic hub which is multi transport modes crossing part rapidly and on a large scale.


  • 本文的研究成果大规模复杂环境中的碰撞检测一定理论价值实际意义

    The research achievements of this thesis have certain theoretical value and practical significance to the collision detection in a large-scale complex environment.


  • 它在理论多项式算法,并可以任意点启动,可以应用共轭梯度方法有效地求解大规模线性不等式组问题

    SDNM is a polynomial time algorithm with the Newtons method, so that SDNM can solve large-scale linear inequalities.


  • 研究并采用理论大规模高连通无线传感器网络拓扑抽象超图模型从而有效减少网络控制消息

    Based on the hypergraph theory, the paper represents the large-scale wireless sensor networks into the hypergraph model, which can effectively decrease the control messages in routing process.


  • 本文应用地震子波理论方法云南两次大规模人工地震测深资料进行研究

    In this paper, the theory and method of seismic sub-wave are used to approach the data from artificial earthquake sounding conducted twice in Yunnan.


  • 本文应用地震子波理论方法云南两次大规模人工地震测深资料进行研究

    In this paper, the theory and method of seismic sub-wave are used to approach the data from artificial earthquake sounding conducted twice in Yunnan.


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