• 英国试图巩固西洋地区地位

    Britain is trying to consolidate her position in the North Atlantic area.


  • 天气预报华盛顿周围大西洋地区情况非常危险

    Forecasters say conditions could turn extremely dangerous in the mid-Atlantic region around Washington.


  • 大西洋地区三种行业帮助早期殖民者建设家园

    What three industries helped the early settlers build communities in the Atlantic region?


  • 冬天风暴警告南部大西洋地区中部东北部又响起来了。

    Winter storm warnings are up across the South, the Mid-Atlantic and the Northeast.


  • 75%搜索红袜队用户来自兰、大西洋中部大西洋地区

    Seventy-five percent of their searchers are in the New England, Mid Atlantic, and South Atlantic regions.


  • 拉迪奇逮捕我们朝着欧洲大西洋地区全面融入非常重要一步

    The arrest of Ratko Mladic is a very important step towards full integration of the entire region in our Euro-Atlantic community.


  • 结果德国不再视为欧洲苍穹里恒星了,更不用说在中大西洋地区徘徊不前。

    As a result, Germany was no longer perceived as a fixed star in the European firmament, let alone stolidly in mid-Atlantic.


  • 票价也已经下跌欧洲北美跌幅最大。北美大西洋地区是不是还是有些区别?

    Fares have fallen, too, with the sharpest declines being in Europe and the North Atlantic region.


  • 十八岁期间南部西大西洋地区游历佛罗里达,1968年学校毕业

    Between the ages of 10 and 18, he traveled in the south and western Atlantic areas, lived in Florida and graduated from his school in 1968.


  • IS - 27卫星预计将于2012年12月发射放置大西洋地区替代Intelsat 805卫星。

    IS-27 is expected to be launched by December 2012 and will be placed in the Atlantic Ocean Region as a replacement for the Intelsat 805 satellite.


  • 1991年,哥斯达黎加大西洋地区地震,导致了蚊虫孳生地的环境变化随后就是疟疾病例急剧上升(37)。

    An earthquake in Costa Rica's Atlantic Region in 1991 was associated with changes in habitat that were beneficial for breeding and preceded an extreme rise in malaria cases (37).


  • 这些数字远远低于1995年来历史平均水平当时气象学家们认为大西洋地区飓风活动会不断增强

    Those totals were well below yearly averages since 1995, when meteorologists think an ongoing period of increased hurricane activity began in the Atlantic.


  • 位于太平洋地区度假村维修管理费最高位于中南地区大西洋地区的度假村的维修管理费则比较

    Resorts in the Pacific region charged the highest maintenance fees, while South Central and South Atlantic resorts charged the lowest.


  • 满足美国大西洋地区电力需求多种方式,比如利用东部海岸线丰富的风力资源不是把电厂生产的肮脏能源输送过来。

    There are other solutions to meet power needs in the mid-Atlantic region rather than linking up with dirty coal plants, including the vast East Coast offshore wind resources.


  • 你们当中可能有知道东北沿海地区吧——德角半岛,一块延伸大西洋狭长地带。

    For those of you who don't know the northeast coastal region, Cape Cod is a peninsula, a narrow strip of land that jets out into the Atlantic.


  • 大雪覆盖了大西洋沿岸到内陆数百公里地区

    Snow blankets the area hundreds of kilometers inland from the Atlantic coastline.


  • 自从法航载有228名乘客航班飞机在里约热内卢飞往巴黎的途中失踪以来,巴西法国救援队大西洋的一个偏远地区展开全面搜寻

    Rescue teams from Brazil and France have been scouring a remote area of the Atlantic since the Air France flight carrying 228 people disappeared as it travelled between Rio DE Janeiro and Paris.


  • 加拿大五大地理。 分别是东部大西洋中部区、草原区、西海岸地区北部区。

    There are five geographic regions in Canada, Atlantic Division, central region, regiondessavanes, west coast region and northern.


  • 但是近年来拍摄的卫星图片显示,在海面上,尤其是大西洋南部地区形成大型气溶胶云层

    But satellite images in recent years have shown large aerosol clouds forming above the oceans, particularly in the southern part of the Atlantic.


  • 地区星期五里通宵保持在这样强的飓风肆虐之下,并在同样条件下,它星期六下午抵达大西洋沿海岸

    Hurricane-force winds are expected in that region overnight Friday, with hurricane conditions arriving along the mid-Atlantic coast by Saturday afternoon.


  • 事实上月亮水母到处墨西哥阿拉斯加以及美国大西洋沿岸各个地区都能发现它们的踪迹,这其中还包括人的僧帽水母。

    The moon jellyfish are, in fact, just about everywhere, including Mexico, Alaska and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States. They include the stinging Portuguese man-of-war.


  • 穷途末路非洲人亚洲人每年大西洋彼岸地中海地区着生命的危险,希望能在欧洲的某个地方找到技术含量低的工作

    DESPERATE Africans and Asians risk their lives in the Atlantic or the Mediterranean each year in the hope of finding a low-skilled job somewhere in Europe.


  • 欧元地区失业率上升了不到三分之一相比之下大西洋对岸美国的失业率欧洲两倍

    The euro-wide jobless rate is up by less than a third, compared with a doubling across the Atlantic.


  • 仔细看看西半球时区发现一小加拿大东海岸大西洋出来地区

    LOOK closely at a time-zone map of the western hemisphere. You will see a small area carved out of the Atlantic zone off the east coast of Canada.


  • 受灾最严重地区位于亚马逊河口南部大西洋沿岸马拉尼昂

    Worst-hit is the state of Maranhao along the Atlantic coast and south of the mouth of the Amazon river.


  • 艾治惊奇发现,燕鸥经常西洋可以停留一个。 他推测燕鸥可能段时间捕捉一些鱼类小型甲壳海洋生物,能量得到充足补充后再动身穿越热带地区

    Egevang was surprised to find that the birds often stop for a month in the open North Atlantic Ocean, probably to "fuel up" on fish and small crustaceans before setting off to cross the tropics.


  • 艾治惊奇发现,燕鸥经常西洋可以停留一个。 他推测燕鸥可能段时间捕捉一些鱼类小型甲壳海洋生物,能量得到充足补充后再动身穿越热带地区

    Egevang was surprised to find that the birds often stop for a month in the open North Atlantic Ocean, probably to "fuel up" on fish and small crustaceans before setting off to cross the tropics.


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