• 郑爱强电视节目超级大脑》中的“记忆运动员”,可以小时内记住2660个数字认为这样的一定特别头脑

    Zheng Aiqiang, a "memory athlete" on TV show Super Brain, can remember 2,660 numbers in just one hour! You would think people like him must have special brains.


  • 头脑迟钝时,交替鼻孔呼吸大脑两边带来等量氧气改善大脑功能

    When your mind is dull, alternate nostril breathing brings equal amounts of oxygen to both sides of the brain for improving brain function.


  • 我们知道别人大脑书本里什么知识我们头脑有什么知识。

    We know what knowledge lies in other brains or books, and what lies in our heads.


  • 如果某些研究人员所说的那样,浪漫爱情刺激可以分解大脑中的电子脉冲,那么何不训练头脑在观看无生命人物模拟出刺激信号呢?

    If, as some researchers suggest, romantic love can be broken down into electrical impulses in the brain, then why not train the mind to simulate those signals while looking at an inanimate character?


  • 印加头脑恰好接触储存大脑中那些信息奥托则从储存在笔记本的内容中提取信息。

    Inga's mind just happens to access information stored away in her brain, while Otto's mind draws on information stored in his notebook.


  • 头脑已经这些活动感到舒适了,减少大脑益处

    Your mind is already comfortable with these activities, which lessens the benefit it has on your brain.


  • 尽管进食过量使得大脑呆滞导致头脑长期的损伤,可是摄入的卡路里太少可以损害大脑功能

    While overindulging can make the brain sluggish and lead to long-term detriments to your brain, too few calories can also impair brain function.


  • 事实上需要写作,这使大脑清醒起来,而不是头脑发晕

    I actually need to write in order to get the thoughts out instead of spinning around my head.


  • 就是说可以每天大脑个具体的主题进行一次头脑风暴。

    Let say you could do a brainstorm each day with a specific topic in mind.


  • 除了一切,当我们相信认为的事实时,我们头脑期望影响大脑最终决定。

    In addition to all this, your expectations powerfully influence the final vote in your head over what you believe to be reality.


  • 下面介绍5大提升专注力的技巧帮助大脑出色的集中精力,便能够高效而富有创造力的展现写作头脑风暴以及策略思考方面。

    These 5 tips will help you get your mind functioning at peak performance so you can excel at highly creative activities like writing, brainstorming, and strategic thinking.


  • 阅读时,头脑具体目标然后坚持做。不要大脑变成一河流,冲走你在阅读时产生的想法

    As you read, have a specific purpose in mind and stick to it. Don't let your mind be the river that sweeps your thoughts away as you read.


  • 全身上下都由肉组成纵横交错裂纹很容易我们联想大脑组织硕大头脑显示出他具有惊人的智慧能量

    Pieces composed by the upper and lower body, criss-crossing the ditch crack easily reminds us of human brain tissue, showed the huge head the wisdom he has amazing energy.


  • 拼图游戏。拼图游戏使头脑平静使之进入创造性冥思中它们刺激我们创造力重塑我们的大脑做完成拼接。

    Put together jigsaw puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles quiet the mind and induce a state of creative meditation. They tap into our creativity and rewire our brains to make "connections".


  • 这些星体记忆必须足够强有力的,物质大脑中刻上条大大的皱纹这样醒来时,物质头脑才能记起它们

    These astral memories must be strong enough to make a good sized wrinkle in the physical brain, so the physical mind can recall them when it wakes up.


  • 只要我们常常锻炼大脑,我们就回保持头脑敏捷

    As long as we often exercise our brains, we'll keep mentally active.


  • 头脑大脑比较中国西部文化

    He compares the Chinese and Western cultures to the right and left cerebra of his minds.


  • 伟大的头脑发明创造;平庸大脑就事论;市井小民议论他人

    Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.


  • 迷迭香油具有明显大脑行动清除头脑艾滋病的记忆。

    Rosemary oil has a pronounced action on the brain, clearing the mind and AIDS the memory.


  • 身体头脑放松时知识直接流入大脑记录部分

    With a relaxed body and mind, the knowledge was pass directly to the recording part of the brain.


  • 终生行善,并且训练大脑此刻努力集中精神,让头脑里充满慈爱

    Having practiced goodness all his life, and trained his mind, he now concentrated very hard and filled his mind with feelings of loving-kindness.


  • 如果头脑过热,那么很可能很快打个呵欠根据一项新的研究表明,打呵欠主要原因就是控制大脑温度

    If your head is overheated, there's a good chance you'll yawn soon, according to a new study that found the primary purpose of yawning is to control brain temperature.


  • 核桃就像一个微型的头脑,有左半脑、右半脑上部大脑下部小脑。

    A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums.


  • 发言人讲话时不断点头保持发言人的眼神交流并且身体斜他,以此表明认真听他讲话,这会使你大脑调用听觉而不是进行头脑风暴。

    Nod along, maintain eye contact, and lean into the speaker to show you're listening. This encourages the brain to connect with your auditory skills instead of brainstorming.


  • 科学家无法像《盗梦空间》中莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥饰演的角色那样大脑中窃取连贯的思想但是他们能够利用技术攫取头脑中出现影像

    Scientists can't "steal" coherent1 thoughts from the brain like Leonardo DiCaprio's character does in Inception, but they can use technology to nab2 the images your mind sees.


  • 保持头脑清醒必须把其他事情放下来:让我们一个美好假期开始,扭转大脑心里开关

    But keeping your head together entails just briefly letting it all go: at the start of a good holiday a switch is thrown in our heads and hearts.


  • 坚持学习些有关计算机工艺品园艺任何方面的知识都行,就是不要大脑无所事事。“空闲头脑魔鬼的…

    Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop. '


  • 坚持学习些有关计算机工艺品园艺任何方面的知识都行,就是不要大脑无所事事。“空闲头脑魔鬼的…

    Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop. '


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