• 结合严谨灵活的营销具有十分影响力

    And it is influential because it combines analytical rigour with shrewd marketing.


  • 如果对象属性较多,例如是一张遗留那你应该开启特性,和“dynamic -update结合使用避免太多数据库更新开销

    If your object has many properties, as for a big legacy table, you may need to turn on this feature along with "dynamic-update" to avoid too much database update overhead.


  • 如果希望与 HPC数据库应用程序常用共享内存结合使用页面需要设置 v_pnshm:#vmo-p-o v_pinshm=1

    If you want to use large pages in combination with shared memory, which is often used in HPC and database applications, you will also need to set the v_pnshm value: # vmo -p -o v_pinshm=1.


  • 结合最好公司,在这里真正释放自己潜力

    It's the best of large and small — a place where you can really unleash your potential.


  • 质量恒星超新星爆发中结束自己生命并将重元素喷洒太空中,它们在那里重新结合下一代恒星及其周围的行星

    Massive stars end their lives with supernova explosions that spray the heavy elements into space, where they are incorporated into the next generation of stars and help seed the formation of planets.


  • 中子星一种的密度非常质子电子被迫结合形成中子

    Magnetars are a type of neutron star? An object so dense its protons and electrons have merged to form neutrons.


  • 平均三个星期参与者经历漫长结合边蒸桑拿边会谈、锻炼身体以及服用剂量维他命特别是烟酸日常养生法

    For an average of three weeks, participants undergo a lengthy daily regimen combining sauna visits, exercise, and huge doses of vitamins, especially niacin.


  • 通讯计算机运算融合使通常协调产业工程文化结合一起,放慢进步的速度。

    And the melding of communications and computing brings together two industries and engineering cultures that are generally at odds, slowing progress.


  • 机器人感应器,这些感应器看起来像是虫子结合体。

    The robot's "head" has an array of sensors that give it the odd appearance of a cross between a bug and a dog.


  • 过去经济飞速发展时代,商务旅行家庭旅行休闲活动结合起来曾经是一热潮,然而现在这种做法急剧减少。

    A hot trend in the revved-up economy of the past, combining business travel with family or leisure pursuits has fallen sharply.


  • 不幸的是,该系统当时警报系统结合,因此无法及时通知威群岛岛民海啸险情

    Unfortunately, it was not then attached to any sort of alarm that could let the Mentawai islanders know that they were in danger.


  • 读者看到往往只有文章本身,却没有结合文章背后背景

    The article page is often the only thing that a reader sees and not the story in its full context.


  • 原子旁边庞然物;一堵孤立只破汤罐;一切残渣废物的触目惊心的结合西绪福斯①在那里下了岩石,约也在那里抛下了他的瓦碴。

    The mass beside the atom; the strip of ruined wall and the broken bowl,--threatening fraternization of every sort of rubbish. Sisyphus had thrown his rock there and Job his potsherd.


  • 寻找有效结合组成系统上千个硬盘挑战

    Finding a way to efficiently combine the thousands of hard drives that the system is built from was one challenge.


  • 数字音乐能够目标结合起来。

    Computer Music combines my two lobs.


  • 下载完成可以查看地图离线地图查看工具,你可以结合一个地图图像图像

    After downloading, you can view the maps offline by its tool maps Viewer, or you can combine the small images into one big map image.


  • 一旦计算完这个,就结合3制定整合一张新的表,加上昨天个人费用(以及相应的时间)。

    Once you've figured this out, assemble a new "big picture" using the one you created three days ago, along with the individual expenses (and the hours you spend on each of them) yesterday.


  • PumaAE系统结合有与美国国防部及其盟军用户相同手持地面控制装置控制“乌鸦“黄蜂”系统。

    Puma AE systems incorporate the same handheld Ground Control Unit used by U.S. Department of Defense and allied military customers to control Raven and Wasp systems.


  • 所有生活空间结合确保提供广阔视野尽可能生活自由。

    All living Spaces are combined to enable the most generous views and the largest possible living liberty.


  • 通过应用程序库(App Gallery)相结合开发人员获得免费的、开源可以直接安装的应用程序,帮助他们建立自己网站

    Coupled with the app Gallery, developers can also access dozens of free, open source, and ready-to-install applications to help build their websites.


  • 虽然不是轻的齿轮系统周围,它提供了极好的粗领域的能力结合轮胎而且非常耐用操作简单几乎免维护

    While it's not the lightest gear system around, it provides excellent rough-field capability when combined with large tires, and is very durable, simple and virtually maintenance-free.


  • 无上瑜伽修习成果修行人进入盘、自在结合目标有着密不可分的关系。

    The achievement of Kundalini yoga has close tie with the goal of entering Nirvana and the chance of combining with great king of freedom.


  • 我们打算电视网络长处结合到一起,是万里长征中的,”Friis今天博客中写道。

    "We set out to try to merge the best of TV and the best of the Internet and I think we have just taken a big step on a long journey," said Friis today on his blog.


  • 倾向——更多夸赞更多的磨砺——是紧密结合的。

    These two great trends - greater praise and greater honing - combine in intense ways.


  • 本文通过对量粉煤灰混凝土主要性能研究结合实践数据力求找到改善掺量粉煤灰混凝土的性能,提高实际应用潜力

    This text represents the study on the main performance of HFCC, combining practice data, and makes every effort to find and improve the performance of HFCC, raising their use potentiality actually.


  • 关键词广告之所以获成功,是因为用户广告商发行商有用——它将各方利益结合一起,”Google表示

    Keyword advertising has been so successful because it's useful to users, advertisers and publishers -- everyone's interests are aligned, ” Google said.


  • 三个建筑抛光预制混凝土组成,窗户玻璃栏杆结合反映周围景观

    The three buildings are made of polished precast concrete, combined with large windows and glass balustrades to reflect the surrounding landscape.


  • 从此爱尔兰领主英国国王这两个头衔便永远结合一起。

    And the lordship of Ireland was merged for good in the crown of England.


  • 从此爱尔兰领主英国国王这两个头衔便永远结合一起。

    And the lordship of Ireland was merged for good in the crown of England.


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