• 美国国家大气研究中心已经表示大气注入提议可能会影响整个热带大洋降雨模式

    The US National Center for Atmospheric Ressearch has already suggested that the proposal to inject ulphur into the atmosphere might affect rainfall patterns across the tropics and the Southern Ocean.


  • 美国国家大气研究中心已经表示大气注入提议可能会影响整个热带大洋降雨模式

    The US National Center for Atmospheric Research has already suggested that the proposal to inject sulphur into the atmosphere might affect rainfall patterns across the tropics and the Southern Ocean.


  • 这些碎片本身几乎不含天文学家相信木星外层大气之下云层确实含有

    The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur, but astronomers believe that the cloud layer below Jupiter's outer atmosphere does contain sulfur.


  • 对于第一种方式,在上层大气注入阳光反射盐酸气溶胶一个相对便宜简单快捷选择

    Of the first variety, injecting sunlight-reflecting sulphate aerosols into the upper atmosphere is a relatively cheap, easy and quick option.


  • 美国海洋大气管理局最近一项研究中发现使用低含燃料可以减少百分之90有害废气

    A recent study by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) found that using this type of fuel reduced harmful emissions by as much as 90 percent.


  • 同位素随着大气水循环变化同位素则根据地球床的不同而变化,通过它们我们就能确定地理位置

    Oxygen isotopes vary with the water cycle, and sulfur with bedrock, so they're location proxies.


  • 通过分析白色浮石地球化学线索研究小组发现,“千喷发实际上大气排放大量大约45兆吨。

    By analyzing the white pumice for geochemical clues, the team found that the Millennium Eruption actually emitted a large amount of sulfur into the atmosphere: an estimated 45 megatons.


  • 夏季随着颗粒物污染加重,含颗粒物的数目百分数增加北京市大气颗粒物污染重要特征

    When aerosol pollution was getting worse in summer in Beijing, increasing number percentage of S-containing particles featured the atmospheric aerosol.


  • 近些年来人们越来越重视工业气体产生污染尤其是工业气体中产生大气污染酸雨

    Recently, the pollution caused by industrial exhaust gas, especially, the air pollution and acid rain resulting from the sulfur of exhaust gas, is increasingly drawing people's attention.


  • 植物叶片中的含量间接地判断大气被SO_2污染程度及植物SO_2吸收抵抗能力的强弱。

    According to the content, the pollution level of SO_2 in the air and the resistance of vegetables to SO_2 can be indirectly determined.


  • 然而攻击,食品有机物质大气正常高温条件

    However, it is resistant to most alkalis, salts, waters, food products, organic substances and atmospheric conditions at normal and elevated temperatures.


  • 在所研究环境因子中,碳钢大气腐蚀危害最大大气中的沉降因子

    Among the environmental pollution factors, the most detrimental factor is atmospheric sulfur deposition for atmospheric corrosion of carbon steel.


  • 自由基光谱研究大气化学燃烧化学以及天体化学领域有着重要的意义

    The spectral research on sulfur-containing radicals is of great significance in many fields such as atmospheric chemistry, combustion chemistry, cosmochemistry and so on.


  • 改善大气质量,就必须降低成品汽油含量

    For making the atmosphere quality better, sulfur content of gasoline product must be reduced.


  • 大气专家理论上中国同时削减二氧化碳排放量

    Climate experts say that, ideally, China would cut emissions of sulfur and carbon dioxide at the same time.


  • 中国主要燃料燃煤用户分散大气环境典型煤烟型污染的条件下,加固洁净煤对大气环境污染的治理具有十分重要的作用。

    The captured sulfur agent added into clean coal is very important based on the situation in, China such as coal as the main energy, coal users dispersion and coal smoke pollution type.


  • 植物叶片含量大气SO2气孔阻力回归模型说明,以污染状态进入植物体主要通过气孔进入;

    The best regression models (e. g. Ulmus pumila) of leaf content against air SO2 and leaf stomatic resistance could explain that the sulfur acted as pollutant entered plant mainly through stoma.


  • 湘桂走廊地区大气降水明显富集同位素32S),珠江三角洲地区富集同位素(34S)。

    It is indicated that the sulfur isotopic composition of precipitation of Xiang-Gui Corridor is enriched in 32S, however, which of the Pearl River Delta is enriched in 34S.


  • 通过提高液态效果提高酸性气体的回收率来控制大气污染;

    Reduction of sulfur emission can be achieved via strengthening the desulfurization efficiency of the refining dry gas and LPG and increasing the sulfur reclamation of the sulfur recovery unit.


  • 同位素研究表明矿层中来源于地幔同位素则显示成矿过程有大气降水参与。

    Sulfur isotope studies demonstrate that sulfur was derived from the mantle, and oxygen isotope analyses reveal that the fluid of the deposit was a mixed source of magmatic water and atmospheric water.


  • 矿体呈层状,矿石典型沉积构造,矿同位素组成国内变质火山岩铜矿相似,气液包裹体氢氧同位素组成介于大气循环水和变质水之间。

    S-isotopic components in the ore with typic sedimentary structures are similar to those of metamorphic volcanic copper deposit. The ore bodies occurred as stratification.


  • 矿体呈层状,矿石典型沉积构造,矿同位素组成国内变质火山岩铜矿相似,气液包裹体氢氧同位素组成介于大气循环水和变质水之间。

    S-isotopic components in the ore with typic sedimentary structures are similar to those of metamorphic volcanic copper deposit. The ore bodies occurred as stratification.


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