• 坐在橄榄树荫下

    She was sitting in the shade of a big olive tree.


  • 利亚橄榄球队新西兰支持者。

    Australian rugby league enjoys a huge following in New Zealand.


  • 同时,美国美式橄榄联盟(nfl)也处于相似停摆状态中,这种状况使得球迷们对美国劳动法变得无比熟悉。

    With the National Football League (NFL) in a similar state of abeyance, sports fans are becoming well-versed in American Labour law.


  • 亚特兰八月炎热夏日午后,在这样天气里除了孩子谁都不想动弹卡梅隆召集了20个朋友自家附近的一个公园进行橄榄比赛

    On a hot August day, the kind of afternoon that only kids find perfect for strenuous activity, Cameron collected 20 friends for a touch football game at a park near his home outside Atlanta.


  • 许多南非白人从小太阳玩着各种激烈游戏,一摔跤就要出血橄榄对于他们而言几乎就是一切

    To many Afrikaners, who have grown up playing rough games on sun-baked ground so hard that every tumble draws blood, rugby is little short of everything.


  • 不论是英超联赛还是美国橄榄联盟,参赛队伍数量一定这些队伍的比赛场次也是固定的。

    There are only a certain number of teams in the Premier League or the National Football League, and they play each other only a certain number of times.


  • 概有橄榄球那么主要部分位于右上腹部横隔膜下方上方还有一小部分肝脏延伸腹部左上象限。

    About the size of a football, it's located mainly in the upper right portion of your abdomen, beneath the diaphragm and above your stomach, but a small portion extends into the upper left quadrant.


  • 拉贡戈火山探险,带上山一点负重事先要经过仔细掂量,但特德斯科毫不在乎,他甚至特级初榨橄榄

    On the Nyiragongo expedition, where every ounce hauled up the mountain was carefully considered, Tedesco brought a large glass bottle of extra virgin olive oil.


  • 美国体育联盟里,职业橄榄联盟享受到了体育产业和平相处时间久。

    Professional football has enjoyed the longest period of industrial peace among America’s three main sports leagues.


  • 盐调味,滴橄榄,加入椒。

    Season with salt, a good trickle of olive oil and black pepper.


  • 搅拌器慢慢地加入汤匙橄榄然后调味

    Using a whisk, slowly mix six tablespoons olive oil into the bowl and season with salt to taste.


  • 用户现在可以搜索NFL(美国橄榄联盟)球队选手得到即时比赛更新统计数据何比分等呢绒。

    The Bing team also added a few new features to the generic mobile search. Users can now search for NFL teams and players and get real-time updates about games, stats and scores while a game is on.


  • 将近法其尼,名叫橄榄山那里打发门徒

    29as he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying to them.


  • 将近法其尼,一座名叫橄榄山那里就打发门徒,说。

    And it came to pass, when he was come nigh to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount called [the mount] of Olives, he sent two of his disciples.


  • 来自康涅狄格州森姆斯柏瑞•温尼克把上周日纽约巨人橄榄球)队以41比9比分输给卡罗琳娜美洲豹队的一则新闻报道放进了粉碎机,这场比赛使纽约巨人队晋级决赛希望化为泡影

    Ben Winnick of Simsbury, Conn., shredded a newspaper story about the New York Giants' 41-9 loss Sunday to the Carolina Panthers, which ended the Giants' playoff hopes.


  • 一茶匙的苹果醋、汤匙橄榄三个鸡蛋清配出的护发素,效果让人惊奇。

    You can whip up a terrific hair conditioner by combining 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons olive oil and 3 egg whites.


  • 阿滕伯勒猪笼草(Nepenthesattenboroughii ' s)世界已发现猪笼草之一,叶顶的瓶状陷阱又深,个个都有美式橄榄球那么

    Each of the cuplike traps on an attenborough's pitcher plant (Nepenthes attenboroughii's) is as big as an American football-making the pitchers among the largest known.


  • 从紧身裤橄榄球中后卫一样垫肩,80年代风格没有销声匿迹。

    From leggings to linebacker shoulders, the 1980s was the style decade that just wouldn't die.


  • 总共92次完成“地得分”,成绩骄人打职业赛的全部年头,他是接球次数最多的优秀橄榄球手之一,掉过3次球。

    And in all his years in the 3 pros, a career that put him in the top 10 in total catches, with a remarkable 92 4 touchdowns, he surrendered only three 5 fumbles.


  • 福布斯榜上被标价18.6亿美元,以略微优势领先美式橄榄联盟达拉斯牛仔

    Forbes valued the team at $1.86 billion, slightly ahead of the N.F.L.’s Dallas Cowboys.


  • 这座体育场能容纳80000名观众,国家橄榄球联盟第三球场(位于FedEx球场之后,改名为巨人球场(Giants Stadium))。

    The stadium seats 80,000, making it the 3rd largest stadium in the NFL by seating capacity (After FedEx stadium and the yet to be named new Giants Stadium)


  • 这座体育场能容纳80000名观众,国家橄榄联盟第三球场(位于FedEx球场之后,改名为巨人球场(Giants Stadium))。

    The stadium seats 80, 000, making it the 3rd largest stadium in the NFL by seating capacity (After FedEx stadium and the yet to be named new Giants stadium).


  • 一个牛油果2汤匙蛋清以及3橄榄放在一起

    Toss together one avocado, 2 tablespoons of egg whites, and 3 tablespoons of olive oil.


  • 消化一个油布苫盖内衬污水池,有五个橄榄那么现在开始一周内,甲烷导致油布膨胀。

    The digester is a tarp covered, double lined lagoon the size of five football fields. A week from now methane will cause the tarp to expand.


  • 罗勒保存方法:用干净玻璃瓶盛装,再倒入12橄榄存放于冰箱使用取出,搅拌一下。

    To preserve basil sauce: Pour into a clean glass gar and add 1~2T of olive oil to it, then remove to chill in refrigerator. Stirwell before using.


  • 黄油或者橄榄放在汤锅加热,然后切好的鸡块放在融化黄油或者加热的橄榄油里翻炒,到肉差不多熟了即可。

    Heat the butter or olive oil in a large pot. Place the chicken in the pot and stir until all the chicken is mostly cooked.


  • 黄油或者橄榄放在汤锅加热,然后切好的鸡块放在融化黄油或者加热的橄榄油里翻炒,到肉差不多熟了即可。

    Heat the butter or olive oil in a large pot. Place the chicken in the pot and stir until all the chicken is mostly cooked.


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