• 这确实技术改进早已过时了

    It is an impressive technological improvement but one that is already obsolete.


  • 技术吞吐量计算多重多线程

    The two major techniques for throughput computing are multiprocessing and multithreading.


  • 技术公司盈利预测快速恶化市场对此慌乱不已。

    Markets were rattled by a rapid deterioration in the earnings guidance from two big technology companies.


  • 本文介绍分析技术概念发展趋势。

    In this article the author introduces and analyzes the concept and the tendency of the three technologies.


  • 油田油水井套管损坏石油开发中遇到技术难题

    Oil and water well casing damage in oil fields is a very difficult technology problem during petroleum development.


  • 通过主动式被动式技术可以使太阳能技术得到充分利用

    Solar energy has been put into full application through the two technologies of active and passive forms.


  • 同时介绍电池制备应用时技术关键及一定的解决方法

    In the meanwhile, the three key technologies of developing vanadium REDOX flow cell and the way to the problem are put forward.


  • 虽然这项应急计划可以合理地被认为是一个技术部分,一个技术分包

    Surely, though, planning for such contingencies can reasonably be considered part and parcel of the technology writ large.


  • 维纶腐蚀维纶行业技术难题一直困扰工厂正常生产

    The corrosion of aldehyde condensation solution has been a great difficult technical problem in polyvinyl alcohol fibre production industry, which has been hindering the normal operation of the plant.


  • 足机器人步态综合方法分为参考轨迹法自然动力学法大技术流派。

    Gait designs were divided into two main categories: reference trajectory and natural dynamics.


  • 烧结机尾部破碎机齿冠使用寿命过钢铁行业技术难题

    The shorter service life of single roller crushers installed on the end of sinter machine is a difficult technology problem to the steel-iron industry.


  • 方法开采高升油田的稠油,存在、油层压力技术难点

    Two difficult problems, ie: deep well and high pressure, should be treated in the application of thermal drive to the viscous oil encountered in Gaosheng oilfield.


  • 提高高速数据采集系统采样率存储器带宽技术难题提出补救措施

    The compensating measure is put forward to solve the two technological problems of sampling and memory bandwidth enhancement of high speed data acquisition systems.


  • 技术其它许多信息安全技术一起网络信息安全提供综合的安全保障

    The three technologies together with other many information security technologies provide a comprehensive security guarantee for information security of network.


  • 构建完成5技术平台15产品平台并衍生42款全新产品技术研发体系

    Setting up to terminate the 5 greatest techniques bench, the 15 greatest products bench amalgamation can develop the technique development of 42 all new products system.


  • 分清两者区别联系基础阐述这两技术系统基本框架及其相关支撑技术

    The difference and connection between two systems are described, and in the paper mainly introduced the basic frame and related supporting technology of the two systems are mainly introduced.


  • 欠平衡钻水平井技术面临技术难题井下动力钻具不能正常工作常规MWD无法正常工作。

    The two technical problems faced by the technology of under-balanced horizontal well drilling with gas injection are the down-hole motor and the conventional MWD can't work normally.


  • 技术公司抱怨专利钓饵”,这种“钓饵”公司购买隐而不用专利然后提出诉讼攻击所谓侵权

    Big technology companies complain of "patent trolls" -companies that buy lots of obscure patents and then bombard alleged infringers with lawsuits.


  • 科技环境重点阐述影响电视新闻传播技术有线电视技术卫星通信技术计算机技术数字化技术

    The key technology which affect the TV news communication consist of cable televisual technology, satellite technology, computer technology and digital technology.


  • 为了证明已掌握XML未来Clark获奖之后发表了关于XML当前面临技术挑战演讲

    And to prove his grasp of XML's future, Clark followed his award with a speech on the five technical challenges currently facing XML.


  • 但是此案分支延伸出了Redmond家的院子:专利侵权案打击美国技术公司的事例已屡见不鲜

    But the ramifications of the case go way beyond Redmond's walls, with patent infringement claims whacking many of the biggest tech firms in the US on a pretty regular basis.


  • 煤层钻探是钻探工程的一大技术难题,分析吐哈盆地煤层力学特征、煤层钻探的复杂表现煤层安全钻探对策

    This paper introduces the mechanic characteristics, showing during drilling and drilling countermeasures of coal bed in Tuha Basin.


  • 移动爬虫移动计算专业搜索引擎技术趋势结合,能够从技术上很好解决现在通用搜索引擎所面临问题

    Mobile crawler is the result of the two technology tendencies, specific search engine and mobile computing, it promises to solve the difficult issues faced by current general search engines.


  • 2005年,《广播电视技术成功主办首届中国广播电视行业技术关键词评选活动业界引起很反响。

    In 2005. out Journey was a success in the first study of "Selecting Ten Major Key Scientific and Technological Words in China radio and TV Industry".


  • 整合技术辅以其他技术管理手段共同实现全网安全作者基层银行网络安全体系构建提出解决方案。

    Integration of the two technologies, combined with other technologies and management tools, common realization of the entire network security, is the solution for basic bank network security system.


  • 可能这会迫使丢弃所有数据或者学习新的输入方式,或者放弃目前正在其它技术当然可能不是最好开始

    If leaving forces you to leave all your data behind, or to learn a new way of typing, or to surrender four other technologies you were still using, then maybe this is not the best one to start.


  • 为什么银行没有采用安全技术呢?

    Why haven't big banks adopted the more secure technology?


  • 这一技术应用于医疗保健领域潜力非常可能导致科技巨头权力进一步集中

    The potential of this work applied to healthcare is very great, but it could also lead to further concentration of power in the tech giants.


  • 天他都在想,为什么他不是生来就是一只鸟呢?尽管那只鸟多次告诉他,他长得这么,而且游泳技术这么好,这是很幸运的。

    Every day he would think why he wasn't born to be a bird even though the bird told him many times he was so lucky to be so big and such a good swimmer.


  • VB认为这种裸眼屏幕技术是否电视上得到应用

    VB: Do you think this screen technology with no glasses can be used for big TVs?


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