• 辛树帜先生论中外科学提纲手迹新近发现

    Mr. Xin Shuzhi's original manuscript of an outline of the Chinese and foreign science laws has been found recently.


  • 有些不能干得来还不好说,这样情况下,怎样才能发现聘用日后所如鱼得水的应聘者,不把时间金钱浪费这样的人身上。

    At a time when their very survival seems up in the air, how can firms spot and hire the few candidates that will thrive in Big Law instead of wasting time and money on people like me?


  • 经济萧条使得萨曼莎·酷弗失去了华尔街事务所工作在弗吉尼亚州的一家法援助所找份工作,直到她能够满怀希望的再次投身所。

    When the recession causes Samantha Kofer to lose her Wall Street law firm job, she takes a job at a legal aid clinic in Virginia until she can hopefully get back to big law.


  • 经济萧条使得萨曼莎·酷弗失去了华尔街事务所的饭碗,在弗吉尼亚州的一家援助诊所另寻了份工作,直到她能够满怀希望的再次投身所。

    When the recession causes Samantha Kofer to lose her Wall Street law firm job, she takes a job at a legal aid clinic in Virginia until she can hopefully get back to big law.


  • 波士顿夏博来•何得力卡(Chamberlain,Hrdlicka所的韦恩•李斯利(Wayne Risoli)所在过去一年里所的客户挖走至少家排名财富500强的公司。

    Wayne Risoli of Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, based in Houston, says his firm has poached at least eight Fortune 500 clients from bigger firms in the past year.


  • 加利儿子·安提帕统治之后王的各个后裔统治了,巴勒斯坦各个地区年。

    Galilee was ruled by a son of Herod the Great, Herod Antipas, and different descendants of Herod would rule in different parts of Palestine for many years after that.


  • 成为了旅游景点圣地纪念最后一批犹太人马萨达战败王建造堡垒

    It's a tourist spot and a shrine that celebrates the defeat of the last of Jews at Masada, the fortress that Herod the Great had built.


  • 调查研究公司SNLKagan计算,在2004年到2008年间,成本超过1亿美元的电影相比更便宜的电影,回报电影公司的利润更多

    SNL Kagan, a research firm, calculates that between 2004 and 2008 films costing more than $100m to produce consistently returned greater profits to the big studios than cheaper films did.


  • 屋子没有窗口栗色窗子又一木格的

    There was no large window in the room, and the chestnut windows were all wooden.


  • 使用符号运算方法设计系统闭环控制攻角下失速控制

    The control laws of the inner closed loop system and post stall maneuver are obtained through using symbol operations design.


  • 线性时滞不确定对象参考模型综合出自适应使预估补偿参数逐步逼近被控对象参数直至相等。

    The uncertain object with dead time is taken as a reference model and a kind of adaptive rule is proposed to make parameters of the compensator to approach the object's.


  • 研究具有离轴角及越肩发射能力先进空空导弹初始段敏捷转弯方法,研究了装有反作用喷气控制系统的空空导弹的角度姿态过失速机动控制

    This paper investigates the large Angle attitude post stall maneuver control for the agile turn phase of an air-to-air missile that has high off-boresight capability and head reverse maneuverability.


  • 杰瑞老爹事儿:那些所里一般有多少员工啊?

    Jerry: So Dad, lemme ask you a question. How many people work at these big law offices?


  • 是以土买人,不是犹太人

    Herod the Great was an Idumean, not a Jew.


  • 研究表明,中国城市航空网络一个世界网络,具有平均路径长度簇系数分布服从分布。

    The present network is a small-world network with short average path length and high degree of clustering, and its degree distribution follows a double power law.


  • 研究表明,中国城市航空网络一个世界网络,具有平均路径长度簇系数分布服从分布。

    It is shown that the present network is a small-world network with short average path length and high degree of clustering, and its degree distribution follows a double power law.


  • 我们被鞭子着进入那个千篇论了。

    We're all getting -lashed to the great wheel of uniformity.


  • 仿真结果表明制导机动目标具有较强鲁棒性各类机动目标均有较高制导精度

    The simulation results show that this law has stronger robustness to high maneuvering target and higher guidance precision while intercepting all kinds of maneuvering targets.


  • 趋近控制滑模控制一种设计方法目前广泛应用模型不确定参数波动范围外界干扰强的控制系统中。

    Reaching Law Control(RLC) is an approach to Sliding Mode Control (SMC) design which is widely applied in the presence of model uncertainties, parameter fluctuations and external disturbances now.


  • 第一件任务亚,饥饿狮子杀死尸体回来给欧斯。

    The first task is to ink the, will be a hungry lion kill, and bring back its body to eurystheus.


  • 第五部分,介绍《草案内容分析清民草案》的特点草案》做出评价

    In the fifth part, the author introduces the contents of the Draft Civil Law of Qing Dynasty, analyzing its characteristics and giving an objective evaluation.


  • 导引同时满足脱靶量要求末端落要求,保证空域变轨弹道各段弹道平滑衔接

    This guidance law can satisfy the requirements of miss distance and terminal Angle, thus it guarantees that all phases of the large-space variable trajectory smoothly link.


  • 本文重演三个推论根据探索重演教学法机制、模式、根据和作用。

    The paper uses three Re-evoluting regularities and three corollaries to explore mechanism, basis and function of the reevoluting teaching method.


  • 因此粘性守恒方程组整体时间性态成为人们十分关心问题。

    Therefore, the large time behavior of the global solution to viscous conservation laws has become one of the most important topics in fluid dynamics.


  • 拆除罗巴伯所圣殿建立一个更宏伟的。

    Herod the Great tore down the Temple that Zerubbabel had built and put up a grander one.


  • 传统制导不能满足日趋严格拦截要求尤其是目标机动规避

    Traditional homing guidance law can not meet the increasingly strict interception requirements, especially for target with great maneuver.


  • 台湾的电声企业,主要产品是免提听筒诺基亚索爱摩托罗拉免提听筒第一供应商

    Merry, the largest electric voice enterprise in Taiwan, gives priority to hands-free receivers which make it the biggest supplier of Nokia, Sony Ericsson, and Motorola.


  • 传统的末制导不能满足日趋严格拦截要求尤其是目标机动规避。

    Traditional homing guidance law has been un-able to meet the increasingly stringent requirements to intercept, especially for coping with intercepting high maneuvering targets.


  • 传统的末制导不能满足日趋严格拦截要求尤其是目标机动规避。

    Traditional homing guidance law has been un-able to meet the increasingly stringent requirements to intercept, especially for coping with intercepting high maneuvering targets.


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