• 屏幕显示器,供误差理论课教学演示

    With large screen display, it can be used in teaching demonstration of error analysis theory.


  • 彩色等离子体显示器优越性能成为屏幕显示首选

    The colored Plasma display Panel becomes the first choice of the large screen display by the superior performance.


  • 人们希望PALC证明lcd便宜尤其是屏幕显示器

    The hope is that PALC will prove less expensive than LCDs, especially for large screens.


  • 接待区的信号频道显示一个多画面格式户外等离子屏幕显示器

    The video channels were also displayed in split-screen format on a large outdoor display and on plasma screens in the hospitality area.


  • 相对LED屏幕显示器视频控制脱机控制卡在软件实现需要做较多复杂工作

    Software realization of LED Large Screen Display Offline Control card needs much complex work compared with that of video card.


  • 各种屏幕显示器相比LCOS(液晶)背投机大屏幕电视最佳选择之一

    LCOS (Liquid crystal on silicon) rear projector is one of the best choice for family TV comparing with various large screen displays.


  • 通常来说这种活动上只有编辑过输出信号可以传播便携式电视大屏幕显示器

    Normally at such events there is only a single feed of edited output relayed to portable TVs or large-screen displays.


  • 使个人接入设备技术成为可能同一技术继续逐步改善屏幕显示器(十年前喜欢称之为WAD)。

    The same technology that makes PAD technology possible will continue to proper improvements in large screen displays devices I nicknamed WADs (Wide area Displays ten years ago.


  • 仪表采用国内顶级仪表制造商产品功能强打印机,屏幕显示器,亦可联接计算机组成称重管理系统

    Instrument using domestic products the top instrument manufacturers and powerful. Can be outside with printers, large-screen monitors, computers can be connected to weight management system.


  • 系统屏幕显示器CRT工业电视计算机技术结和起来,及时、清晰地了解或再现操作的全貌事故的全过程

    Combining the large screen display CRT, industrial television and computer technique, the system can display and reproduce the whole operational and acc…


  • 根据LED大屏幕显示器检测标准讨论LED显示屏一致性,一致性涉及因素提出一致性设定统一评价标准的想法。

    On the basis of the LED display screen measure standard, we discuss the coherence of LED display screen, the factors involved, and puts forwards the opinion of coherence standardization.


  • 问题很少有显示器电视机配有这个端口,如果笔记本连接一个屏幕时,不得不用转接头

    The problem is, few monitors and TVs include DisplayPort ports, so you’ll almost have to have a convertor if you want to connect your laptop to a larger screen.


  • 三星电子最近宣布,他们发明出工业界第一个TECOF装置,用于屏幕高分辨率LCD电视中的显示器驱动器集成电路(DDI)。

    Samsung Electronics announced that it has developed the industry's first thermally-enhanced chip-on-film (TECOF) package for the display driver IC (DDI) used in large-screen, high-resolution LCD TVs.


  • 上图显示就是戴尔30显示器拼起来的大屏幕每个显示器分辨率是2560x1600,这样便可显示包含2.4千万像素点的超精细游戏画面,更可怕的是这样的超分辨率下游戏居然还可以流畅运行。

    That's six Dell 30" monitors, each at a resolution of 2560x1600, showing Dead Space at over 24 megapixels.


  • 因此,那些打算屏幕显示器上一掷千金的人们,还需耐心等候

    So, if you are thinking of splurging on a super-big screen, you may want to wait a while.


  • 所有一切都表明期间,液晶显示器可能取代等离子利润丰厚屏幕市场中的地位。

    All of which suggests that, in the meantime, the LCD is going to have more than a fighting chance to topple the plasma panel from its perch in the lucrative big-screen market.


  • 20世纪90年代初期研究人员完善玻璃熔合过程制造屏幕显示器铺路。

    By the early 1990s, researchers had perfected a glass fusion process that paved the way to ever increasing screen sizes.


  • 如今液晶显示器有望向素有屏幕王的等离子显示器发起挑战

    Now the LCD is poised to challenge the king of the big screens, the plasma display.


  • 等离子显示器认为是实现屏幕壁挂电视显示最有希望方案。

    PDP is considered to be the most priming candidate for the large screen TV on the wall.


  • 某些情况下法院采用实时系统显示说明屏幕网络计算机显示器作为诉讼发生

    In some cases, courts use a real-time system, which displays notes on a large screen or a network of computer monitors as the proceedings happen.


  • 两个屏幕台液晶显示器上播放照片

    Projected photographs on two large screens and five LCD monitors.


  • 重点讨论阴极射线管屏幕HDTV显示器设计中的一些关键技术问题总体设计中的技术发展趋势

    This paper mainly discusses some key technology programs during the design of Large screen HDTV Ready and the technology-developing trend in general design.


  • 该产品可以测量温度湿度压力两个精度等级选,此外,PTU300系列带有屏幕数字显示器。还有可供选择的数据采集和(W)LAN界面

    Measures humidity, temperature, and barometric pressure in two accuracy classes. The PTU300 series features a large numerical and graphical display. Optional data logging and (w) LAN interface.


  • WCF160屏幕液晶显示器控制器研究成果,对于进一步开发类似的LCD显示控制器产品打下了良好基础,将有助于推动大屏幕液晶产品的广泛应用。

    The research of WCF160 LCD controller would benefit to develop the homothetic LCD controller. It can also benefit to promote the wide range application of big inch LCD production.


  • 目前商品化屏幕彩色等离子显示器进入市场,因此研究具有我国自主知识产权的彩色等离子显示器势在必行

    The large number of commercialization large screen color PDP to enter the market, the study of our own intellectual property rights of the color plasma displays will be inevitable.


  • 公司重点转向电视企业生产液晶显示器大屏幕电视小型液晶显示器智能手机其他设备

    The firm has shifted the focus of its TV business to production of liquid crystal displays for large-screen TVs and small LCDs for smartphones and other devices.


  • 转换成VGA输入HDMI接口,使PC用户展示自己形象不仅个人电脑显示器可以电视屏幕上,一个屏幕

    It converts VGA input into HDMI to allow PC users to show their image not only on the PC's monitor, but could also be on TV, to have a large display.


  • 转换成VGA输入HDMI接口,使PC用户展示自己形象不仅个人电脑显示器可以电视屏幕上,一个屏幕

    It converts VGA input into HDMI to allow PC users to show their image not only on the PC's monitor, but could also be on TV, to have a large display.


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