• 面对大小客户,高效率、水准、高质量服务我们一贯遵循的专业宗旨

    We have been adhering to the principle of providing services of high efficiency, high level and high quality to every client.


  • 电子迷你期货合约已经成为大小客户的至爱因为保证金要求标准期货合约低。

    The electronic E-mini futures contracts have become a favorite among traders with small and large accounts, as the margin requirements are much less than the full-sized futures contracts.


  • 驱动成本关键变量订单大小类型特殊订单与标准订单等等,而不是在于高忠诚度还是忠诚度不同的客户

    The key variables driving cost are size and type of order, special versus standard order, and so on, not high-loyalty versus divided-loyalty customers.


  • 可以检查客户端的最大大小检查(防止缓冲区过载攻击)一起运行由于有人能够使这些措施失效,因此还要服务器进行检查。

    You can run this check along with a check for maximum size (to avoid buffer overload attacks) on the client side, but because anyone can thwart these measures, you also check on the server side.


  • 每天员工日常工作都要产生大量文件,包括各种形式大小客户电子邮件业务报告产品手册,全都存储不同内容端上

    Every day, employees produce an abundance of documents in their everyday work: customer e-mails, business reports, product manuals - in all shapes and sizes, and stored on various content back ends.


  • 我们一直在努力,大小适当公司同时保留我们有能力全球扩展支持当前未来客户

    We have worked hard to size the company appropriately, while preserving our ability to expand globally and to support current and future customers.


  • 最终结果是如果客户需要环境使用统一页面大小,则必须管理至少2页面大小

    The end resultcustomers have to manage at minimum 2 pages sizes if they want to use a uniform page size for their environment.


  • 根据逻辑磁盘定义客户虚拟内存大小

    Customize the customer virtual memory size according to your logical disk volume.


  • 然而角色却是根据情况不同而变化,如:最终产品的创造项目大小范围设计师风格经验工作流程客户期望值

    That role will vary depending on the end-product being created, the size and scope of the project, the individual designer's style, experience, and workflow, and the client's expectations.


  • 将极大地减少客户应用程序下载文件以及下载内容整体大小

    This greatly reduces the number of files downloaded by the client application as well as the overall size of the downloaded content.


  • 对于另外一些客户缓存大小可能高达20GB

    For some customers, the size of the cache can reach up to 20 GB.


  • 最近的一个客户互动中,发现公司误认为大小越大性能就越大小改得比默认大。

    During a recent customer engagement, I found that the company had mistakenly believed "bigger pool sizes equal better performance" and increased the pools from their default values.


  • 就是说如果有一个用户黄金客户那么您可以客户邮件大小配额大于标准用户的配额。

    That is, if a user is a "gold" customer, you could make that customer's mail size quota larger than for "standard" users.


  • 很难找到一个单一解决方法来满足所有这些公司但是总结了一些方法帮助客户解决大小(估算)问题

    It is difficult to provide a one-size fits all solution for these companies, but I have found a number of ways to help the customer resolve the sizing problem.


  • 客户浏览器能承载数据大小限制对于这种方法的成功至关重要。

    Limiting the volume of data that is combined on the client browser is critical to the success of this approach.


  • 由于客户使用数据各不相同而且大小不定,所以表空间变化很大,会影响数据大小调整规划方面的考虑

    Because customers use different as well as unexpected amounts of data, table space sizes can vary significantly, affecting database sizing and planning considerations.


  • 然而客户服务器必须遵守部分大小以及头部分中字段大小

    However, the client and the server must agree on the size of the header section and the size of the fields it contains.


  • 许多客户喜欢利用DB 2支持多种页面大小(4KB8 KB、16 KB和32 KB)这一优势。

    Many customers like to take advantage of the fact that DB2 supports multiple page sizes: 4 KB, 8 KB, 16 KB, and 32 KB.


  • 客户可能选择利用较大页面大小页面获得更多数据——例如16KB的页面大小可以支持容量超过64GB

    Customers may choose to leverage a larger page size to get more data on the page — for example, a 16 KB page size can support tables that exceed 64 GB in size.


  • 如果更新接近客户大小,那么交换完整客户可能合适

    If the updates come close to the size of the client, a complete exchange of the client might be most appropriate.


  • 如果启用casesensitive那么Samba就会使用客户要求大小写。

    If case sensitive is enabled, Samba USES whatever case the client requests.


  • 改进了运行。NET客户应用程序所需工作大小启动时间。

    Improved Working Set and Startup for.net Client applications.


  • 很多IBMSAP客户不论规模大小,都已经这些产品中获益解决方案涉及 SAP提供每个模块

    Many IBM and SAP customers of all sizes have benefited from these products, and the solutions cover every single module available from SAP.


  • 添加客户机后可能需要增大数据库大小

    As you add clients, you may need to increase your database size.


  • 内存影响客户连接数量缓冲大小以及服务器分配数据库缓存大小

    Memory impacts the number of client connections and the size of the buffer pool and database cache allocated by the server.


  • 数据库大小很大程度上取决于存储服务器存储器中的客户文件数目

    The database size is largely determined by the number of client files being stored on the server storage.


  • 如果路由器配置为将客户请求转发每个集群中的成员那么可以有效地解决集群大小受限问题

    If a router can then be configured to forward client requests to the members of each cluster, then you have effectively addressed the cluster size limitation issue.


  • 这个做法能够有效地降低客户安装程序负载大小提升安装体验

    This will significantly shrink the payload size of client setup programs, and speed up the installation experience.


  • 也许已经发现某种特定大小广告页面页面位置适合广告客户只想你的媒体计划中使用这种广告规模或位置

    Perhaps you have found that a particular size ad, page, or on-page location works best for your advertiser and you only want to include that in your media plan.


  • 客户区域大小调整了,整个窗体大小自然调整了。

    Naturally, as the client area is resized, the entire window resizes as well.


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