• 讲述一个同堂大家庭生活故事。

    It's a story of four generations under one roof.


  • 观察这个大家庭生活特别是观察他们之间的关系来说有意思的

    It was very interesting for me to observe the life of this big family and especially to witness their relationships.


  • 这种舒适循环中,生活节奏影响一日三餐的节奏的形成,从而形成了大家庭一起盛大午餐的习俗

    This comfortable cycle, in which the rhythms of the day helped shape the rhythms of the meals, gave rise to the custom of the large midday meal, eaten with the extended family.


  • 如何对待时代拥抱更加灿烂未来我们需要学会越来越世界大家庭更加和睦地生活

    To cope with such an era and to embrace an even brighter future, we need to learn to live more harmoniously in a world community which is becoming smaller and smaller.


  • 人人和平共处生活一个快乐大家庭线家族》演的那样。

    Everyone gets along well - one big happy family, just like on "The Brady Bunch."


  • 必须谋求和平,其首要原因,是因为和平人类大家庭每个成员过上尊严安全生活条件

    Peace must be sought, above all, because it is the condition for every member of the human family to live a life of dignity and security.


  • 因为包办的婚姻,这个年轻女人远离原来快乐生活大家庭纽约公寓里孤单的度日。

    The young woman has swapped her happy life and extended family in Calcutta for an arranged marriage and a lonely apartment in New York.


  • 现代富裕国家城市生活并不适合大家庭,一些女性发现很难家庭事业相融合。

    Modern urban life in rich countries is not well adapted to large families. Women find it hard to combine family and career.


  • 今天工业社会里大多数核心家庭成员生活一起但是大多数大家庭成员不住在一起。

    In industrial societies today, the members of most nuclear families live together, but most extended families do not live together.


  • 无论有什么需要,都互帮互助,大家庭一样快乐生活着。

    They help and support each other whenever necessary, living happily like one big family.


  • 现在自己大家庭80名成员付出食物医疗生活费用

    Now he pays for the food, medical costs and living expenses of more than 80 members of his extended family.


  • 我们共同生活大家庭中。我们应该学会互相关心,互相帮助,把帮助别人摆脱困扰当成一种伟大的志趣。

    We are living in a big family. We should care for and help each other and think it a great pleasure to help others when they are in trouble.


  • 深深同情女孩不幸遭遇诅咒着那个冰冷黑暗社会,我庆幸生活这样一个幸福快乐的大家庭

    I deeply sympathize with the little girl that unfortunate encounters, and also in the cold darkness of the society, I more glad I was living in such a happy family.


  • 我家就是一个大家庭我们在一起生活我们家人多,日子过的简单平淡并不别的家庭一样充满欢声笑语

    My house is a big family, we three generations living together. Although our family, but the day is simple, plain, is not like other families, full of laughter.


  • 我们人类大家庭一部分,在日常生活中我们容易忘记这点看到大家生活和我们的生活别无二致。

    We're all part of a human family, but it's easy to forget that when we move through our daily routine, seeing people who live just like we do.


  • 宿生宿舍大家庭一份子,自当积极投入群体生活尽量参与宿舍活动,共同创造理想的宿舍生活

    All residents of student hostels are members of the hostel community; as such, they should actively participate in hostel functions and help to promote an ideal hostel environment.


  • 然而实验室就是一个大家庭其实每个人都友善,氛围很温暖,逐渐自在得家庭成员们交流分享彼此生活了。

    However, lab is a big family. Everyone is so friendly that soon I feel I can talk freely and share my life with the family members.


  • 我们认为生来如此的那些我们生活部落村庄大家庭中东西,在那里总是有人能够纠正我们作为父母的很多错误行为,我们改正它

    What some thought was instinct was that we lived in a tribe, village, or extended family where there was always someone to correct our parenting mistakes or help us out.


  • 这里生活了,觉得我慢慢喜欢上这个大家庭这里生活方式了。

    As life goes on, I think I am somehow like this big family and the lifestyle here.


  • 必须谋求和平,其首要原因,是因为和平人类大家庭每个成员过上尊严安全生活条件

    Peace must be sought , above all , because it is the condition for every member of the human family to live a life of dignity and security .


  • 希望在这20中,能够完全融入你们这个大家庭,成为家庭中的员,你们一同体会生活快乐

    I hope that in 20 days, can fully integrate into your family, a family, to experience the joy of life with you.


  • 他们一起旅行时一个大家庭所有成员都可以享受快乐生活

    All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together.


  • 他们一起旅行时一个大家庭所有成员都可以享受快乐生活

    All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together.


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