• 提出“大学概念;初步划分北京联合大学”、同“型”的应用型大学的“大学圈”。对“应用型大学类新型大学建设具有借鉴意义

    Those in the same group of applied universities as Beijing Union University are identified and their experience is of great value in the construction of this type of schools.


  • 大学学生可能还有另一种参与进阶数学手段:数学

    Students in university towns may also have access to another lever for involvement in accelerated math: math circles.


  • 这个超弦理论对头叫做“量子重力学”,于1986年西法尼亚州立大学Abhaya shtekar提出。

    Loop quantum gravity, as this rival is known, was dreamed up in 1986 by Abhay Ashtekar, of Pennsylvania State University.


  • 这个春天facebook敞开大门,让07其他毕业生大学校园的交际中走出,进入现实世界的交际

    This spring, Facebook opened its pearly gates, enabling myself and other members of the class of '07 to graduate from our college networks into those of the real world.


  • 按照音乐流派选择轮换合适主持人,所有粉丝(只是大学电台那种狭窄的受众,或是小小的博客)来说既有可以预期享受也会有美妙的惊喜

    Makeshift DJs, sorted by genre, could serve a mix of expected joys and surprise wonders to all fans (not just college-radio's narrow, blog-friendly archetype).


  • 开始附近的一大学的室内跑道

    I began running laps on an indoor track, at a nearby college.


  • 大学朋友保持联系他们可能供职不同公司从事不同工作,但这开拓交际一种办法

    Keeping in touch with your college friends who might be in different companies and industries is a great way to populate your network.


  • 负责这项研究芝加哥大学心理学家约翰卡西欧博士他说:“我们发现了一种非常特殊传染模式,它把人们逐渐推社交边缘。”

    Chicago University psychologist Dr John Cacioppo, who led the research, said: "We detected an extraordinary pattern of contagion that leads people to be moved to the edge of the social network."


  • 前者一般有着支持型父母更为宽广社交,还有大学学位更好公民参与意识

    The former often have supportive parents, wider social networks, university degrees and a greater sense of civic engagement.


  • 亚利桑那大学打开生物密闭的窗户生物2仍然有利用价值

    The University of Arizona opened the Windows, but Biosphere 2 remains useful.


  • 护肤品牌维雅进行的这项研究发现我们社交21时达到顶峰,在这个年纪我们工作接触到新的同时保持中学大学好友的联系。

    The research undertaken by skin care brand Nivea found our social circle peaks at 21 as we meet people at work while keeping in touch with friends from school and university.


  • 牛津大学一项研究发现虽然人们Facebook拥有数以千计好友不能在现实生活扩大他们的交际

    Facebook might give us the ability to have thousands of friends but it does nothing to expand how many we keep in real life, an Oxford University study has found.


  • 不过现在纽卡斯尔大学JeffYan所领导研究小组发现这样横竖或许网络世界中至关重要

    Now, though, researchers led by Jeff Yan, of Newcastle University, have found that loops and crosses may prove critical online, too.


  • 牢靠友谊觉得有人他们提供帮助,”弗吉尼亚理工大学老年病学中心主任Karena .Roberto

    "People with stronger friendship networks feel like there is someone they can turn to," said Karen A. Roberto, director of the center for gerontology at.


  • 湖北大学社会学副教授张继涛注意到一个校园趋势:学生朋友变小,而所交的朋友则更为多元独特

    Zhang Jitao, associate professor of sociology at Hubei University, sees a new trend on campus: to have smaller circles of friends who are more diverse and unique.


  • 哥伦比亚大学管理生物2号几年里,海洋酸化已经成为气候变化令人不安影响之一。

    In the years following Columbia's stewardship, ocean acidification has become one of the most troubling effects of climate change.


  • 大学的确觉得走出自己舒适大家似乎彼此互相了解,知道彼此都想干什么。

    Neil:I did feel out of my comfort zone when I arrived. Yes, everyone seemed to know everyone… knew where to go.


  • 大学嫉妒心理往往较小人际中发生危害无法计量的。

    Jealous psychology of college students often happens in smaller interpersonal circles, the harmfulness of which is inestimable.


  • 大学毕业先是广告一次开车穿过新泽西州时,建筑家装的热情又重新涌上了心头。

    He worked in advertising after college, but on a drive through New Jersey, his love of construction and home building resurfaced.


  • 根据来自芬兰阿尔托大学英国牛津大学科学家最新研究成果,20来岁不久,社交会开始缩小

    Soon after your mid-20s, your social circle shrinks, according to a recent study by scientists from Aalto University in Finland and the University of Oxford in England.


  • 圣路易斯大学研究表明早餐食用鸡蛋其全天消耗热量早餐吃百吉要少330卡路里。

    A study from Saint Louis University found that folks who ate eggs for breakfast consumed 330 fewer calories throughout the day than those who had a bagel.


  • 22大学毕业典礼上拥抱了你,而你却能否出钱让你欧洲旅游表示感谢。

    When you were 22, she hugged you at your college graduation. You thanked her by asking whether she could pay for a trip to Europe.


  • 称为培育未来娱乐人才摇篮北京电影学院中央戏剧学院中国传媒大学三所院校于本周一开始了第二轮面试

    The Beijing Film Academy, the Central Academy of Drama and Communication University of Chinaregarded as influential incubators for future showbiz talentbegan second-round tests on Monday.


  • 的身份包括商人房地产开发商大学讲师作家舞蹈演员舞蹈工作室老板。他的儿子考基(Corky)和孙子马克(Mark)也都脚步走进舞蹈

    He was a businessman and property developer, a university lecturer and author, a dancer and dance studio owner whose son Corky and grandson Mark followed in his footsteps into the dance world.


  • 想改变这种形象并不容易但是1996年就着手管理生物号的哥伦比亚大学正在尝试着这样做。

    Shaking this image has not been easy, but Columbia Universi ty, which began to manage Biosphere 2 in 1996, is trying .


  • [6]杨承海。鲁西中生代高镁闪长岩年代学地球化学:华北克拉通岩石演化制约[D]。长春吉林大学,2007。

    YANG Cheng-hai. Chronology and Geochemistry of Mesozoic High-Mg Diorites in Western Shandong:Constraints of Lithospheric Evolution of the North China Craton[D]. Changchun:Jilin University, 2007.


  • [6]杨承海。鲁西中生代高镁闪长岩年代学地球化学:华北克拉通岩石演化制约[D]。长春吉林大学,2007。

    YANG Cheng-hai. Chronology and Geochemistry of Mesozoic High-Mg Diorites in Western Shandong:Constraints of Lithospheric Evolution of the North China Craton[D]. Changchun:Jilin University, 2007.


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