• 戴姆勒也许已经得出了结论BMW大众分别得到劳斯莱斯与宾利之后,没有生产转移德国

    Daimler might well have concluded that, after acquiring Rolls and Bentley respectively, BMW and Volkswagen were right not to shift production to Germany.


  • 位于德国斯图加特保时捷今年四月表示,在获得国家必要批准之前不会大众举动

    Porsche, based in Stuttgart, Germany, said in April that it won't make any major moves at Volkswagen before receiving the necessary approvals from national regulators.


  • 欧盟宣布此项决定之前大众德国股价上扬6.9%,合13.53欧元,达到209.55欧元。

    Volkswagen rose 13.53 euros, or 6.9 percent, to 209.55 euros in German trading before the eu announcement.


  • 大众识字率普及德国发明

    The spread of literacy among the masses was invented in Germany.


  • 政客们总是反对面向风险金融家或是底层劳苦大众的服务业,但德国应当得到更好服务

    Politicians often protest that services are for dodgy financiers or downtrodden burger-flippers and that Germany deserves better.


  • 德国大众汽车公司股价下跌2.6%,至113欧元汽车板块跌幅居前,欧洲股市汽车个股连续三下挫。

    Volkswagen ag dropped 2.6 percent to 113 euros, leading a gauge of European automakers lower for a third day.


  • 德国Lidl甚至试图购买一家有机食品连锁超市,但因为大众反对而搁浅。

    In Germany Lidl even tried to buy a chain of organic supermarkets until an outcry scared it off.


  • 款电子汽车原型设计别具风格,MarcKirsch大众(总部:德国沃尔夫斯堡)一同设计的毕业项目

    The electric car prototype is a unique design developed by Marc Kirsch for his diploma project in collaboration with Volkswagen design in Wolfsburg, Germany.


  • 德国保时捷公司优先股股价下跌4.9%,至40.60欧元,此前大众汽车公司首席执行官马丁·温特科恩(Martin Winterkorn)表示可能并购这家911跑车制造商

    Porsche SE preferred shares dropped 4.9 percent to 40.60 euros after Volkswagen AG Chief Executive Officer Martin Winterkorn said it may put its merger with the maker of the 911 sports car on hold.


  • 名为aqua神奇大众车是由21岁的张宇涵设计,并德国汽车制造商赞助场比赛中展出。

    Designer Yuhan Zhang, 21, created the amazing machine - called the Volkswagen Aqua - for a competition sponsored by the German car manufacturer.


  • 大众就是德国的缩影。

    VW’s lament is also Germany’s.


  • 来自欧洲势力蚕食德国汽车出口美国利润另外大众汽车被鼓吹劳动力成本使其欧洲销售利润大为缩水。

    The strength of the euro is eating into profits on German car exports to America and bloated labour costs at Volkswagen's factories are squeezing margins on European sales.


  • 谈到大众使用汽车不能不提这家德国公司大众名字就含有大众使用的汽车之

    Talk about the car for people, and we'd be discussing about this German Company Volkswagen, whose name itself means - car for people.


  • 针对主流大众德国媒体已经问到为什么德国退休年龄69岁,而希腊公共事业员工到55岁。

    The downmarket German press has been asking why Germans should work until 69 to fund the retirement of Greek public-sector workers who (supposedly) knock off at 55.


  • 因此才有了大众奇怪异常决定大幅度消减位于比利时、西班牙葡萄牙成本低廉生产转而将这些工作转移成本更加昂贵的德国工厂,以求更好地利用产量

    Hence VW's bizarre decision to axe low-cost production in Belgium, Spain and Portugal, and to repatriate work to more costly German plants in order to make better use of their capacity.


  • 欧洲车市严重产能过剩,究其原因主要法国大厂,雷诺标致以及德国大众公司并未减产而是打价格战。

    The market is plagued by overcapacity, mainly because the big French producers, Renault and Peugeot, and VW have not cut capacity, and discounting is rife.


  • 传说德国大众汽车公司的费迪南·皮耶是个公司员工冷酷无情的汽车迷,而且喜欢驾驶自己的那辆大众途锐汽车,赶着路上群跑来

    Volkswagen's Ferdinand Piech is fanatical about cars and ruthless towards people ACCORDING to rumour, Ferdinand Piech likes to run chickens off the road in his Volkswagen Touareg.


  • 美国大众甚至亏本销售,这得归因于欧元强势大众德国工厂相对低效

    In America VWs are even sold at a loss, because of the strength of the euro and the relative inefficiency of VW's German factories.


  • 欧宝大众福特这个以旧换新项目当中受益德国豪华汽车生产商奥迪宝马梅赛德斯-奔驰保时捷没有得到什么好处。

    Opel, VW and Ford also profited from the scrapping premium program, while German luxury carmakers Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Porsche got nothing.


  • 卖空大众过程大多数国外对冲基金在了一起,参与一场英美勉强接受、在德国遭人唾弃交易

    Inshort-sellingVW he was siding with mostly foreign hedge funds and engaging in a form of trading that is grudgingly accepted in America and Britain, but is still frowned upon in Germany.


  • 德国大众汽车公司股价下跌2.6%,至126欧元保时捷公司股价下跌3.3%,至62.56欧元。

    Volkswagen fell 2.6 percent to 126 euros, while Porsche SE dropped 3.3 percent to 62.56 euros.


  • Zetsche以成为底特律大众喜爱形象于2000年入主1998年德国戴姆勒奔驰合并克莱斯勒

    Mr Zetsche is a popular figure in Detroit, where he arrived in 2000 to sort out Chrysler, which had merged with Germany's Daimler-Benz in 1998.


  • 我们竞争对手主要ToyotaVolkswagen(大众德国汽车品牌),因为他们跟我们一样追求同样的基本策略——同级最好的家用乘用车,”Mulally说。

    "Our competition now is really Toyota and Volkswagen, because they are pursuing the same fundamental strategy — a full family of cars and best in class," says Mulally.


  • 2009年大众公司创海外销售记录(1,050亿美元),一家德国公司德国邮政一家物流装备公司,它雇用国外员工人数最多(258,000)。

    Volkswagen recorded the largest foreign sales in 2009 ($105 billion), and another German company, Deutsche Post, a logistics outfit, employs the most people abroad (258, 000).


  • 2009年大众公司创海外销售记录(1,050亿美元),一家德国公司德国邮政一家物流装备公司,它雇用国外员工人数最多(258,000)。

    Volkswagen recorded the largest foreign sales in 2009 ($105 billion), and another German company, Deutsche Post, a logistics outfit, employs the most people abroad (258, 000).


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