• 这次批准使保时捷911系列跑车制造商朝着控制大众集团目标迈进。

    The approval helps Porsche, maker of the 911 sports car, toward its goal of gaining control of Volkswagen.


  • 乙醇系列第二部分收获大众传媒KathleenMasterson将会我们报告乙醇资助对我们食物的影响。

    In part 2 of our ethanol series, Harvest Public Media's Kathleen Masterson reports on what supporting ethanol means for the food we eat.


  • 11年来一直是大众电视系列美国科学前沿主持人

    For 11 years, I was the host of the public television series Scientific American Frontiers.


  • 本月的《汽车杂志披露大众位于波茨坦设计工作室项目小队受命创造一个虚拟的阿尔法·罗密欧系列

    This month Car magazine revealed that a small project team at VW's design studio in Potsdam had been ordered to create a phantom Alfa line-up.


  • 越来越离婚率引发系列问题受到大众的极大关注

    The increasingly high divorce rate will cause a series of problems, which deserves great public attention.


  • 特别肖像系列中,艺术家创造了系列脱胎于流行文化大众文化当代精神肖像

    Especially in the portrait series, the artist creates a series of contemporary spiritual portraits which were born out of popular, mass culture.


  • 也是愤怒的小鸟》系列游戏能够脱颖而出,获得大众青睐的原因所在。

    And that's what makes the Angry Birds series a rare game with mass appeal.


  • 而直到最近金融业一直勉强维持成长,除了须应付一系列监管规,还得面对因为金融危机而流失大众信心

    More recently, the financial industry has been struggling to keep growing as it faces a raft of new regulations and a lack of public confidence as a result of the financial crisis.


  • 上海大众为了满足用户日益个性化需求通过开设天窗等一系列改进近期相继推出了桑塔纳2000、桑塔纳3000、帕萨特天窗版轿车。

    To meet more personal requirement from the customers, Shanghai Volkswagen has launched Santana 2000, Santana 3000 and Passat with louver in recent years through improvement of opening louvers.


  • 理性角度分析如果说这个系列作品涉及文化问题应该当下城市文化大众消费文化有些关系。

    From a rational point of view, if we say that this series of works related to cultural issues, it should have something to do with the present city culture and the general public consuming culture.


  • 4美元拿铁带给大众星巴克公司周四计划引入速溶咖啡系列

    Starbucks Corp. , the company that brought $4 lattes to the masses, said Thursday it plans to introduce a line of instant coffee.


  • 水晶系列体现物美价廉特色,经营的水晶灯走大众路子

    Crystal lamp series will reflect the characteristics of bargain; crystal lamp is very popular in the market.


  • 监管条例应该服务于同时创造。证券交易委员会起草系列规则应该可以大众所理解接受

    Regulation Crowdfunding was created for the people and by the people and it is imperative that the SEC crafts a set of rules that will be understood and adopted by the masses.


  • 对于豹,计划要求回归优秀传统远离大众车型例如不受欢迎的X系列

    As far as Jaguar is concerned, the plan calls for a return to its premium traditions, eschewing volume models such as the unloved X-type.


  • 其中受欢迎奥丝的系列,还有美白护肤活性护肤,深受日本大众的喜爱和推崇。

    The best know here are the Hair-Epil hair removal and retardants although the Whitening and Active Care systems also hold a great reputation amongst the Japanese.


  • 系列丛书计划采用英语日常使用的大众习惯用语短语读者体验一次生动精彩旅行

    They will take the reader on a lively and colourful journey through popular idioms and phrases which are used everyday in the English Language.


  • 芙蓉现象捆绑了“芙蓉姐姐系列以及与其相关社会反应大众文化现象。

    "Furong" phenomena are a popular cultural product consisting of a range of shows concerning "Furong Jiejie" and the social reactions to them.


  • 公司正在系列可能合作者设计师建筑商厨房安装人员食品供应商系统推向大众市场

    The company is reaching out to a range of possible collaborators such as designers, homebuilders, kitchen installers and food suppliers to bring the system to the mass market.


  • 基于新西兰自然美景优质羊毛,该公司为大众提供系列色彩丰富款式多样的产品。

    Inspired from our country's natural beauty and superior quality wool, Norman Ellison Carpets offer a range of colours and styles to suit New Zealander's needs.


  • 三国传系列2007年推出以来一直广大众欢迎模型销量更称破纪录

    The Brave Battle Warriors series has been widely popular since its launch in 2007, achieving record-high No. 1 sales for its model kits.


  • 网络传播大众传媒异军突起在促进青少年社会化的同时,对其带来系列不良影响

    Internet communication appeared quite unexpectedly all of sudden among the multimedia. It not only ACTS a positive role in the education of the teenagers, but also makes harmful effects.


  • 时装周期间还将围绕“跨界搭”、“时尚个性化大众化”等话题和“2010春夏流行趋势举办文化沙龙、大学生辩论会、报告会系列活动。

    In addition, topics like "Crossover and Mix Match", "Individuation and Popularization of Fashion", "Trends of S/S 2010" will be profoundly discussed in Arts Salon, Varsity Debate and seminars etc.


  • 紧跟时代潮流的基础上创造出其独特的风格,不同主题系列服饰总是以新颖的款式,流行的色彩吸着引大众眼球

    OM look at the fashion trend and create its line in agreement with them. The collections are always new, developing alwayss different and appealing themes, that satisfy target needs.


  • 紧跟时代潮流的基础上创造出其独特的风格,不同主题系列服饰总是以新颖的款式,流行的色彩吸着引大众眼球

    OM look at the fashion trend and create its line in agreement with them. The collections are always new, developing alwayss different and appealing themes, that satisfy target needs.


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