• 发明公开一种抗旱多营养包膜肥料及其生产方法

    The invention discloses an anti-drought slow-release effect multi-nutrition coated fertilizer and a production method thereof.


  • 如此相互矛盾建议是关于饮食营养的。

    There is so much conflicting advice about diet and nutrition.


  • 去年发表美国临床营养期刊》上一项研究发现睡眠他们睡眠较少同龄人更少不健康食品

    A study published last year in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who sleep more tend to eat less unhealthy food than their peers who don't get as much rest.


  • 可喜这些年来营养专家经过了一个漫长过程最终研究出了什么是我们心脏有利的。

    The good news is that over the years, nutrition experts have come a long way in determining what's good for our hearts.


  • 除了之外,那么话题可以谈,有关营养改善健康,”

    "There's so much more to talk about apart from a word. It's about nutrition and improving your health," he said.


  • 只是找出得做食物营养价值

    What you only need to do is to find out the nutritional values in the food you eat the most.


  • 快乐套餐”不腐烂的秘密在于:套餐脂肪缺乏营养- - -这些才是我们远离最好理由。

    Happy Meal manages to stay unspoiled because it is fatty, salty and practically empty of nutrientswhich, really, are all good reasons to avoid it anyway.


  • 快乐套餐”不腐烂的秘密在于:套餐脂肪缺乏营养- - -这些才是我们远离最好理由。

    A Happy Meal manages to stay unspoiled because it is fatty, salty and practically empty of nutrientswhich, really, are all good reasons to avoid it anyway.


  • 然而快餐营养方面需要的改进。

    However, in terms of nutrition, fast food leaves much to be desired. is.


  • 世界每年有400儿童营养不良。

    More than 4 million children die each year from malnutrition around the world.


  • 如果需要补充睡觉空腹服用它们不要在饱后其它矿物补充品一同服用,确保你尽可能吸收而不是被其它营养分解或中和。

    If you need iron supplements take them on an empty stomach before bed rather than with meals or other mineral supplements to ensure you absorb as much as you need without compromising other nutrients.


  • 相当研究表明改善儿童营养问题应该妇女怀孕儿童期间进行,”

    "Considerable research shows that the window of opportunity for improving nutrition spans from conception to age two," she observed.


  • 现在,援助车队将开进去了,世界粮食计划署已经开始进入靠近肯尼亚边境的盖,那营养不良比例超过了50%。

    Now, convoys are going in and the WFP has begun to move into Gedo, near the Kenyan border, where malnutrition rates exceed 50%.


  • 假如减少肉食,你因为养育活体所植物物质能量营养要比你直接从食用植物本身

    If you cut down on meat, you will be 'saving food', since raising livestock costs more plant material than the energy and nutrition you would get from eating the plants themselves.


  • 常常极端贫穷造成营养不良可以通过当地淀粉膳食中增加富有营养、易于种植的蔬菜予以改善。

    Malnutrition, so often caused by sheer poverty, can be ameliorated with nutritious easy-to-grow vegetables to augment the starchy local diet.


  • 食用富含维生素b12食品例如增强燕麦营养

    Consume foods fortified with vitamin B12, such as fortified cereals, or dietary supplements.


  • 需要休息吃有营养食物

    You need some more sleep and definitely more nutritious food.


  • 曾经患上不轻不重失眠症好几年。不管感觉有,我仍然睡不着经常看着无聊透顶的电视,吃着营养的垃圾食品直到深夜。

    For years I had a mild-to-medium case of insomnia, often staying up late watching crappy television and eating junk food because I couldn’t fall asleep, no matter how tired I was.


  • 有些糖醇营养的,有些则无营养

    Some aditols are nutritionally available; others are not.


  • 营养杂志发表这项研究显示过丰盛的早餐后,然们午餐晚餐会吃下一样的东西。

    The study, published in Nutrition Journal, showed that people still eat the same amount at lunch and dinner.


  • 营养食物点水少吃吃高脂肪垃圾食品

    Eating a variety of healthy foods, drinking plenty of water, and cutting back on high-fat junk foods will help you and your developing baby to be healthy.


  • 这项研究发表于《美国临床营养杂志》(the AmericanJournalof Clinical Nutrition)。研究因实验安排可操作、实验参与对象数量使用经充分验证过饮食问卷调查而具有显著优势

    The study, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, has significant strengths in its prospective design, large sample and use of a well-validated dietary questionnaire.


  • 来自粮农组织数据显示今年世界营养不良人口的数量2008年的915000000增加到了10亿(下表)。

    According to the FAO, the number of malnourished people in the world rose to over 1 billion this year, up from 915m in 2008 (see chart, below).


  • 摩尔瓦将赠款用于1645个机构提供现金援助,孤儿院特殊教育学校幼儿园等,目的是向儿童提供营养

    In Moldova, grant support has been used to provide cash transfers to more than 1,645 institutions-such as orphanages, special education schools, and kindergartens-to provide meals to children.


  • 差不吧,一个营养专家谈话建议根据血型按照食谱吃饭里面就包括了意大利料理

    A year or so ago I spoke with a nutritionist and he advised me on a diet according to my blood type. This includes not eating pasta!


  • 1959年,美国癌症协会发起了一次大规模研究一百美国人的锻炼营养吸烟睡眠以及其它方面的习惯进行调查。

    In 1959 the American Cancer Society started a massive study, surveying over one million Americans about their exercise, nutrition, smoking, sleep and other habits.


  • 这些真菌尽可能蚊子死亡的过程控制得缓慢,以达到释放出尽可能营养物质,这样可以繁殖真菌孢子。 “来自玛丽兰大学昆虫学家RaymondSt. Leger这样说

    "They want to kill slowly, extracting as many nutrients as possible so they can produce more spores, " says Raymond St. Leger, an entomologist at the University of Maryland, College Park.


  • 来自加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校营养科学教授Alyson Mictchell博士解释说,刊登农业食品化学杂志》上的,历经10年的研究成果显示有机西红柿产生的植物化学素常规方法生长的西红柿30%。

    Her 10-year study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that organic tomatoes can have as much as 30 percent more phytochemicals than conventional ones.


  • 来自加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校营养科学教授Alyson Mictchell博士解释说,刊登农业食品化学杂志》上的,历经10年的研究成果显示有机西红柿产生的植物化学素常规方法生长的西红柿30%。

    Her 10-year study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that organic tomatoes can have as much as 30 percent more phytochemicals than conventional ones.


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