• 此外许多国家也通过降低汇率摒弃对农业不利多种汇率制度取消几乎所有出口税等措施,取消了其他形式进口限制

    In addition, many of these countries eliminated other forms of import restrictions, abandoning multiple exchange rate systems that penalized agriculture, and eliminating almost all export taxes.


  • 由于特别提款权价值取决于多种货币享有多种货币制度很多好处

    Because the SDR's value depends on several currencies, it shares many of the benefits of a multiple-currency system.


  • 这种社区卫生筹资方式多种形式健康保险制度相结合具有良好的发展前景我国的社区卫生服务提供有益的启示

    Combining with several kinds of health insurance systems, this community health financing way has a bright future and gives a useful revelation to develop community health services in our country.


  • 学术界针对多种职位提出了相关薪酬设计制度方法对于正在兴起并且发展前景良好培训行业来说还鲜见学者提及

    Academics have raised a variety of positions related to the pay structure of the system or method, but as for the emerging and developing training industry, rare scholars mentioned it.


  • 迄今西方经济学乃至制度学派“产权”概念没有给出公认的内涵,可以给出多种解释。

    Up to now, property right isn't given a established connotation by the western economics and institutional school, which means that the concept can be given diversified explanations.


  • 农民工资性收入增长多种因素制约,制度因素其中一个重要方面

    Wage of farmers increased by many factors, institutional factors is an important aspect.


  • 评介该书关于国家教育制度形成多种原因比较

    Secondly, it introduces and evaluates the comparisons of the causes of the educational system in the westen countries.


  • 汇率制度可以分为两种类型固定汇率制度浮动汇率制度。然而实际上存在着多种不同中间状态的汇率制度

    There are two broad types of exchange rate regimes: the Fixed exchange rate regime and the Flexible (Floating) Exchanges rate regime.


  • 警报管理系统扩展门槛管理制度允许多种警报设置一个单一资源

    The alert management system extends the threshold management system to allow multiple alerts to be set against a single resource.


  • 国际经济事物具争议问题之一是关于选择多种交换汇率制度以及优点可缺点混杂固定灵活浮动汇率

    One of the most debated issues in international economics concerns the choice ofexchange rate regime and the 'pros' and 'cons' of fixed versus flexible or floating exchange rates.


  • 相邻关系物权法中的一个非常复杂制度不同视角才能把握复合性质运用多种方法进行调整

    As adjacent relation is a complex system in real Laws, we should interpret its complex character from different perspectives, and use various regulating methods.


  • 培养造就大批高素质领导人才,必须采取包括制度建设、实践锻炼学习、教育、培训监督多种方法和途径。

    In order to bringing up a large number of high-quality carders, we must perfect our system, assure them adequate opportunities of practice and theoretical learning along with rigorous supervision.


  • 影响消费倾向因素多种多样,消费能力、消费状态消费制度主要因素。

    There are a lot of factors to influence the consuming trends, but the factors of the consuming ability, the consuming condition and the consuming system are the most important.


  • 因为多种不同制度变迁模式存在也就会带来不同的结果,此外,制度变迁还存在着路径依赖特征

    The reason is that the existent of different models of institution change brings various influences and the institution change is Path dependency.


  • 可能很难找到价值因为这些电容器多种类型几个不同标签制度

    It can be difficult to find the values of these small capacitors because there are many types of them and several different labelling systems!


  • 形式多种多样主要绿色关税制度、绿色技术标准制度、绿色包装制度、绿色反补贴制度环境配额制度

    The form is various, too, which mainly includes green tariff system, green technology system, green packing system, green anti-allowance system and environment quota system and so on.


  • 结果药学服务差错纠纷发生的形式多种多样,主要由药学服务人员业务药房管理制度不完善引起

    Results: The pharmaceutical care errors and dispute various forms, mainly grouped into pharmaceutical service business was not precise, and pharmacy management system was imperfect cause.


  • 应收账款质押虽然是有利于金融机构企业双方新的担保制度,但应收账款质押担保业务开展仍存在多种风险

    As a new guaranty system beneficial to Banks and their corporate clients, right pledge of account receivables also could give rise to various risks for the parties involved in this practice.


  • 千百年来由于生产力封建制度多种因素制约蒙古族历来就合作生产习惯

    In the past hundreds of years, with the limitation of many factors such as productivity and feudalization, the Mongolian have been used to cooperative animal production.


  • 尽管美国权威已经放松了赊购制度很多国家都同时面临多种问题之前,威胁已经得到了加固。

    But even as American authorities unleash credit, the threat has intensified. Not since the Depression have so many countries faced so much trouble at once.


  • 针对不同类别人员特点,综合运用合理的薪酬制度有效培训模式公正绩效管理多种手段,激发人员活力

    Due to different personnel characteristic, we inspire personnel energy by managing reasonable recompense system, effectual training mode and equitable performance management.


  • 不同地区居民收入差距扩大自然社会政策制度市场管理多种约束因素综合作用结果

    The income gap between citizens in different regions are the result of compound action of many constraint factors such as nature, society, policy, regulation, market and management.


  • 西方美国科举制度研究成果最多,不仅大量论著涉及科举,而且多种专门科举研究论著问世。

    In the West, the US has achieved the most in this area, as is shown by the number of works touching upon ie and a variety of monographs on specific research questions of ie.


  • 美国区划制度一种土地使用进行区别分类基于多种指标进行综合规制并且补偿土地规制制度

    Based on multi-index to regulate in a comprehensive way, the zoning in the United States is a kind of system of land regulation that classifies various types of land use without any compensation.


  • 它在风险投资过程中有多种表现,必须建立相应的制度对策加以防范

    There are a variety of such morality risks in the investment which needs to protect against by means of relevant system and countermeasures.


  • 它在风险投资过程中有多种表现,必须建立相应的制度对策加以防范

    There are a variety of such morality risks in the investment which needs to protect against by means of relevant system and countermeasures.


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