• 鲁珀特•新闻国际公司的得力助手。

    He is Rupert Murdoch's right-hand man at News International.


  • 尽管钢笔很小,但改变历史促进了国家贸易记录事件传播新闻其他所有工具人类工作

    Though it is small, the pen has changed the history, improved the trade of countries, recorded events, carried news, and done far more work for human beings than all other tools.


  • 告诉你们敌人的方位,”贝克绿色墨水纽约地图上把鲁伯特·默克旗下的福克斯新闻大楼圈了出来。

    "I want to show you right where the enemy is located," Beck added as he circled Rupert Murdoch's Fox News headquarters in green ink on a map of New York.


  • 澳大利亚人报》华尔街时报伦敦新闻国际控股新闻资产遍布全球

    Murdoch's newspaper holdings span the globe, from the Australian to the Wall Street Journal and to his news International stable in London.


  • 星期三欧洲一些报纸报道美国通用汽车公司鲁珀特·新闻集团达成协议合并两者的卫星电视生意

    There are newspaper reports in Europe on Wednesday that General Motors has reached an agreement with Rupert Murdoch's news Corp to merge their satellite and television businesses.


  • 但是正如鲁伯特·所说,成为新闻真正威胁并非技术,而是过去垄断地位所导致自满心态。

    But as Rupert Murdoch has said, it is complacency caused by past monopolies, not technology, that has been the real threat to the news industry.


  • 笔者的感觉克的新闻集团收购华尔街日报最初段时间,的确份报纸带来了竞争性的活力,因此使读者量回升

    My feeling is that the Murdoch (NWS) purchase of the WSJ got competitive juices flowing at both newspapers for the first time in a while, and that readers are picking up on that.


  • 尽管有那么触目惊心头条新闻位于美国东北部纽约美国安全的城市之一

    Despite the glaring headlines, New York, located in the northeastern U.S., is one of the safest cities in the U.S..


  • 尽管有那么触目惊心头条新闻位于美国东北部纽约美国安全的城市之一

    Despite the glaring headlines, New York, located in the northeastern U.S., is one of the safest cities in the U.


  • 泰勒可能开始的时候是作为电影公司时代的电影明星但是段罗曼史个人挑战制造出的标题新闻要比拍的电影还要

    Taylor may have begun as a classic studio-era movie star, but her every romance and personal challenge created far more headlines than any motion picture she made.


  • 美国人们对老以及新闻集团看法与世界上其他地方他们的看法大为不同。

    Rupert Murdoch and News Corporation are viewed differently in America from the way they are seen elsewhere.


  • 人认为,先生美国整个新闻传统威胁

    For many, Mr Murdoch is a threat to the whole American journalistic tradition.


  • 感受到了这一事件强大反冲力的不仅仅新闻出版机构。

    And it isn’t only the Murdoch press that is set to feel the backlash.


  • 段恋情个人挑战创造出了标题新闻电影还要

    Her every romance and personal challenge created far more headlines than any mere motion pictures she happened to be making.


  • 现如今会看到这样头条新闻因此开发者寻求能转换成货币移动市场已经不是奇怪的事情

    You see that headline a lot these days, so it's no wonder developers big and small are looking to the mobile marketplaces for monetization.


  • 泰晤士书籍出版社出版,出版商为哈珀·柯林斯。反过来,哈珀·柯林斯伯特·新闻集团拥有的。

    It is published by Times Books, an imprint of HarperCollins, which is in turn owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.


  • 新闻集团总裁鲁波特•此前已经宣布,将旗下报刊网站在线新闻进行收费。

    News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch has already announced plans to begincharging readers for access to the websites of the company's newspapernetwork.


  • 但是这些公司老板都害怕同一点,就是鲁伯特·新闻集团获得对英国天空广播公司的拥有权,虽然这家卫星电视公司其控制之下。

    But the bosses of those outfits share a fear: that Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation will end up owning British Sky Broadcasting, a satellite TV firm that it already controls.


  • 短期上看,他的新闻集团会经历长年累月的围攻

    In short, the Murdochs and News Corp. are going to be besieged for months and years to come.


  • 世界最大媒体公司之一的鲁伯特·新闻集团拥有获得支持

    It was owned by, and had the backing of one of, the world's largest media companies - Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.


  • 先生的好斗脾气也公司变得大胆新闻集团这种根深蒂固好斗情节不会因为默克辞去老板职务担任董事长而得以消除。

    Mr Murdoch’s feisty character has helped his company become bold. But feistiness is ingrained in News Corporation: it will not disappear if the chairman-boss becomes a mere chairman.


  • 接受澳大利亚天空新闻采访时,列出长串那些认为构成越权的公司名字

    In the Sky News Australia interview, Murdoch underlined his feelings towards those companies by listing a litany of names of those that he felt were overstepping the boundaries.


  • 2007八月,鲁珀特·新闻集团买下了华尔街日报》。班克罗夫特家族长达105年的控制宣告终结,美国新闻撼动了。

    In AUGUST 2007 Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation bought the Wall Street journal, ending 105 years of control by the Bancroft family and shaking American journalism.


  • 对于鲁伯特·新闻集团旷日持久丑闻并不感到惊讶

    Some people aren't at all surprised by the unending scandal at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.


  • 对于鲁伯特·新闻集团旷日持久丑闻并不感到惊讶

    Some people aren't at all surprised by the unending scandal at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.


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