• 方法对于提高实体多实体的自动化加工速度较高的参考价值

    So this method has a high value for us to improve the processing speed on single and complex entity.


  • 一般方法不同不仅适用于实体截面轮廓适用于多实体截面轮廓。

    This method is different from generic methods, which is the same with not only single entity section ring, but also complex entity section ring.


  • 课题其中一个重要部分着眼于对三空间中实体的优化摆放及其三维场景自动生成研究实现

    Our research work is an important part of the project, focusing on the research and implementation of optimized layout of spatial objects and automatically generating of 3d scenes.


  • 课题其中一个重要部分着眼于对三维空间多实体的优化摆放及其三维场景的自动生成研究实现

    Our research work is an important part of the project, focusing on the research and implementation of optimized layout of spatial obj.


  • 可以看到每次编写html格式的实体时,它使用字符预期输入的字符如果您知道代码之后,只要适当位置剪贴段代码即可。

    As you can see, writing an entity in HTML takes more characters than you might like to type each time you need one, but once you know the code you can simply cut and paste it where appropriate.


  • JPA实体组件支持视图

    JPA entity components do not support multiple views.


  • 为了全面使用数据库,您可以将一些实体关系理解一对一不是对一。

    To override the database interpretation of the relationship of some of your entities to be One-to-One rather than Many-to-One.


  • 它们或者其他JPA实体bean组成一部分(例如一对一或者对一的关系)。

    They are part of a composition (or aggregation) of one or more other JPA entity beans (for example, one-to-one or many-to-one relationships).


  • 如果关系数据库数据建模经验,那么您就知道不同关系实体之间关系随时会出现

    If you have some experience modeling data for relational databases, you know that many-to-many relationships between different relational entities appear all the time.


  • 有时候概念数据建模期间表达关系特别是关系)逻辑模型显示实体本身

    Sometimes, relationships expressed during conceptual data modeling (in particular many-to-many relationships) are shown in the logical model as entities themselves.


  • “为了争取那些感恩节晚餐之后上线购物人们,传统的实体零售商在感恩节晚上开业。”克里斯内利一位来自埃森哲咨询公司的顾问。

    Bricks-and-mortar retailers are opening on Thanksgiving night to pre-empt people shopping online after their Thanksgiving dinner,” says Christopher Donnelly at Accenture, a consultancy.


  • OrderItems关系OrdersProducts连接表,这样不能代表对象模型中的一个实体

    The OrderItems table is a link table in a many-to-many relationship between Orders and Products. As such, it does not represent an entity from the business model.


  • 大学其他联邦机构包括实体都得益于贝赫-尔修正案,很大程度上是事后想法。

    Universities and other nonprofit recipients of federal funding were included in the definition of "small entities" benefiting from the Bayh-Dole Act, large as an afterthought.


  • (6月份Entity Framework CTP中)包含一些对于VisualStudio改进,例如(加入对于)单个实体框架模型图解(功能)以及存储过程批量导入

    There are also several Visual Studio improvements like multiple diagrams for an EF Model and batch import of Stored Procedures.


  • 事实一旦完成所有问题一个伟大的方式表示两个实体类型关系

    The truth is that once I hashed out all the issues, this is a great way to represent two entity types in many-to-many relationship.


  • 比如说一对关系一端实体实例最少,有没有限制;

    What are the minimum and maximum number of records that can exist on the many side of a one-to-many relationship?


  • 矢量空间数据融合最大难题之一就是识别源数据之间的对应实体

    While one of the most difficult tasks in vector-vector data fusion is the identification of corresponding object of multi-source data.


  • 最近一个项目,我需要使用两个实体之间映射

    Recently I was working on a small project where I need to use many to many mapping between two entity.


  • 由于海量非结构化等特征,实体对象层次模型、群集服务器体系提出用以集成实施高效空间数据管理

    Because it's massive and unstructured, Feature-Oriented Object Level (FOOL) and Multi-servers cluster system are used to integrate and manage spatial data effectively.


  • 这项制度构造性缺陷依然比较明显,不论是该制度的实体规定,还是程序设计原则性而少操作性针对性,难以实践中运用。

    But it is obviously that this system is due to be constructed. Even stipulated in the programming, the entity system, the multi-senses of principle had not been operational and pointed our till now.


  • 文章介绍了复杂三维实体生成视图,并通过生成虚线图层图层管理利用图纸空间方法技巧

    This paper introduces the methods and techniques of generating multi views based on solid model, and using paper space to print out all graphics by generating hidden layer and layer management.


  • 研究智能体系统实体结构(EACSS),设计了作战指挥智能体(CCA),模块功能进行了分析。

    This paper proposes EACSS, an entity structure of the MAS. The design of each module of command-control agent (CCA) is introduced, as well as the function is analyzed.


  • 真菌是从大型食用菌实体菌丝体中分离10以上单糖通过糖苷连接成的高分子聚物。

    Fungi polysaccharides were isolated from the fruiting body and mycelium of the large edible fungus, which were polymers linked by more than 10 monosaccharides through glucoside keys.


  • 目前已形成设计制作印刷一体具有品种、形式经济实体

    Has formed a set design, production, printing, as one of many varieties and form of economic entity.


  • 工程制图组合体实体造型动画数据,对网络带宽要求,因此,实现组合体数据的远程快速传输实时交互成为组合体远程教学的关键和难点。

    The remote teaching system of engineering drawing assembly has many 3D solid models and animations as well as much large data, it requires much quicker real-time response and wider network bandwidth.


  • 老年人肾病综合征继发其他疾病发性骨髓瘤、淀粉淋巴瘤或者实体肿瘤性肾病等。

    The senior citizen nephrosis syndrome many following sends in other diseases, like the multiple myeloma, the kidney starch type changes, lymphoma or the entity tumorous nephrosis and so on.


  • 实验结果表明系统实现分布式仿真系统数据驱动下通道静态场景动态实体实时生成同时,能够及时响应用户交互操作并且具有很高的性能价格比。

    A case study shows that the system realizes the visual simulation of static view and dynamic objects, responds to the users' interaction in real time, and has high cost-benefit ratio.


  • 实验室对传输能力分析研究数据证明活动情况下实体运动

    Transimssibility analysis of the laboratory data document far less hull motion in the semiactive case .


  • 实验室对传输能力分析研究数据证明活动情况下实体运动

    Transimssibility analysis of the laboratory data document far less hull motion in the semiactive case .


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