• 其中关键在于折射理想数目光线,也就是让尽量的光线转到能进入太阳能入射角度使尽量少的光线处于被反射掉的入射角度。

    The key was bending the light the optimal amount, enough that it enters the solar panel at an angle, but not so much of an angle that the light reflects off and is lost.


  • 但是眼睛必须识别周围景象反射细微光线,所以若要光线探路就需要远远比这能量

    However, using light to find one’s own way around requires vastly more energy, since the eyes have to detect the tiny fraction of the light that bounces off each part of the scene.


  • 岩石吸收能量反射

    The rocks absorb more energy than they reflect.


  • 桑德日斯姆高层大气科学研究所SondrestromUpper Atmospheric ResearchFacility拥有一个32米宽雷达抛物面天线反射镜(radar dish),可以检测海拔60公里至600公里的传导性有助于详细说明尖端电路结构

    The Sondrestrom Upper Atmospheric Research Facility has a 32-metre-wide radar dish. It measures conductivity from an altitude of 60km to600km and has helped define the cusp's circuitry.


  • 这些材料的表面吸收很少光辐射反射传统涂镀表层大约减少了60%热量

    These new surfaces absorb less radiation and reflect, on average, approximately 60% more heat than conventional coatings.


  • 我们使冬季短日照最大化,所以我们使用浅色调,反射可能,”设计师补充说

    "We wanted to maximise the short daylight in winter so we created a palette to reflect the light as much as possible," added the designers.


  • 小行星体积越大潜在灾难的规模就越大。行星表面反射——文学家称为反照率——决定了容易探测到

    The bigger the asteroid, the greater the potential cataclysm. The reflectivity of the surfacewhat astronomers call albedotells how easily it can be detected.


  • 忘了一个反射表面反弹非常光线

    Do not forget that snow is a reflective surface, it will bounce light off pretty much everywhere.


  • 网络严格匹配结合方法对部分手征介质填充轴线反射透射特性进行分析求解

    The reflection and transmission of coaxial waveguide partially filled with chiral media were solved by a method which combined the multimode network theory with a rigorous mode matching procedure.


  • 结果表明标分形介质反射具有分形的相似特征

    The numerical result shows that there is self similarity in the reflectivity of dielectric film system.


  • 本文匹配网络结合的方法圆锥喇叭天线反射特性进行了分析

    The reflection characteristics of conical horn antenna are investigated by a new method which combines rigorous mode-matching approach with the multimode network theory.


  • 建立了基于谢夫柱爆轰理论冲击波反射衰减理论光船推力计算模型

    A model for thrust calculation was set up by combining Sedov's theory of self similarity solution for line explosion with shock wave theory of reflection and attenuation.


  • 镀膜使光线本身表面产生一次反射干扰原先玻璃面上反射达至减低反射效果

    The coating produces another reflection on its own surface, which interferes with the original reflection from the glass surface, reducing the reflection as a result.


  • 曲面反射车灯目前高档轿车前照灯普遍采用形式。

    Segmented reflectors are widely used in modern vehicle lamps. Such lamps have many advantages.


  • 从理论实验上研究了不同焦距泵浦能量以及透镜光纤间距光纤中的SBS能量反射脉冲波形影响

    The influences of pump energy, focal length and distance between fiber and lens on SBS reflectivity and waveform in multimode fiber are investigated theoretically and experimentally.


  • 本文设计建立了国内第一反射火花高速摄影系统

    This paper reviewed advances of Cranz-Schardin camera, and developed the first sixteen gap reflection mode multiple spark system.


  • 目前采用掠入射反射成像编码孔径成像方法

    Generally, grazing reflective imaging and coding aperture imaging methods have been adopted more and more.


  • 通过模型资料测试,以及近地表反射地震实例前资料压制试处理研究工作,验证线束径向中值滤波方法可行性实用性

    The feasibility and effective of the multi-radial mid-value filtering have been verified through some model data tests and suppressing the surface wave in the practical pre-stack seismic data.


  • 为了实现烧结过程对混合布料要求,实现混合料、下层合理粒度偏析,已开发了反射板式布料器辊式布料器等。

    In order to achieve the requirement of feeding in sintering process, a reasonable particle segregation in top, middle and foot layers of mixed bed, charging table and roller-conveyor are explored.


  • 实验结果表明副面实现透过毫米波反射红外光双工性能,适于双色和红外复合系统。

    Experimental results verify that the multiplex technology can realize the duality characteristic of passing through the millimeter wave and the refecting infrared wave.


  • 为了隔离反射激光以及激光器放大系统中的寄生振荡,需要研制一种口径的电光开关

    To isolate the retroreflections from the target and the self-oscillation in multipass amplifier system, the large-aperture electro-optical switch is required.


  • 采用布朗方法金属网格玻璃门反射走廊环境中UWB信道成簇特性进行仿真和分析

    The clustering property is validated by using a Brownian bridge model of UWB multipath channels to simulate a corridor environment of two glass doors with metal grid inside.


  • 高频天波视距雷达独有距离跳现象,使得位于雷达威力覆盖范围以远的杂通过地面与电离层的反射进入到雷达的接收阵列。

    The sky wave over the horizon radar (OTHR) is a new mechanism in which the ionosphere is used as a mirror to reflect the radar high frequency signal to detect the target.


  • 软件开发曲面反射体汽车前照灯设计进行有益的探索,进一步研究奠定基础

    The development of the software does beneficial study to the light distribution design of MRAH and establishes the foundation to further research.


  • 阵列测向空间相关噪声、杂反射噪声以及空间杂散干扰影响测向性能较大因素。

    The performance of direction of arrival estimation is strongly effected by spatial scatter noises such as interference, multiple propagation noise or other spatial correlated noises.


  • 通过研究几种发射脉冲一次反射反射接收波形以及它们误码率特性研究信道失真室内无线光通信的影响

    The paper researches the received waveform and the characteristic of BER in one refection and twice refection, studies the influence of multipath distortion on the transmitted pulse.


  • 绝热辐射蒸汽管道保温层屏蔽反射常规保温材料制成

    The insulating layer of multi-screen insulated radiant directly buried steam pipeline is composed of multi-screens reflecting layer and conventional insulating material.


  • 放大系统中,激光一般要经过反射两次,将变形镜置于腔反射位置能够有效提高校正量

    For beam passing through cavity mirror twice in multi-pass amplifier laser facility, deformable mirror is often applied at location of cavity mirror for the goal of improving correction range.


  • 放大系统中,激光一般要经过反射两次,将变形镜置于腔反射位置能够有效提高校正量

    For beam passing through cavity mirror twice in multi-pass amplifier laser facility, deformable mirror is often applied at location of cavity mirror for the goal of improving correction range.


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