• 成立研究协会补充虽然一些冲突提供了更多多元文化接纳融合”,但不和谐文化对抗”。

    The RA of two years added that while some conflicts "provided more multicultural acceptance and melding", there were also "jarring cultural confrontations".


  • 应对如此规模挑战时,可以毫不夸张地,“团结则存,分裂则亡”,如果必须选择一个口号,那就是多元一体”。

    In dealing with a challenge on such a scale it is no exaggeration to say, "United we stand, divided we fall" and if I had to choose a slogan it would be "Unity in our diversity".


  • 比方知道的,曾经教过的最优秀的学生。”哥伦比亚大学蒙特校区的社会科学家多元官员库里·杜特

    "Say, you know, this is the best student I've ever had," says Kuheli Dutt, a social scientist and diversity officer at Columbia University's Lamont campus.


  • 尽管纯属推测但是一切——的是一切——皆有可能多个宇宙(一种叫做多元宇宙”的设想)进行考虑确实吸引力的。

    Although it's pure speculation, there's something appealing about considering multiple universes (a scenario known as the "multiverse") where anything — and I mean anything — is possible.


  • 现实世界并不刚才那么理想某种程度上这种现象还是存在的,所以同样也考虑多元的问题。

    We don't have the ideal world that I just described, but to some extent we do, so we want to think about diversifying in this world.


  • 他们这个计划对于美国这样一个多元大国没有意义的。

    They say the idea does not make sense for a country as large and diverse as the United States.


  • 这些只是典型的后工业化悲哀还是这个看似百孔的小镇证明英国多元文化主义陷入危机

    Are these just typical post-industrial woes, or is this seemingly blighted town evidence that British multiculturalism is in crisis?


  • 并非多元文化主义的失败人民仅仅感受到了经济困境而已

    It's not that multiculturalism is failing, he says; people are simply feeling economic pain.


  • 沉迷于“多元”,比如,他需要尝试三次才能提名一个检察长

    He was obsessed by questions of "diversity", needing three attempts to name an attorney-general, for example.


  • 并不是反对多元支持多元并不意味着就要灭绝自己文化人民

    This does not mean I'm against diversity. But valuing diversity does not mean you support the genocide of your own culture and people.


  • 他们但是一些替代品或是多元例如木糖醇和山梨减少蛀牙

    They said a group of substitutes of sugar alcohols or polyols including xylitol and sorbitol can reduce the risk of cavities.


  • 俄亥俄州克里夫兰凯斯西保留地医学院心理学家雪利尔·金斯伯格这些问题表现形式趋向多元

    It's the flavor of those problems that tends to differ, said Sheryl Kingsberg, a psychologist at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio.


  • 约翰逊,马丁·路德·金纪念园有力彰显美国多元化,礼赞这个国家建国起,在民权领域所取得巨大进步。

    Johnson says the King memorial will be a powerful statement about diversity in the United States — a tribute to how far this country has progressed in the area of civil rights since its founding.


  • 其实卡梅隆,“国家多元文化主义”其中的某条信念导致越来越多英国人种族分居

    What he actually said was that a doctrine ofstate multiculturalism” had encouraged Britons to live segregated lives.


  • 国际货币基金总裁Christine Lagarde首次新闻发布会上允诺要这个组织更加多元警告欧洲债务危机正在蔓延

    The new head of the International Monetary Fund used her first press conference to pledge to make the institution more diverse and warn of the dangers of Europe's debt crisis spreading.


  • 一家瑞士银行瑞银集团ReneKleyweg淡水河谷证明能够作为一个多元的矿产来运营

    According to Rene Kleyweg of UBS, a Swiss bank, Vale has yet to prove that it can operate as a diversified miner.


  • 此外,据餐厅欠厨师1万多元

    The restaurant`s chef is owed more than 10, 000 yuan, Fei said.


  • 素无法标准化电子版里,”Yokota女士,她如何决定儿童书籍电子版印刷版这一话题做过讲座。

    There’s a lot you can’t standardize and stick into an electronic format, ” said Ms. Yokota, who has lectured on how to decide when a child’s book is best suited for digital or print format.


  • 对于很多学者来真正意义多元课堂上思维多元化,”他,“对于经过仔细推敲、有充分依据、真正多样化见解的追求才是最根本的,民族种族多元化并没有什么必然的联系。”

    The pursuit of a genuine variety of opinions that are well thought through and well grounded is essential. But that has an off-and-on, hit-or-miss connection with ethnic and racial diversity.


  • 今天一家悉尼银行,澳联邦的标准多元房贷利率上调45个基点0.45%,115号达到7.81%。

    CBA’s standard variable home loan interest rate will be increased by 45 basis points, or 0.45 percentage point, to 7.81 percent on Nov. 5, the Sydney-based bank said today.


  • 2009年世界上富有国家有七分之一的人口生活在贫困线以下,贫困的概念这就是如同他们国家一个四口之家的年收入低于二万二千美元(折合一十四万七千多元人民币)。

    One in seven people lived below the poverty line in 2009 in the world's richest nation, or on less than $22,000 a year for a family of four.


  • 研究发现增加服用阿斯匹林时间可以减少肿瘤COX - 2阳性的风险(多元相对危险度0.59),10年后越来越明显研究人员

    A reduction for the risk of COX-2-positive tumors was found with increasing duration of aspirin use (multivariate relative risk 0.59), becoming evident after 10 years, the researchers said.


  • 熊丙奇:“校园演讲不仅仅精英平台,更是具有多元文化职业背景普通人舞台他们观点都会大学生产生启迪。”

    "Campus lectures are not the platform for ' elites' only, but the stage for people from diversified cultures and professions to voice their opinions to inspire college students, " said Xiong.


  • 熊丙奇:“校园演讲不仅仅精英平台,更是具有多元文化职业背景普通人舞台他们观点都会大学生产生启迪。”

    "Campus lectures are not the platform for ' elites' only, but the stage for people from diversified cultures and professions to voice their opinions to inspire college students, " said Xiong.


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