• 呈现这种多元思想对于解决争端至关重要的意义,它让人们了解如何不同思维模式的人合作

    This multi-narrative presentation of ideas is essential to seeing how you can work with very different mindsets toward conflict resolution.


  • 回到驾驶员席位做的相反的事情:尝试新的方法以及从地理商业角度多元戴尔商业模式

    Back in the driver's seat, he is now doing precisely the opposite: trying out new approaches and diversifying Dell's business model both geographically and commercially.


  • 不列颠正经历着道德危机自我认同危机,7月7日的伦敦爆炸案使人们多元文化的模式缺乏信心移民问题现在成为了担忧的一个来源

    Britain is in a crisis of morality, and of identity. It is unsure, in the wake of 7/7, of its multicultural model; immigration is now a source of concern.


  • 不过目前专利保护监管环境日益增强情况下,拜耳多元经营模式开始看作是一种优势吸引力

    However, in today's increasingly risky patent protection and regulatory environment, the diverse nature of Bayer's operations could start to be seen as positive and attractive.


  • 彼此的不同中认识共生共存的精神,多元种族社会必须经营模式

    In our multiracial society, it is a must for everyone to recognize the need to live with our differences.


  • 多元的业界相似目录模式大量存在

    In the industry of diversity, similar catalog pattern abounds in.


  • 最后大量分析研究基础上,本文提出一种多元管理模式

    Then the author analyzes the shortage of these forces and gives the suggestion of a multiple governance model.


  • 通过分析目前体育教学模式研究现状不足之处提出教学模式多元可行性必要性

    Put forward the feasibility and the necessity of the pluralism of the teaching models for PE by analysis the status and the shortcoming of PE teaching model research.


  • 多元随机钻井模式理论的基础提出深井钻井参数目标可靠性优化方法

    Based on the multivariable random drilling model, the multi objective reliability optimization of deep well drilling parameters is presented.


  • 单元教学过程有关数据进行处理建立多元回归议程,在教学中采用模式训练提供了依据,并且进行了初步的尝试。

    In the process of unit teaching, related data are dealt with and multi-regress equations are established so as to provide foundation for pattern training methods to be adopted in teaching.


  • 茶叶消费最初礼品”、“不断延伸细化由此衍生出多元需求,新模式

    Tea consumption from the initial gift, self drinking constantly extended and refined, resulting in a wide range of new demand, new model.


  • 模式识别可视化多元数据表示几何代数子空间坐标优化

    Pattern Recognition; Visualization; Multivariate Data; Graphical Representation; Geometric Algebra; Subspace Coordinates; Optimization.


  • 结合应用化学专业英语教学实践,探讨提高应用化学专业英语教学质量多元教学模式灵活多样的教学手段

    Diversified teaching model and flexible teaching methods for improving the teaching quality of specialty English of applied chemistry were discussed according to the teaching practices.


  • 同时,应建立有效管理运行机制保证高校多元教学评价模式功能实现

    At the same time, effective managerial operating mechanism should be built to guarantee the realization of the function of diversified teaching evaluation modes in universities.


  • 业务网络化,管理人本服务知识化方面探讨多元的服务模式

    From the business networking, the caretaker originally melts, service become better educated three respects to probe into the pluralistic service mode.


  • 并运用方法,尝试创建适合西安市中学数学骨干教师培训的“一心二导三自四结合”多元建构培训模式

    By applications, a specialized multi-construct model is tentatively constructed that is supposed to apply to the training pattern of the core middle school math teachers in Xi an.


  • 静态微粒多元最优信息规划模式基础提出了微粒群多元最优信息的模糊自适应规划算法

    Fuzzy adaptive programming algorithm based on particle swarm multi-optimum is proposed on the basis of the static particle swarm multi-optimum information programming mode.


  • 采用多元成本计算模式满足要求必要条件

    Adopting the model of plural cost calculating is the necessary condition to meet the above require.


  • 多元理论引进外语阅读课堂,能为传统教学模式提供全新的教学思路

    The introduction of multiple intelligence theory could hopefully provide an up-dated teaching concept to reading class.


  • 中国多元文化教育成为世界多元文化教育的一种特殊模式

    Multi-culture education in China has been a special model in worldwide multi-culture education.


  • 地质硕士研究生就业领域分析认为必须采用多元教育模式培养人才以满足我国地质行业市场需求

    Analyzing the postgraduate occupation fields of geology master, we think multiple education patterns must be adopted to meet the talents need for geology market.


  • 一个多元文化时代没有仅有这种模式不正常的。

    In a multicultural time, it would be abnormal either to have no room for this model or to have this only.


  • 用户数量不断增长以及服务种类增多使得传统柜台式客户服务模式无法满足现状,服务模式必须向多元化方向转变

    For the growth of customer scale and service type, traditional counter service mode has been unable to satisfy with the current situation, other service mode must be introduced into this filed.


  • 提出一个多元判据综合评估中期天气客观相似预报模式

    An objective analogue model for medium range weather forecast considered synthetic evaluation by multi criterion is developed.


  • 结论常规生化定量测定法中建议采用多点校准多元回归模式取代单点校准模式,以提高临床实验室检测结果准确性

    Conclusions: to make sure that assay result of routine biochemistry items is more accurate, we advise to adopt multi-points calibration model in place of traditional single-point calibration model.


  • 因此手机电视商业模式核心应当开发多元互动增值业务

    The core of Mobile TV business mode lies in developing more and more interactive increment business.


  • 游戏不同机器人拥有不同攻击能力防御模式多元战略绝对耳目一新。

    Games in different robots have different mode of attack and defense, and a wide range of strategies you absolutely refreshing.


  • 讨论港口企业实施多元经营可行模式产业选择之后,本文对港口企业多元化经营与绩效关系进行实证分析。

    After discussing the feasible mode and the industrial choice of the diversification, the text has carried on the positive research of the performance relation and the diversification.


  • 讨论港口企业实施多元经营可行模式产业选择之后,本文对港口企业多元化经营与绩效关系进行实证分析。

    After discussing the feasible mode and the industrial choice of the diversification, the text has carried on the positive research of the performance relation and the diversification.


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