• 生,稍作“之”字形弯曲亦为黄褐色

    Stipe mostly laterally located curved in zigzag way, yellow-brown.


  • 2006年,大学安杰洛·比萨扎开始观察鱼类进食行为差异

    In 2006, Angelo Bisazza at the University of Padua set out to observe the differences in feeding behaviour between strongly-lateralised and weakly-lateralised fish.


  • 当然幸运过了爱德华压人犯规点球判罚,同时克罗地亚打进安慰性入球也是来自防守的

    However he was lucky to escape conceding a penalty when he climbed on Eduardo and the cross that lead to the consolation came from his side of the pitch.


  • 相对正常脑部活动受试者显示,他们系通话状态的手机脑部消耗了7%左右的糖类

    Accounting for normal activity, the subjects showed about a 7 percent boost in sugar use on the side of the head where the active cellphone was.


  • 船长罗兰注意到水面有一线,线的是深蓝色海水则呈现出蓝绿色示意该往水中放线了。

    When Skipper Rolando spotted a color line in the water, with deeper blue water on one side and greenish blue water on the other, he signaled to put lines into the water.


  • 但是西还是知道到底是为什么要冬天里擦窗户,所以顺着雪堆呀,爬呀爬,一直爬到了顶上,然后再从滑了下去,正好看见狐狸先生在窗户。

    But Theodore still wanted to know why, so he climbed up, up, up a snowy hill and slid down the other side. There he found Fox standing on a ladder washing his Windows.


  • 知道迅速

    You want to know how quickly is the other side going to get hot?


  • 克洛斯第69分钟完成德国队下半场第一射门接波尔斯基远点传中射门被卡斯·利亚斯挡出

    It was Kroos who had Germany's first attempt of the second half in the 69th minute, meeting Podoski's far-post cross with a side-footed shot that Casillas beat away.


  • 金字塔每个插件方式提供了一个标准空间并排风格

    The pyramid shape gives each plug way more space than a standard side-by-side style.


  • 发现感染了肺结核,他纽约沙拉纳克著名特鲁疗养院寻求治疗

    Discovering that he had contracted tuberculosis in both lungs, he sought treatment at the famous Trudeau Sanatorium in Saranac Lake, New York.


  • 手术治疗针对年龄较轻,全身总体情况良好症状肢体振颤为主

    Surgical treatment for younger and more, the whole body in good shape, physical symptoms to the side of the main tremor.


  • 为了均匀分散牙合力需要上下颌尽可能的人工相互滑动的过程中接触关系

    For the forces to be distributed throughout the denture bases, there need to be contacts between as many teeth as possible as they glide over each other, and on both sides of the arch.


  • 伸展身体一样

    Extend up the back of your body as much as the front.


  • 一张圆纸板中心分别打两个,用根线穿过每个孔。

    TAKE a cardboard disc and punch two holes in it, on either side of its centre.


  • 如果任何颜色纬纱的连续引纬可以任意数,这种织机通常被称为任意投梭织机。

    With multiple shuttle boxes on both sides any number of picks from any color can be used. These looms are often called pick - and - pick looms.


  • 目的探讨靶点立体定向手术强迫症患者5羟色胺(5HT)代谢影响

    Objective To explore the effect of diplo sideway and multi target stereotactic technique on 5 hydroxytryptamine(5 HT) in patients with compulsion.


  • 空间协同分析时,采用超元(每个单元由根杆组成)计算等效柱刚度矩阵自由度成倍减少

    The method is applied to calculate lateral stiffness matrix in space cooperating analysis and the the degree of freedom can be greatly decreased.


  • 此外外固用于治疗股骨髁间粉碎骨折断肢再植,延长段粉碎骨折,全部成功

    Unilateral axial dynamic fixators were also successfully used in the treatment of comminuted fracture, in replantation of severed limbs and elongation of bones.


  • 圣保罗尽管美,但两有蓝花楹的林荫大道能够想象到的还要

    S? O Paulo, while not lovely, has more shaded jacaranda lined avenues than you might expect.


  • 目的探讨颈椎数字影像中后处理应用价值

    Purpose To evaluate the value of the multiscale processing in digital cervical vertebra lateral radiography.


  • 各面的部件都要当做一个单独平面检验

    On parts with multiple sides, each side must be considered as a separate plane to be inspected.


  • 结果性淋巴管瘤的影像学特征头颈部的囊性包,呈囊或囊表现,回声信号均匀均匀,病变范围可延伸至枕部或肩背部纵隔。

    Results:The cervical lymphangioma in fetus was characterized by a cystic mass, single or multilocular with septations, on the back or both sides of the neck, the echo and signal is uniform or not.


  • 他们建议如果术者希望上位相邻节段裂肌束去神经化降最低,应利用经皮技术节段置入椎弓根螺钉

    They recommended that pedicle screw insertion at the cephalad level be performed percutaneously if one desires to minimize denervation of the multifidus complex at the cephalad adjacent level.


  • 常见突出类型中央型(71.43%),伴有先天发育椎管隐窝狭窄

    The central type was most common seen (71.43%), which often accompanied with narrowing of vertebral canal and lateral recess.


  • 本文提出了一种全息干涉仪真空加载条件下同时将钢圈轮胎、胎圈、胎拍摄在一张全息图里。

    This paper describes a holographic interferometer which can be used to obtain holograms of bead toe, bead, shoulder and tread cap of multibsad wire tires under the vacuum loaded condition.


  • 结果表明1,2-PB乙烯具有的特殊交联特性,以及热氧作用下重排,是1,2-PB对NR改性的主要原因。

    The results showed that pendant group vinyl at 1 , 2 - PB had a special crosslinking behaviors, and the rearrangement of polysulfur bonds at NR/1, 2- PB improved the aging resistance of the blends.


  • 目的股骨干胫骨骨折固定意义。

    Objective to discuss the fixation methods to treat multi segmental fractures of ipsilateral femur and tibial shaft.


  • 目的股骨干胫骨骨折固定意义。

    Objective to discuss the fixation methods to treat multi segmental fractures of ipsilateral femur and tibial shaft.


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