• 对于平面稳定计算,考虑了平面有侧移无侧失稳两种情况,分别给出了公式。

    For the out-of-plane stability, design formulae are also proposed for sway buckling and non-sway buckling in the out-of-plane.


  • 通过两个比例模型试验研究了单面预应力混凝土系杆拱桥、面稳定极限承载力及其影响因素

    Through two great model tests, this paper investigates the ultimate bearing capacity and its influence factor of the inside and outside face of prestressed concrete tied arch bridge with single arch.


  • 门式刚设计中,常因为平面计算长度较大腹式截面无法满足平面稳定验算,从而导致用钢量增加。

    In the mid-column design of gabled frames, the selected solid web section, isn t satisfied by in-plane stability checking because of the biggish out-plane effective length.


  • 每个绿”内都有与运政管理系统相对应的唯一编号交通执法部门可以通过车载读写器就可以50到80米外稳定读取车内“绿盾”信息

    Every "green shield" has an only serial number registered in operation management system. Traffic police can find out targeted taxi's information within 50-80m through the "green shield".


  • 连接其他构件提供支撑,同时,梁或柱相连接的构件也为梁或柱提供约束作用。这些约束作用极大地影响着梁或柱的平面稳定和平稳定

    A beam or a column often supports other members which participate in the buckling action, and significantly influence its in-plane stability and out-of-plane stability.


  • 稳定角度来看银行除了需要增加大量固定运营费用所有变化都是有益的。

    All the changes are good from a stability perspective but add billions to the fixed operating cost of a bank.


  • 应用这种设计腔式量子级联激光器能够非常稳定地运行这得益于电压温度依赖关系,”

    The external cavity quantum cascade laser with this design may operate very stable due to its low dependences on voltage and temperature, he says.


  • 应用这种设计腔式量子级联激光器能够非常稳定地运行这得益于电压温度依赖关系,”

    "The external cavity quantum cascade laser with this design may operate very stable due to its low dependences on voltage and temperature," he says.


  • 除了大量发行流动资金保持金融市场稳定,日本银行承诺加倍资产购买计划有助于吸收多余债务

    In addition to a massive release of liquidity to maintain financial market stability, the Bank has promised to double its asset-purchase plan, which will help absorb some of the additional debt.


  • 指出组织乌克兰土地改革排除贷款条件原因宏观经济稳定没有起到多大的作用。

    He points to the removal of conditions related to land reform from the IMF package in Ukraine because, though useful, they were not essential for macroeconomic stabilisation.


  • InfoQ除了稳定容量,还有问题必须注意

    InfoQ: Aside from stability and capacity, what other sorts of problems can occur?


  • 按照经验除了cfd守护程序版本1.6.3非常稳定

    Version 1.6.3 is very stable, except for the CFD daemon, in my experience.


  • 我们认为这个草案世界各国世界和平稳定、对和平利用具有重要积极意义,希望能够得到有关国家的积极响应

    We believe the draft is of great significance to all countries, world peace and stability, and peaceful use of outer space. We hope it will be positively echoed by relevant countries.


  • 武器化不仅阻碍和平利用全球战略稳定造成空前伤害

    Weaponization of outer space will not only impede its peaceful use, but also bring about unprecedented harm to the global strategic stability.


  • 除了提高移民家庭消费水平汇款带来的稳定流入还可以改善一个国家的资信度。

    In addition to raising consumption levels in the migrants' families, the steady stream of foreign exchange that remittances deliver can improve a country's creditworthiness for external borrowing.


  • 一如建立了稳定家庭牢固信仰后,人们往往会患上怀旧病,如今美国人的情绪在不断增加

    Xenophobia is on the rise, as is nostalgia for a time of stable families and solid values.


  • 使得轨道系统稳定轨道电子迅速跃迁到内层空轨道上,填补空穴

    This makes the system of orbitals unstable and an electron from an orbital further out rapidly fills the hole.


  • 中文摘要:目的:观察手部稳定骨折夹板固定治疗临床疗效初步探讨作用机理

    Objective: To observe the clinical curative effect of treating stable fracture of hand with small splinting and explore its mechanism primarily.


  • 利比亚荷兰官员确认唯一幸存者名荷兰小孩;官员说,这名小孩目前正在的黎波里一家医院,除了骨折身体状况稳定

    Libyan and Dutch officials identified the sole survivor as a young Dutch child, who is in a Tripoli hospital with broken bones but who is otherwise in stable condition.


  • 因此,肽核酸- DNA二聚体稳定除了依赖g - C配对的含量与肽核酸嘌呤含量有关。

    Thus on top of the dependence on g-c content, the stability of pna-dna duplexes also depends on the purine fraction of the PNA strand.


  • 结果对于桡骨远端稳定骨折切开复位T钢板固定疗效明显优于石膏夹板固定(P<0.01);

    Results:For unstable distal radius fractures, it was perferable to be treated by open reduction and T plate internal fixation(P< 0.01).


  • 要想静音无机工作性能持续稳定除了空压机本身质量还有技术参数是否适配设备

    To mute oil free compressor performance stable, in addition to the quality of the air compressor itself outside, and technical parameters of the equipment you whether adaptation.


  • 飞机打样设计阶段除了需要满足结构强度刚度要求,还必须满足颤振稳定要求。

    Aircraft calls for structural intensity rigidity and stability of flutter on the phrase of designing.


  • 如果出血呈持续性应急诊固定用以重塑骨盆序列稳定性,限制容积

    If hemorrhage persists, emergent external fixation is indicated to grossly align and stabilize the pelvis, thus limiting the pelvic volume.


  • 本文利用ANSYS有限元程序通过正交设计方法对格构式斜腿进行了平面整体稳定承载力参数分析,得到显著影响因素

    By means of the finite element program ANSYS and using orthogonal design method, the parameters having effect on the stability of this structure were analyzed and primary factors were obtained.


  • 结论夹板固定治疗手部稳定骨折一种简便有效、可靠的方法

    Conclusion: Small splinting is a simple convenient, and effective method to treat stable fracture of hand.


  • 夹板固定治疗手部稳定骨折一种简便有效、可靠的方法

    Small splinting is a simple convenient, and effective method to treat stable fracture of hand.


  • 夹板固定治疗手部稳定骨折一种简便有效、可靠的方法

    Small splinting is a simple convenient, and effective method to treat stable fracture of hand.


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