• 石榴混合原料最后石榴糖浆,不要搅拌

    Blend all ingredients except grenadine. Add grenadine at the end without stirring.


  • 目的观察混合培养条件抗原能否诱导淋巴细胞反应抑制建立淋巴细胞反应抑制模型

    AIM: To observe whether antigens can induce the restrained peripheral lymphocytes response under mixed culture in vitro, and establish a model of restrained lymphocytes response in vitro.


  • 加入薄荷其他原料,充分混合直到溶解

    Add rest of ingredients except oil and mint, and blend well, until sugar is dissolved.


  • 验证疫苗制备混合病毒必须进行验证保证确实产生大流行毒株蛋白并且安全的,能鸡蛋中生长

    Verification of the vaccine strain: After its preparation, the hybrid virus needs to be tested to make sure that it truly produces the outer proteins of the pandemic strain, is safe and grows in eggs.


  • Seitz这样的“微气泡实事上就是气体组成镜子”,一些设备增压压缩空气混合放入涡流喷气机中,在产生这些气泡。

    Such "microbubbles" are essentially "mirrors made of air," says Seitz, and they might be created off boats by using devices that mix water supercharged with compressed air into swirling jets of water.


  • 也许这样想一个混合免疫系统应当更加活跃不是受抑制,所以它应当会攻击捐献者其他器官因为其他器官被移植的免疫细胞看来应当的。

    You would think that a chimeric immune system would be more active, not less, and would therefore attack the recipient's other organs, since they look foreign to the transplanted immune cells.


  • 出去福特富绅(Fusion)大多数(全电动混合动力)汽车价格显然超过了人们预想

    Leaving out the Ford Fusion, most [all-electric or hybrid] vehicles cost substantially higher than people will pay.


  • 唯一克莱斯勒(Chrysler),经济危机时期疲于自保,未能研发出自己的混合动力车型

    The only holdout is Chrysler, which failed to develop a hybrid during its financial crisis.


  • 轻度高血糖通过减少葡萄糖含量通过在肠营养混合加入普通胰岛素的方法治疗,将血糖维持理想的范围内

    Mild degrees of hyperglycemia can be treated by decreasing the dextrose content or by adding regular insulin to the parenteral-nutrition mixture to maintain blood glucose within the desired range.


  • 不过奔驰董事会一致认为双方除了目前混合动力系统进行合作开发没有就其他领域进行合作计划

    However, the consensus in the Mercedes boardroom is that there are no plans to work together beyond the current co-development of hybrid drivetrains.


  • 出现的结果无论什么造就,但不是和氧的混合

    It turned out that whatever the outer core is made of, it isn't an iron-oxygen mix.


  • 混合动力车这个方向迈进一步例如丰田汽车公司的普锐斯汽车,除汽油动力,还配置了一台电力马达。

    Hybrids are one step in that direction. For example, the Toyota Prius runs on gasoline with help from an electric motor.


  • 目的探讨混合固定器结合有限固定治疗胫骨远端骨折临床价值

    Objective To assess the clinical value of hybrid external fixator combined with limited internal fixation for distal tibial fracture.


  • 除了催化式排气净化器造成不良影响减少使用寿命废气形成混合加入汽车行业废气污染的行列。

    Apart from poisoning the catalytic converter and reducing its useful life, zinc and phosphorus mixed in with the exhaust gases add to the motor industry's emissions woes.


  • 探讨丙胺卡因,利多卡因其它碱性麻药形成低共熔混合可能性

    The possibility of the eutectic mixture of lidocaine and other local anaesthetic drugs was investigated except for prilocaine.


  • NKT细胞一种具有混合功能的细胞:它们既能自然杀伤细胞般杀死入侵微生物t细胞般与抗原(能激发免疫反应物质)结合。

    NKT cells are hybrids: they kill invading microbes, like natural killer immune cells, but they also bind to antigens - foreign substances that trigger an immune response - like T-cells do.


  • 方法对39VLBWI少量经口喂养基础上,加辅助肠营养(PPN)治疗,即用葡萄糖脂肪氨基酸混合一起,经静脉均匀输入

    Methods Based on low amount per-oral feed, 39 VLBWI were applied PPN. The solution was mixed by dextrose, fatty emulsion and amino acid and transfused into vein uniformly.


  • 目的探讨危重患者营养实施过程中用输注混合输注法两种不同输注方式效果

    Objective: To investigate the effect of both single bottle transfusion and mix transfusion in acute and severe patients undergoing the parenteral nutrition.


  • 螺旋理论看,芳香非芳香轮烯是内体和消旋体的混合,故都呈现旋性。

    In the light of the helix theory, aromatic annulenes and non-aromatic annulcncs are all the mixture of the mesomer and raceme, so they haven't opticity activeity.


  • 目的通过营养混合(TNA)支持改善危重病人全身营养状况提高抢救成功率

    Objectives: to improve the nutritional situation and increase the cure rate in patients with critical diseases by parenteral nutritional support of total nutrient admixture (TNA).


  • 干燥还可进行固体混合、破碎、造粒体积分类冷却

    Processes other than drying investigated, e. g. , mixing and blending of solids, size reduction, agglomeration and granulation, classification into sizes and cooling of particles.


  • 除具有CAP一般特点混合感染CAP患者没有特异性临床表现

    There is no different significance of clinical characteristics between patients with mixed infections and those with monomicrobial CAP.


  • 混合步进电动机伺服系统转子位置检测可以传统配位置传感器基于理论算法位置传感器方案但是存在许多问题

    Position detection of rotor in hybrid stepping motor servo system can use traditional outside position sensor or sensorless scheme based on theoretical algorism, but there are many problems produced.


  • 溶入果汁中入宾治香槟成分入,混合冰块,服务加入冰镇后的香槟。

    Dissolve sugar in fruit juices in punch bowl. Add all other ingredients except Champagne. Mix well. Add block of ice. Just before serving add chilled Champagne and stir gently.


  • 混合完全降解pva,并产生pva降解

    Mixed bacteria could degrade poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) completely and produce extracellular PVA-degrading enzyme.


  • 另有规定混合5%被物。

    Use a mixture containing approximately 5 per cent of the substance, unless otherwise specified.


  • 考虑实际实验中的情况,分析条件下混合干涉效应。

    Considering the experiment in practice, we analyze the laser feedback interference at the condition of multiple external cavities.


  • 考虑温度混合比热影响考虑了由于浓度差异产生的扩散流动混合气比热的影响,从而使理论模型进一步精确化

    Besides the influence of temperature on specific heat of mixture, considered is also that of diffusion flow due to concentration discrepancies, thus making the theoretical model more exact.


  • 考虑温度混合比热影响考虑了由于浓度差异产生的扩散流动混合气比热的影响,从而使理论模型进一步精确化

    Besides the influence of temperature on specific heat of mixture, considered is also that of diffusion flow due to concentration discrepancies, thus making the theoretical model more exact.


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