• 他们正在宣传反对外来移民的政纲。

    They are campaigning on an anti-immigration platform.


  • 随着外来移民的到来,这里文化变得多元化

    The culture has been diversified with the arrival of immigrants.


  • 根据哈佛大学经济专家George Borjas一项研究外来移民使美国高中辍学生的工资在1980-2000年间减少了9%。

    According to a study by George Borjas, a Harvard economist, immigration reduced the wages of American high-school dropouts by 9% between 1980-2000.


  • 外来移民顺利融入当地社会

    Immigrants have been successfully assimilated into the community.


  • 美国教育部近期建立了一个免费网站旨在帮助外来移民学习英语

    The United States Department of Education recently launched a free Web site designed to help immigrants learn English.


  • 德国各界名人联合推出一项活动旨在呼吁外来移民学习德语促进移民融合

    Celebrities from Germany's various classes jointly launched a campaign to urge immigrants to learn German more, which could promote integration of immigrants in Germany.


  • 由于哥伦布航海发现,500年前本地人外来移民辛勤工作下,建立起圣胡安社区

    The community of Old San Juan was founded over 500 years ago, sparked by the discovery of Christopher Columbus and championed by the hard work of locals and foreigners alike.


  • 虽然吸取移民唯一可以阻止欧洲人口缩减的方法,但是流入外来移民不会对年龄结构产生很大改变

    And although migration is the only thing which prevents many European populations from shrinking, an influx of outsiders will not change age-structures by much.


  • 德国推出形象宣传片,鼓励外来移民学习德语。 在宣传片中,名人们伸出涂着黄黑红三色德国国旗的舌头。

    An ad campaign was rolled out to encourage immigrants to learn German.


  • 技术全球化之所以区别就是因为人们比较喜欢电脑习惯于将问题归咎于外人(无论是竞争者还是外来移民)。

    The distinctions between technology and globalisation count, if only because people tend to welcome computers but condemn foreigners (whether as competitors or immigrants).


  • 同时三分之二(65%)黑人表示贫富之间冲突明显;61%的人表示,外来移民本地人之间存在大量冲突。

    At the same time, nearly two-thirds of blacks (65%) say there are significant conflicts between the rich and poor, and 61% say there are significant conflicts between immigrants and the native born.


  • 大多数地区外来移民数量增长速度高于当地水平,不是简单多元化和不安情绪影响国家团结的问题。

    Immigration has been thicker and faster in Sweden than in most places, but it is not the only country where diversity and slump are straining solidarity.


  • 根据波士顿学院约翰•黑文斯,在2004到2008之间外来移民家庭财富新来移民多出了700亿美元。

    Between 2004 and 2008 the household wealth of out-migrants exceeded that of new arrivals by $70 billion, according to John Havens of Boston College.


  • 其他许多经合组织国家外来移民相比匈牙利捷克移民更多从事技术工作他们失业率本地人的失业率

    Immigrants in Hungary and the Czech Republic, who are more likely to work in highly skilled jobs than those in many other OECD countries, have lower unemployment rates than natives.


  • 英国移民大臣利亚姆·伯恩(LiamByrne)表示:“有了强有力的控制外来移民英国更为富裕正是我们上议院明言。”

    Liam Byrne, immigration minister, said: "with powerful controls in place, migration can make Britain richer and that's what we're blunt about with the House of Lords."


  • 罗德格里斯还认为,关于外来移民偷走美国人的工作争论只是种假象”,成了一个更为严重的问题的替罪羊,“我们要揭开这个虚伪的命题,”他

    The argument about stolen jobs is “just a façade” for a coarser scapegoating, says Mr Rodriguez, and “we demonstrate the hypocrisy.”


  • 移民城市——该市如今38%人口外来人口——移民以及他们子代美国经历了显著的向社会上层流动。

    This is a city of immigrants 38 percent of the city's population today is foreign-born and immigrants and their children have historically experienced significant upward mobility in America.


  • 事实上,也是每个面对奥巴马当选惊人历史性时刻美国,一个主要由移民组成的国家,就此承认外来人是我们的一部分,承认我们也曾经彼此陌生

    Obama's election is a staggering historic moment in which America, a majority immigrant people, have claimed the other as our own, thereby admitting that the stranger is, in fact, us.


  • 许多国家正在念响它们移民紧箍咒,企图抬高准入门槛。 它们要制定一个以熟练工需求导向的入境体系,且为那些渴望移民成功的外来设置这样那样的公民资格考试

    Many countries are tightening their immigration laws, shifting to a skills-based immigration system and setting citizenship tests for would-be immigrants.


  • 根据英国移民顾问的说法,如果政策没有其他变化外来务工人员及其家属定居人数到2016年至2010年人数的一半以下。

    Without any changes, the number of workers and their dependants settling in 2016 would be less than half the 2010 figure, according to the government's immigration advisers.


  • 瑞典老百姓对错常好客的,高度宽恕给予一个等待接受的瑞典移民空气外来可以定心日子工作

    Swedish people right and wrong, hospitable, often highly forgiveness, will give a Swedish immigrants wait and accept air, outsiders can work of centering on that day.


  • 珠海典型移民城市,然而阶层外来务工人员由于人际交往缺乏社会网络的“孤岛化”,对城市缺乏认同感和归属感

    Zhu Hai is a typical city of immigrants. The non-native people, like isolated islands in social intercourse network, have difficulty in forming the identification and sense of belongingness.


  • 她们移民来自农村移民,和所有城市外来一样享有城市人能享有的体制内的资源机会

    As migrants, they, as same as all the migrants from rural areas of China, are not benefit from the source and opportunities of the city system which the citizens of Shanghai own;


  • 综观以往城市外来人口家庭育儿研究主要聚焦外来农民工采用定量研究方法,基本忽视了处于社会较高层城市移民的深入考察。

    Seeing the past, the studies about family education of urban migrant population were mainly focused on peasant migrants and were quantitative researches, almost no one for upper classes.


  • 综观以往城市外来人口家庭育儿研究主要聚焦外来农民工采用定量研究方法,基本忽视了处于社会较高层城市移民的深入考察。

    Seeing the past, the studies about family education of urban migrant population were mainly focused on peasant migrants and were quantitative researches, almost no one for upper classes.


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