• 虽然妈妈从不读书,但是我们的身高外形的相似不可否认的。

    Although Mom had never bothered with books, our physical similarities, apart from my tallness, were undeniable.


  • 外形番茄相似味道有些番茄柠檬混合的味道。

    It has a similar appearance to tomatoes, and is said to taste like a mixture between tomatoes and lemons.


  • 凯若维森小巧外形发光二极管相似前者那种半导体装置发出的更加明亮。

    The lamps' small size makes them comparable to light -emitting diodes but the new lamp generates much brighter light than those semiconductor devices do.


  • 英国一项研究发现人们宠物狗外形判断主人外在特点,两者“外表”竟有相似之处()。

    People can guess quite successfully what breed of dog a person own just by looking at the owner (see photo), a new study in the UK finds.


  • 任何一粉丝将会证实由于一代iPad设备转轮外形相似所以玩起来很棒。

    As any racing fan will attest, playing on the original iPad is fun due to the similarity in profile between the device and a steering wheel.


  • 新款机型之前iPhone4外形非常相似配置了升级换代的摄像头速度更快处理器以及为人瞩目的声控软件一软件可以使用户手机发问。

    The new model looks similar to the previous iPhone 4 but has an upgraded camera, faster processor and highly regarded voice-activated software, which allows users to ask questions.


  • 外形相似7字,被称之为七字手,门窗中的一个配件广泛应用于铝合金塑钢门窗上。

    Because lookalike, 7, called Twentysomething handle, it is a fitting Windows and doors, widely used in aluminum and steel doors and Windows.


  • 这间宅地表居住者房屋毫无相似之处,而是在钟乳石中心雕刻出来的,有着自然岩石外形,高高洞顶如同巨大无比的黑色毒牙

    Not a house like those known to surface dwellers, this abode was carved into the heart of a stalactite, a natural rock formation that hung from the cavern's ceiling like an enormous ebony fang.


  • 回答大家关心问题,也就是外星人长相的疑问时,这位学者,外星人外形人类相似胳膊两条,一个脑袋

    As to the all-important question of how aliens will look, he added they would most likely resemble humans with two arms, two legs and a head.


  • 只有战疯最高霸主可以联系,最高霸主会按照仪式在自己身上留下伤痕整容使得自己的外形与云-遇战相似

    Only the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong could address him, and the Supreme Overlord was ritually scarred and modified to resemble Yun-Yuuzhan.


  • 肚皮上黄色的,还有一些斑点外形看上去的确娃娃鱼相似

    However, the yellow belly, and there are still some spots, and the giant salamander shape looks very similar indeed.


  • 英国《每日邮报》报道,只体表有着斑纹的蜥蜴,其外形惊奇漫画超级英雄蜘蛛侠非常相似

    A lizard with red and blue features bears more than a passing resemblance to the Marvel comic superhero Spiderman, the Daily Mail reported.


  • 提出一种新的反射器几何构型仿渐开线型,其外形标准渐开线相似,但翼展宽度短于标准渐开线反射器。

    A novel reflector is proposed, which is simile in form to involute, and has advantages of smaller width than that of standard involute.


  • 是可以理解的:由于古生菌和细菌细胞膜由类分子构成的,所以它们外形相似

    And understandably so: Archaea are similar to bacteria in appearance, as both have fat-like molecules that make up their membranes.


  • 本地鲶鱼的形态、生活习性、食性等生物学特征进行了观察,并把它与在外形上与其相似的南方进行了比较

    Compared with Silurus meridionalis Chen, whose external appearance was similar to the local catfishs, the local catfish grew slower.


  • 东晋顾恺之《论提出真实地表现对象要求不是要求外表动作姿态外形相似

    In the Eastern Jin Dynasty Gu Kaizhi "On painting" Lane made a real target performance requirements : not only for appearance, movement, gesture, shape similar;


  • 外形看起来有几分相似实际上完全不同, 琴有筝弦的数目却并不固定,但通常十三根弦, 并且所有弦都有音柱支撑。

    There are only a few passed on from ancient times. Zheng and Qin resemble in looks, but in fact they are completely different. Qin has seven strings, while Zheng has unfixed number of strings.


  • 外形特征与叠锥极为相似属于成岩作用的产物也不是沉积构造特征。

    The cone bacteria bed resembles cone-incone in morphology, but it is neither product of diagenesis nor sedimentary structure.


  • 寺的外形看起来金阁相似只是银色的,或者至少应该是

    Thee Silver Pavilion looks just like the Golden Pavilion, only it's silver. Or at least it was supposedto be.


  • 测井曲线外形看,对应同一地层不同测井曲线之间,以及同一条测井曲线的不同部分,分别具有相似特性

    From the appearance of logging curves, the different logs corresponding to the same stratum and the different parts of the same logging curve have the similar characteristics respectively.


  • 发明所公开的工艺方法简单产率得的营养大米具有较高营养含量以及天然相似外形

    The process has a simple method and high yield; and the prepared nutritious rice has high nutrient content and similar appearance to the natural rice.


  • 相传三国时期蜀汉丞相诸葛亮(孔明)所发明天灯外形画像中孔明的帽子相似

    According to legend, the period of the Three Kingdoms Shuhan Prime Minister Zhu Geliang (Kong Ming the invention of words), the lantern shape and portraits of Kong Ming hat very similar.


  • 观察者提供一个不恰当背景而且目标事物背景所指向 的 事物外形 相似时,成绩将大影响。

    Performance suffered when subjects were "led down the garden path" with an inappropriate context and a target object that was physically similar to an appropriate object.


  • 外形对称工件得不到具有相似对称关系的淬火冷却效果

    No similar symmetrical quenching cooling effects can be attained for work pieces with symmetrical forms; 8.


  • 索尼爱立信闹钟电话无论是外形还是功能都是闹钟相似的,的功能就是清晨起床

    Sony Ericsson WakeUpPhone looks and functions like an alarm clock that will wake you up in the morning.


  • 拼音输入语音输入导致了发音近似错误的发生,笔型输入、OCR技术则导致外形相近相似错误的发生。

    Chinese Pinyin input system or speech recognition may lead to pronunciation-similar errors while Chinese Wubi input system may lead to shape-similar errors. The OCR technology has gradually matured.


  • 外形结构一般电源插座相似。携带使用十分方便。

    The appearance and structure of the power leakage protective alarming power socket is the same as a generic power socket.


  • 外形结构一般电源插座相似。携带使用十分方便。

    The appearance and structure of the power leakage protective alarming power socket is the same as a generic power socket.


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