• 澳大利亚外交部能够麦凯提供帮助实在有限因为游客他们当时所在国家管辖的。

    The Department of Foreign Affairs has said it is limited in what it can do to help Mr McKay, as travellers were bound by the laws of the countries they visited.


  • 老挝外交部录像初步评估是,这位60岁的活动人士可能因为私人冲突或者经济纠纷被劫持”。

    The Lao Foreign Affairs Ministry says a preliminary assessment of the footage suggests the 60-year-old activist may have been "kidnapped because of a personal conflict or conflict in business."


  • 另外英国外交部中国52个来访英国学生隔离了,四个疑似流感住院之后根据英国广播公司报道

    Separately, Britain's Foreign Office said that China placed 52 visiting British students in quarantine after four of the group were hospitalized with suspected swine flu, according to the BBC.


  • 诺戈维岑将军俄罗斯外交部今天收到了和平协议文件。俄罗斯格鲁吉亚已经签署了文件,文件没有任何修改

    Nogovitsyn said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received the document with the peace agreement today and it has already been signed by Russia and Georgia without any changes made.


  • 名官员星期二德黑兰告诉记者伊朗外交部正在办理签证手续,但是这一行程取决于联合国安理会什么时候开会。

    The official told reporters in Tehran Tuesday that Iran's foreign ministry is working on the visa but the trip depends on when the Security Council will meet.


  • 外交部女发言人他们正在调查报道联系钱德勒夫妇肯特州滕布里奇·韦尔斯(TunbridgeWells)亲属

    A Foreign Office spokeswoman said the reports were being investigated and that they were in touch with relatives of the Chandlers, who are from Tunbridge Wells, Kent.


  • 外交部亚洲司一位官员他们没有接到任何关于中国公民阿富汗遇险遇难的报告

    An official from the Asian department of the Foreign Affairs Ministry says they have not received any reports of any Chinese citizens who have met with accidents or misadventures in Afghanistan.


  • 俄罗斯外交部份声明中俄罗斯中国呼吁所有有关各方保持克制避免使局势进一步恶化

    Russia and China called on all parties to show restraint and avoid actions which could further destabilise the situation, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.


  • 英国认识到叙利亚谈话战略必要性鉴于中东影响力一个高级外交部官员访问

    The U. K. recognizes a strategic imperative to talk to Syria given its influence across the Middle East, a senior Foreign Office official said ahead of the visit.


  • 法国外交部巴黎十一个这次爆炸遇难法国人卡拉奇海港一家国有法国海洋建筑公司工作工程师

    The 11 French killed in the bombing were engineers working at the Karachi seaport for a state-owned French Marine construction company, the French Foreign Ministry said in Paris.


  • 法国外交部巴黎十一个这次爆炸遇难法国人卡拉奇海港一家国有法国海洋建筑公司工作工程师

    The 11 French killed in the bombing were engineers working at the Karachi seaport for a state-owned French Marine construction company, the French Foreign Ministry said in Paris.


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