• 身为外交儿子一生很多时间在世界各地转来转去

    The son of a diplomat, he has spent much of his life globe-trotting.


  • 但要谨记未来总是潜伏着不可预期外交事务》特刊撰稿人涉及话题颇为广泛,均未来世界可能出现挑战

    Mindful that the unexpected is always lurking in the future, the contributors to this special issue of Foreign Affairs address a broad range of challenges that are likely to arise in the world ahead.


  • 如今,以保守党外交大臣威廉黑格为代表一些大臣不喜欢刻板地把世界分成几大块的论调。

    Today's ministers, such as William Hague, the Conservative foreign secretary, dislike talk of a world divided into formal blocks.


  • 可以确信思想家们——外交家们学者们作家们——认为俄国闪电进入格鲁吉亚代表一个世界诞生,但是那种类型的新世界不确定

    To be sure, thinkers - diplomats, scholars, writers - say the Russian blitz into Georgia represents a new world, but what kind of new world is undefined.


  • 外交大臣威廉黑格(William Hague)希望追求英国经济利益不是改变世界

    His foreign secretary, William Hague, wanted to pursue Britain's economic interests rather than change the world.


  • 1826年,英国外交大臣乔治·曾吹嘘说,世界存在为了恢复世界平衡

    In 1826 the British foreign secretary, George Canning, boasted that he had "called the new world into existence to redress the balance of the old."


  • 意思是如果还记得,过去周,世界各地已有许多利比亚外交叛逃

    I mean, if you remember in the opening weeks, a whole raft of Libyan diplomats around the world defected.


  • 重要是,论坛存在标志外交其他人员在着手处理争端时方式转变,而这些毁灭生命和社会的争端遍布世界各个角落

    More fundamentally, the existence of the forum marks a shift in the way diplomats and others go about trying to solve conflicts that shatter lives and communities in different parts of the world.


  • 英国外交本周四称,英国世界各国大使馆频繁受到愚蠢求助骚扰,包括求教怎样做果酱,怎样管教淘气的男孩等等。

    Along with tips on jam-making and how best to discipline naughty boys, these are just a few of the bonkers requests being fired at British embassies around the world, the Foreign Office said Thursday.


  • 世界各地人们将一些敏感性话题告诉美国外交时,他们都希望谈话能高度保密

    When people around the world tell sensitive things to American diplomats they do so in the expectation that there is a high degree of implicit confidentiality about the conversations.


  • 美国首次参加了纪念仪式英国法国首次外交官出席表达对实现无核武世界支持

    Britain and France also sent their first diplomats to the ceremony in Hiroshima in a sign of support for nuclear disarmament.


  • 华盛顿CNN——“埃尔巴不再现代世界选择了。”一位德国外交不高兴表示。

    Washington (CNN) — "the Elba option is impossible in the modern world," sighed an unhappy German diplomat.


  • 考虑数据模糊不清,加之对外交外国援助人员可能访问之地加以限制并非每个人都世界粮食计划署评估意见一致

    With murky data, and diplomats and foreign-aid staff restricted in where they may travel, not everyone agrees with the WFP's assessment.


  • 我们几乎世界每个国家派驻外交官。

    We send diplomats to almost every country in the world.


  • 伦敦,1972年9月19日以色列外交AmiShachori死于信封炸弹,另有51枚列斯炸弹世界各地的以色列大使馆工作人员几乎全部截获。

    On September 19th 1972 a letter-bomb in London killed Ami Shachori, an Israeli diplomat. Almost all the 51 similar bombs posted to Israeli embassy employees around the world were intercepted.


  • Amanpour卡扎菲他怎么看华盛顿纽约世界其他地方弃职利比亚外交

    Amanpour asked Gadhafi about the Libyan diplomats who have resigned from their posts in Washington, New York and elsewhere.


  • 那个外交一生致力于促进世界和平

    The diplomat devoted himself to the promotion of world peace.


  • 会议开始之前英国外交大臣威廉·黑格巴黎发表讲话他表示表明世界民众团结起来支持利比亚未来

    Speaking in Paris before the conference, Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague said it shows that the world is coming together to support Libya's future.


  • 父亲职业外交,因此我们环游世界各地甚至远东地区读了大三

    My father's career as a diplomat took our family around the world seven times, and I even spent my junior year abroad in the Far East.


  • 奥巴马上任提出让希拉里担任美国最高外交,这一决定震惊了希拉里本人世界

    The new president shocked Hillary and the world when he asked her to serve as America's top diplomat.


  • 是个职业外交西方世界许多地方过职。

    He was a career diplomat having served in a number of posts throughout the western world.


  • 早先中国外交发言人表示IMF世界银行领导人选择应该基于公正透明和择优原则”。

    Earlier, a spokeswoman for the Chinese foreign ministry said the choice of leading officials for the IMF and the World Bank should be based on "fairness, transparency, and merit".


  • 在一千多年,广州作为“海上丝绸始发港外交往频繁,与亚洲世界各国建立了密切友好的往来关系

    As early as a thousand years ago, our ancestors established close and friendly relations with many countries in Asia and other parts of the world via the Maritime Silk Route.


  • 作为一个外交大国领导人奥尔布赖特收藏使用胸针往往胶结着当代世界各种重要事务自己的微妙心境

    As a diplomat and powers leaders, albright collection and use the contemporary world brooch often cementation of various important affairs and their subtle moods.


  • 中国外交学院的苏浩表示世界根本误解中国意图

    Mr. Su of China Foreign Affairs University says the world fundamentally misreads Chinese intentions.


  • 我们安全依赖于那些遍布世界各个角落外交——宏伟的首都危险哨所

    Oursecurity also depends upon diplomats who can act in every corner of theworld, from grand capitals to dangerous outposts;


  • 位日本外交官员声称周二巡访关西地区第九世界华商大会将周六在关西的神户大阪举行

    Japanese Foreign Ministry official said Tuesday he will visit the Kansai region, where he is set to attend the ninth World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention in Kobe and Osaka on Saturday.


  • 作为来自世界各地外交官们临时家园华盛顿提供饭店档次最高而且种类繁多

    As a temporary home to diplomats from around the world, Washington 's restaurant offerings are the finest and most diverse around.


  • 作为来自世界各地外交官们临时家园华盛顿提供饭店档次最高而且种类繁多

    As a temporary home to diplomats from around the world, Washington 's restaurant offerings are the finest and most diverse around.


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