• 航行新西兰然后2月,也就是南方夏季南极洲,然后在第二年的春天前往极地

    He would sail to New Zealand, then reach Antarctica in February, during the southern summer, and then proceed to the pole the following spring.


  • 休息行为夏季最多夏季冬季出现明显减少趋势;

    The frequency of resting was the highest in all seasons, and decreasing from summer to winter;


  • 部分原因食物改变食物丰盛夏季食物渐少秋末再一片荒芜的冬季

    Part of the reason must be the change in diet, from the bounty of summer to the decay of late fall and the deprivation of winter.


  • 比如丰田仍然制造混合动力车普锐斯(Prius)一系列,该车预计于2011年夏季2012年间投放市场

    For example, Toyota is still building another family of its hybrid car the Prius, set to hit the market between summer of 2011 and 2012.


  • 位于庞贝赫库兰尼姆海滨度假胜地市民提供机会,他们可以逃离自己的度假别墅避开罗马夏季炎热

    Seaside resorts located at Pompeii and Herculaneum afforded citizens the opportunity to escape to their vacation villas in order to avoid the summer heat of Rome.


  • 洞穴形成需要火山气体热量稳定释放海拔足以防止每年大量降雪夏季融化

    The cave-making recipe calls for a steady emission of volcanic gas and heat, a heavy annual snowfall at an elevation high enough to keep it from melting during the summer.


  • 这些夏季移栖欧洲冬季南方温暖地方

    These birds migrate to Europe in the summer season, returning to warmer places in the south for the winter.


  • 但是上面北极熊冰水显微镜下的奇观,一旦夏季浮冰消失——估计2013至2050年之间某个时间发生一切在劫难逃

    But from the bear above to the microscopic wonders within, all are doomed once the summer ice goes, which is expected to happen at some point between 2013 and 2050.


  • 报告强调了今年夏季人们欧洲几个目的地旅行负担能力,以及超值美国目的地和省钱租车几点提示

    The report also highlights the affordability of several European destinations this summer, as well as the best value U.S. destinations and tips for saving money on car rentals.


  • 很多动物通过它们行为预言夏季来临因为它们感知白天长了

    Many animals predict the arrival of summer in their behaviour, because they sense that the days are getting longer.


  • 而且推荐看上去是可行的,我研究有益部分出现夏季团队泰国指导野外勘察时

    While my recommendations seem practical, the most rewarding part of my research came at the end of the summer when the group traveled to Thailand to conduct field reconnaissance.


  • 帕努伊岛的旅游旺季南半球夏季——一月三月

    High season on Rapa Nui is the Southern Hemisphere summerJanuary to March.


  • 整个夏季许多北极熊聚集巴特的卡克托维克附近休憩觅食,因为这里有被捕猎的露残骸

    During the summer, many polar bears gather to rest and feed on hunter-harvested bowhead whale remains near Kaktovik, on Barter Island.


  • 奶奶意识,原来是这些蜜蜂夏季成了花园的丰收。

    That was when Grandma realized that her bees had helped with her garden all summer..


  • 夏季建议西雅图洛杉矶,可以看太平洋长长的落日时光。

    In summer I would recommend travelling from Seattle to LA to catch long, lingering sunsets over the Pacific.


  • 目前音乐关注表现一百所夏季音乐学校存在这些学校满足各个级别音乐者,初学者熟练表演家

    Present-day concern with music is shown by the existence of something like a hundred summer schools in music, which cater for all grades of musicians, from the mere beginner to the skilled performer.


  • 我们夏季工作日最忙时候早上810点。

    Our busiest times are 8am to 10am on summer weekdays.


  • 2007年夏季次贷危机首批迹象开始显现

    By the summer of 2007, the first signs of the subprime crisis started to appear.


  • 尽管减少煤烟(以及臭氧作为一种工业污染物,它扮演温室气体的角色)排放不能阻止夏季海冰消失或许能减缓过程二十年。

    Reducing soot (and also ozone, an industrial pollutant that ACTS as a greenhouse gas) would not stop the summer sea ice disappearing, but it might delay the process by a decade or two.


  • 夏季第一还未来临亚特兰大我们体验近华氏90度(32摄氏度)的酷暑高温了。

    The first day of summer is just around the corner, but here in Atlanta we've had our share of scorching hot temperatures in the 90s already.


  • 8月希拉里丹佛去出席全国州长协会夏季会议

    In August, Hillary and I went to Denver for the summer meeting of the National Governors Association.


  • 那年夏季结束时冰层减至720万平方公里

    By the time summer was gone, the ice was down to about 7.2m square kilometres.


  • Sheilas'Wheels汽车保险公司尼基•波尔:“太多司机没有意识夏季流行款太阳镜开车有危险。”

    Niki Bolton, of car insurers Sheilas' Wheels, said: "Too many women drivers are unaware of the dangers of wearing some of this summer's hottest sunglasses' styles when driving.


  • 519日开始为期10周的火炬接力9月9日闭幕式,奥运会的时间跨度差不多覆盖了整个夏季

    The activities stretch over most of the summer, from a ten-week torch relay beginning on May 19th to the closing ceremony of the Paralympics on September 9th.


  • Zeebo于下个月首先巴西发布,零售价199美元;预期机器将于夏季登陆其他地区,售价179美元,2010年价格不会高于149美元。

    The console is expected to launch elsewhere this summer for $179, and then be dropped to a price below $149 in 2010.


  • 作为牧民家庭游牧传统使他们的活动是季节性的。他们夏季游牧高原草场jailoo

    This nomadic tradition continues to function seasonally as herding families return to high mountain pastures or jailoos in the summer.


  • 相对1971年2000年夏季气温平均值今年预报的气温增加1.64摄氏度(3氏度)。

    Temperatures in the three months through Aug. 31 were 1.64 degrees Celsius (3 degrees Fahrenheit) higher than the summer average between 1971 and 2000, according to the forecaster.


  • 巴马计划明年夏季阿富汗增兵3万,年后开始撤军

    Mr Obama plans to send 30,000 extra troops to the country by the summer of next year and begin a pull-out of US forces a year later.


  • 巴马计划明年夏季阿富汗增兵3万,年后开始撤军

    Mr Obama plans to send 30,000 extra troops to the country by the summer of next year and begin a pull-out of US forces a year later.


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