• 要求会议考虑许多地区尤其是边缘地区面对冲突/交换复杂问题其中包括增加灌溉前景非常有限干旱地区。

    The meeting will be invited to consider the complexconflicts/trade offsthat face many areas, especially marginal ones, including drylands when prospects for increased irrigation are limited.


  • 调查受访者需要回答他们在多大程度上认同这样一些说法比如工作复杂困难”,以及担心我的工作前景”等等。

    The survey respondents were asked how strongly they agreed with statements such as "My job is complex and difficult" and "I worry about the future of my job.


  • 如果销售复杂产品,你可以因为这个产品复杂所以前景不好为借口

    If you are selling complicated products, you can use the excuse that a prospect failed to see the value because the products are so complicated.


  • 能考虑复杂地区所有国家利益保留内甚坎大哈毫无前景办公室,这样合情合理解决方法似乎难以成行。

    A comprehensive solution that accommodates all the interests of a complicated region, and keeps Mr Ganesh in his vista-less office in Kandahar, is hard to imagine.


  • 最早足迹标签出现2007年,展现这个想法前景强调了其推广的复杂

    The earliest carbon-footprint labels, which appeared in 2007, indicated the promise of the idea but also highlighted the complexity of making it work.


  • 破产过程更加复杂随着通用全球设厂并且前景这些子公司或许必须同时其他国家申请破产。

    A bankruptcy process would be further complicated by G.M. 's sprawling global nature - and by the prospect that its subsidiaries might have to simultaneously file for bankruptcy in other countries.


  • 美国国家标准与技术研究所研究者认为原子的构造远远电子复杂复杂程度超出我们想象,我们现在认为前景光明的自电子学其实只不过触到了原子学皮毛而已。

    Whole atoms, the NIST researchers say, are so much more complex than electrons that the promising possibilities of spintronics only scratch the surface of what's potentially possible.


  • 本文系统论述涉及强流加速器强流离子束装置中产生束晕混沌复杂理论控制方法及其应用前景

    This article offers an overview and comprehensive survey of the complexity theory of beam halo_chaos and its control methods with prospective applications.


  • 因而21世纪任何企业遭遇决策管理复杂急剧增大的激烈动荡局面都会不同程度的陷入前景不明、无所适从的困境

    Therefore , any enterprise in 21 c when suffering furious turbulence in decision-making and management complexity, will plunge into the plight of gloomy prospect and puzzle.


  • 实际应用表明这种灯光引导设备能够复杂干扰环境下可靠工作因而具有广泛的应用前景

    The application results show that the lamp equipment can work reliably in complicated interference environment, so that it has a wide application foreground.


  • 中药资源丰富,作用靶点针对机制复杂特点,现有研究亦提示开发中药肿瘤多耐药逆转剂有较好的前景

    And many researchers pay attention to natural drugs. Traditional Chinese medicine has plentiful resource and multitarget, and it can aim directly to the complicated mechanisms of MDR.


  • 实际应用表明这种灯光引导设备能够复杂干扰环境下可靠工作因而具有广泛的应用前景

    Application results show that the lamp equipment can work reliably in complicatedly interferential environment, so that it has wide application foreground.


  • 湘鄂地区海相下组合具良好油气勘探前景地质条件复杂,勘探程度

    There are good oil and gas exploration prospect in the southeast of Upper-Yangtze area, but the geologic conditions are complicated and the degree of exploration is low there.


  • 计算机仿真结果表明对于一类复杂柔性流程工业生产调度优化问题本文提出方法具有好的实际应用前景

    Simulation results show that the algorithm illustrated in this paper has a prospective future in the applications to such complex optimization problems in process scheduling.


  • 复杂场景虚拟实时漫游虚拟现实一个重要应用方面,军事仿真训练领域有着广泛应用前景

    The virtual real-time rambling of complex scenes is one of the important applications of virtual reality which has wide foreground in the military simulation training field.


  • 我们认为复杂分析方法能够用于特征分析具有宽广应用前景,所以是很有前途的研究课题。

    We conclude that this analysis method for tone texture can be applied to analyze speech character and this technique has wide application prospect.


  • 结构响应流固相互作用领域一个比较复杂而又广阔应用前景动力问题

    The dynamic response of the water impact of the structures is one of complicated problems with wild useful prospect in the fluid-solid interaction field.


  • 通过分析技术实现复杂雕刻图形自动生成重要途径之一,雕刻艺术中,分形技术有广泛应用前景

    Based on its analyses, the fractal technique is an important way for automatic generation of complex engraving graphics, it will be very useful in the field of art carving.


  • 学习型组织理论当今最前沿管理理论之一,是为了提高组织复杂多变环境中的应变能力生存前景提出的种新型组织理论。

    The theory of Learning organization is one of the most advanced theories of management, which helps organization improve its adaptability and prospect in the complex environment.


  • 算法由于无需体系先验知识一种全局最优化方法,能有效地处理复杂的非线性问题因此有着广阔的应用前景

    The application of GA needs no initiating knowledge of the system, and therefore, is a comprehensive optimization method with extensive application in terms of processing complex non-linear problems.


  • 因为连贯涉及的因素多而复杂,所以方面具有广阔后续研究前景空间

    Since coherence is an inclusive semantic notion, it surely leaves vast space for further research in this field.


  • 由于算法能够估计目标法向切向加速度,进行适当的模型设计可以实现复杂快速机动目标的全过程跟踪,具有可扩展性的应用前景

    Because this algorithm can estimate the normal and tangent acceleration, it may be used to implement the tracking for the complexly and highly maneuvering target after appropriate model-set design.


  • 零件轴压液力成形管材初始坯料,可制造各种复杂空心零件,具有广阔的应用前景

    Using a length of tube as the blank, hydroforming technology of tubular parts promise an extensive prospect to produce a variety of complex hollow components.


  • 视频捕获记录系统硬件软件于一身完整复杂系统,有着广泛的应用领域市场前景

    Video Capturing and Recording system is a complicated and complete system that integrated hardware and software simultaneously, it has not only widely appling field but also bright market perspective.


  • 中国电信集团面对严峻业务前景纷繁复杂竞争形势,提出了实施企业战略转型重大战略决策。

    China Telecommunications Corporation (China Telecom) show their important strategy about enterprise transform facing the austere business prospect, numerous and complicated competition circumstances.


  • 大巴山前缘逆冲一个构造复杂油气前景好的地区。

    The over-thrust nappe in the margin of Daba Mountain is a zone with complex structures but fairly good prospects to hydrocarbon exploration.


  • 大巴山前缘逆冲一个构造复杂油气前景好的地区。

    The over-thrust nappe in the margin of Daba Mountain is a zone with complex structures but fairly good prospects to hydrocarbon exploration.


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