• 介绍了智能材料设计思想来源材料组元选择复合形式以及其中的复合途径

    The designed thought source, the composite composition choice, the composite form and some representative composite approaches are introduced.


  • 复合材料是以木材各种木质纤维素纤维材料为基本体,通过塑料不同复合途径形成新型材料

    Wood-plastics composites are a kind of new material, which are formed by wood, wood fiber or other lignocellulose fibers with various plastics in different combining paths.


  • 其次,利用硅甲基接枝改性MCM-48聚乙酸乙烯酯通过聚合前聚合后复合途径制备了无机-有机纳米网络粒子

    Second, inorganic-organic nononetwork particles have been prepared with silylated MCM-48 through post-polymerization composite path and a pre-polymerization composite path.


  • 目的研究各种抛光工具抛光效果寻求固化复合树脂抛光的最佳途径

    Objective To investigate polishing effects with different devices and explore the best polishing methods of light cure composite resin.


  • 采用复合变质方法,开发工艺简单成本合金铸铁一种有效途径材质性能可以满足使用的要求。

    Manufacturing of alloy cast iron grinding ball by means of composite modification of tungsten slag is a feasible way due to its simple process, low cost and good product quality.


  • 为原料制备超细复合吸附剂,对探索煤炭利用途径开发研制高性能煤基吸附剂有着重要的意义。

    It is valuable to prepare coal based superfine composite adsorbent both in probing new ways of coal utilization and in preparing coal based adsorbents with high capacity.


  • 研究确定了中速磨离心复合铸造生产工艺中速磨的辊套生产提供了一条途径

    Production process of the centrifugal compound foundry of the roller shell is studied, therefore, a new way for the roller shell production is provided.


  • 本文讨论金属基复合材料界面反应界面性能影响以及控制界面反应优化界面结构有效途径等问题。

    In this paper, interfacial reactions in MMCs, the effects of interfaces on properties and the effective ways to control interfacial reactions and to optimize interfacial structures were discussed.


  • 同时说明这样一个结论改进扩展单一的建模技术复合建模技术的道路,解决大规模复杂系统建模问题有效途径

    The same time, such a conclusion has been given that, to improve and enlarge the simplex simulation technology, and to boost compound simulation is an efficient way for complex system simulation.


  • 蛋白质饲料不足世界性难题研制复合蛋白饲料解决问题有效途径之一。

    It is a world difficult problem that the protein feed is insufficient, so developing compound protein feeds is one of the effective ways to solving this problem.


  • 神经网络为基本工具,利用强大的非线性映射能力结合有限元法动力分析成果预测复合射孔条件下岩层裂缝扩展深度提供了一条新的途径

    By using ANN and its powerful nonlinear mapping ability and combining production of FEM dynamic analysis, a new way to predicting terrane crack depth of complex fire hole is offered.


  • 讨论了计算直觉模糊集语义匹配若干途径包括贴近度、语义距离相似度复合条件匹配等。

    All kinds of approaches to computing the semantic matching degree on IFS, including those of near compactness, semantic distance, similarity and compound conditions match, are discussed.


  • 提出基于有限元复合建模符合工程实用的金属结构裂纹诊断控制方法与技术途径

    To put forward a mean, which can be used in engineering, to diagnose and control the cracks of the structures based on composite FEM.


  • 运用平衡系统理论,分析海洋经济复合系统持续性演化模式实现途径

    With the theory of unbalanced system, it analyses sustainable evolution pattern and realization path of ocean economic complex system.


  • 高分子复合材料开发利用改善生物材料生物相容性一条有效途径

    Recently, the development and application of polymer composite materials have been considered as an efficient way to improve the biocompatibility of biomaterials.


  • 本文试图两种使用劳动力途径(“核算复合核算”)着手来论述这种绩效差别。

    The paper analyzes the difference in performance from two ways of using labor: single calculation and double calculation.


  • 研究目的:探讨复合资源利用社会整体效益最大化途径

    This paper is to discuss approach of maximizing social-benefit from resources use in mine-grain mixed zone.


  • 本文系统地介绍SJ系列复合燃料油节能原理应用情况,对重油的节能工作提供了一种行之有效途径

    This paper introduces the energy saving principle and application situation of the series of SJ composite fuel oil, and provides an effective way for the saving work on heavy oil.


  • 因此制备及其合金表面HA涂层生物医用复合材料综合利用二者各自优点的有效途径

    As a result, manufacturing HA as a coating on the surface of titanium alloy is the best effective approach of combining the bioactivity of HA and the strength of the titanium alloy.


  • 本文认为炉衬采用高温烧结复合炉衬控制浸入侵蚀最佳途径

    The article regards that the optimum way to prevent penetrating of slag and corroding of lining is using high temperature sintering or composite lining.


  • 指出插层酚醛树脂纳米复合材料制备开辟了新的途径

    A new way is developed for the preparation of the phenolic resin nanocomposite with the intercalated method.


  • 热致液晶聚合物(TLCP)热塑性塑料(TP)共混制备原位复合材料增强高分子重要途径

    Preparing in situ composite by blending thermoplastic polymer (TP) with thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer (TLCP) is one of important approach to reinforce polymer.


  • 本文研究工作,平面断裂力学特别是复合材料平面断裂力学的研究提供了一条新的有效途径

    Therefore, a new efficient path to research plane crack problems especially composite materials plane fracture mechanicals is found.


  • 阐述了酸酯偶联高分子复合材料无机填充开辟新的途径提高了高分子复合材料的性能,在各个领域具有广泛的应用

    The use of titanate coupling agent find a new way of inorganic filling of polymer composite material, the properties of the material are improved and applications becomes more extensive.


  • 目前还没有在柔性荷载进行现场试验方法,加强现场测试计算分析探讨路堤复合地基工作性状的一种途径

    As no flexible field load test has been developed, prototype observation and numerical analysis are reasonable way to study composite foundation under embankment.


  • 原位反应制备颗粒增强复合材料中增强颗粒基体相容性好,复合材料高温性能稳定,成为制备高性能颗粒增强钛基复合材料的首选途径

    The particulate reinforced titanium matrix composites (PTMCs) produced by way of in-situ synthesis have good compatibility and thermal stability, so it is the first choice to synthesis PTMCs.


  • 本文提出了采用与国外不同技术途径制作弹性复合材料方法

    In this paper the method. Making use of orthotropic photoelastic composite materials is proposed.


  • 被释词通过多种途径最终形成现代并列复合并非一个简单渐变过程而是有着多方面原因

    The words for interpretation and the words interpreted have finally formed the parallel disyllabic words in China, modern Chinese which is not a simple declining process, but has various reasons.


  • 通过研究,作者认为采用技术降低目前复合材料构件制造成本有效可行途径

    The writer confirms this technique is an effective routine to lower the price of composite part production.


  • 高校市场营销专业实践性教学培养复合应用型市场营销人才重要途径

    The practical teaching method for the major of marketing in colleges is an important way to cultivate inter-disciplinary and practical marketing talents.


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