• CPU每个处理器都拥有自己CSA(当前保存)指针指向线程中断处理程序由于上下文切换中断或交换时使用MST

    Each processor on the CPU has its own CSA (current save area) pointer that points to the MST that is to be used when a thread or interrupt handler is interrupted or swapped due to context switch.


  • 可以编写一个有COLORSCHEME状态USERLEVEL状态文本处理器程序,这个程序处理每个状态的

    You could program a text processor that had a COLORSCHEME state and a USERLEVEL state, and still processed the value assignments of each state.


  • 词法处理程序并不很多事情事件转发给管道中的一个过滤器XSLT处理器需要它们

    The lexical handler doesn't do much: It simply forwards the events to the next filter in the pipe, but the XSLT processor requires them.


  • 直到菜单选项真正被选择时相应处理程序才会被创建因而延迟包含处理器类的插件激活

    It isn't until the menu choice is actually selected that the corresponding handler class is created, thereby deferring the activation of the plug-in containing the handler class.


  • UPMC只是考虑允许Power服务器所有处理器占用危险了,因此虚拟机监控程序根据分配处理器周期

    It is simply considered too large a risk to allow all of the processors on a Power server to be consumed, thereby forcing the hypervisor and weighting to allocate processor cycles.


  • previntpri字段中的帮助判断处理器运行线程还是在运行中断处理程序

    The values in the prev and intpri fields help in determining whether the processor is running a thread or an interrupt handler.


  • 这样效果请求PortalServerJSP处理器执行我们自己主题标记处理程序

    This has the effect of requesting the Portal Server's JSP processor to execute our version of the Theme tag handler.


  • 确保PortalServerJSP处理器能够定位新的主题标记处理程序

    This will ensure that the JSP processor of Portal Server is able to locate the new Theme tag handler.


  • 标记处理程序代码JSP处理器调用时,doStartTag()方法首先调用

    package. When a tag handler code is invoked by the JSP processor, the doStartTag() method will be called first.


  • 如果线程多于处理器数,那么线程必须处理器时间有些线程一直处于等待状态,这样应用程序效率降低了

    Once there are more threads than processors, the threads must compete with one another for processor time, and some threads will always be waiting, so the application effectiveness is reduced.


  • 所以峰值期间每当三个处理单位可用时,系统管理程序两个处理器单位分配事务服务器,把一个处理器单位分配给报表服务器。

    So for every three processing units that are available during the peak, the hypervisor will assign two processor units to the Transaction server and one to the Report server.


  • 我们应用程序将接收大量信息使用处理器能力处理这些信息。

    Our applications take in massive amounts of information and crunch it with the power of the microprocessor.


  • 出现上下文切换情况下(虚拟处理器周期交换另一个虚拟处理器的时候),必须保存整个程序可见处理器状态

    When a context switch occurs in cases such as virtual processor conferring its cycles to another virtual processor, it will be required to save the entire program visible processor state.


  • 使用处理器较多而且频繁访问内存应用程序最为受益因为NUMA减少某个处理器访问内存某个区域的时间。

    Applications that are processor intensive and access memory frequently will benefit the greatest since NUMA decreases the time it takes a processor to access a region in memory.


  • 处理器密集型内存访问频繁应用程序获得最大收益因为NUMA减少了处理器访问内存区域的时间

    Applications that are processor intensive and access memory frequently will benefit the most since NUMA decreases the time it takes a processor to access a region in memory.


  • 如果程序实现处理器使用率非常低,那么即使其他活动的负载很高处理器上,动画效果也平滑地运行程序能够做出正常的响应。

    If your implementation's processor usage is negligible, its animations will run smoothly and our program will be responsive even when the processor is heavily loaded with other activity.


  • 多年来,计算机用户能够运行处理器密集型语音识别应用程序基于声音处理执行命令,但这常常需要进行大量的配置

    For many years, computer users have been able to run processor-intensive speech recognition applications executing commands based on voice processing and requiring extensive configuration.


  • 如果编写无需操作系统直接处理器运行应用程序,您可以使用处理器可以寻址的所有内存(假设连接到了足够物理ram)。

    If you were writing applications to run directly on the processor without an OS, you could use all memory that the processor can address (assuming enough physical RAM is connected).


  • 本地应用程序虚拟化(私有)使得动态添加功能变得更加容易对于处理器密集型应用程序(图片处理)而言很重要的。

    On the local application side, virtualization (a private cloud) makes it relatively easy to add capacity dynamically, which is important for processor-intensive applications like image processing.


  • 为了提高处理大量数据应用程序性能,基于IBMPOWER 5 +处理器运行AIX5lV5.3TL 04(更高版本)的系统引入了页面大小支持

    To improve performance of the applications that process extensive data volumes, IBM POWER5 + processor-based systems that run AIX 5l V5.3 TL04 (or later) introduce multiple page size support.


  • 结果(result)处理器(operation属性中被引用)通知Web服务已经执行完毕后,应用程序处理服务调用结果。

    The application is able to process the results of the service call when the result handler (referenced in the operation attribute) is notified that the web service has finished execution.


  • 如果程序处理器卸载的多处理器运行,则每个线程打印for循环迭代计数大致相同

    If this program is run on a uniprocessor or unloaded multiprocessor system, each thread prints out close to the same for loop iteration count. In one run, the program printed.


  • 医学影像处理系统PXA255处理器最小系统为核心,扩展程序存储器数据存储器、UART串口、USB以太网接口

    The medical image processing system, which centers on the least system of the PXA255 processor, is expanded by adding program memory, data memory, UART, USB and Ethernet interface.


  • 计算机运行程序部分称为处理器中央处理单元。

    Thee part of the computer that runs the program is known as the processor or central processingunit (CPU).


  • 处理器中,微程序控制器微码控制处理器指令译码控制核心。

    The executing of the microcode function of the microprogram controller is very crucial to the instructions decoder in the coprocessor.


  • 为了充分挖掘arm处理器数字信号处理能力结合ARM内核设计特点设计了基4 - FFT算法高效ARM程序

    In order to thoroughly explore the ability of DSP in ARM processor, the high-efficient ARM program of radical 4-fft is designed according to the architecture characters of ARM core.


  • 信息处理器,信息处理方法信息处理程序

    Information processor, information processing method, and information processing program.


  • 毕竟庞大、很处理器资源的应用程序只是需要处理器间歇性地全速运转。

    After all, even fairly large and processor-intensive applications need the CPU to crank at full power only intermittently.


  • 操作处理器然后引发事件应用程序必须处理这些事件以便以适当方式更新可视组件

    The manipulation processor then raises events, which the application must handle to update the visual component in an appropriate way.


  • ONLINE 计划程序关联掩码映射处于联机状态的处理器并且用于处理线程

    ONLINE schedulers map to processors that are online in the affinity mask and are available to process threads.


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