• 医疗专业人士总是面临手机干扰,多任务处理许多医疗工作来说就是生活的一部分

    Medical professionals have always faced interruptions from cellphones, and multitasking is simply a fact of life for many medical jobs.


  • 使用阅读小品文动画片互动练习帮助病人处理干扰睡眠因素

    It also USES readings, vignettes, animation and interactive exercises to help patients deal with factors that interfere with sleep.


  • 我们身体储存葡萄糖备用能源睡眠剥夺干扰身体储存处理葡萄糖的过程。

    We use stored glucose for energy and sleep deprivation can interfere with how the body stores and processes it.


  • 然后,“活当下”成了处理任何问题、任何干扰、任何压力一种方式

    Being present becomes, then, a way to handle any problem, any distraction, any stressor.


  • 否认一种心理应对机制它让有时间适应痛苦境遇——但是持续的否认干扰问题的处理或者影响应对挑战能力

    Denial is a coping mechanism that gives you time to adjust to distressing situations - but staying in denial can interfere with treatment or your ability to tackle challenges.


  • 为了验证我们系统我们必须实验室设置测的应用程序,利用事件进行干扰并且不能适当处理事件进行监测

    To verify our system, we must set up the application under test in the lab, perturb it with events, and detect when it fails to handle an event properly.


  • 最近科学家开始怀疑干扰废物处理系统的元凶也是朊病毒而且这样干扰可以解释他们如何摧毁大脑的神经细胞

    Recently scientists have started to think that prions might also disrupt the rubbish-disposal system, and that such interference might explain how they destroy nerve cells in the brain.


  • 之前的研究表明声音干扰大脑处理气味方式研究人员认为干扰食物味道处理

    Previous studies have shown that sound can interfere with how the brain processes smell; the researchers say the same could be true for taste.


  • 认为国际关系中的正常现象,各方只有妥善处理相互分歧矛盾,才能防止干扰合作大局

    I think this is a normal phenomenon. What we need to do is to properly handle our differences and disputes so as to avoid the disruption in our overall cooperation.


  • 演示了如何确定电磁干扰影响安全指标处理继电保护自动化功能的影响。

    It was also demonstrated how to define the influence of electromagnetic interference on the safety indexes of microprocessor relay protection and automatics functioning.


  • 系统能够拦截自动处理雷达信号管理发射机有效干扰数量不同的雷达威胁

    The system intercepts and automatically processes radar signals and manages the transmitters to effectively jam large Numbers of diverse radar threats.


  • 将会减少干扰程度有利于集中处理手头工作

    This will reduce the interruptions and help you stay focused on the task at hand.


  • 同样好的软件工具可以帮助处理过程受到较小干扰

    Also, good software tools can help the process become less intrusive.


  • 为了进行调试可以记录处理寄存器的日志,甚至进行修改——不会干扰系统

    Processor registers can be logged and even modified for debuggingwithout disruption to the system.


  • 这样沟通可以减轻伴侣防御反应把你干扰变成你们共同处理事情

    What can we do about it? "That style of communication will lessen your partner's defensive reaction, and turn an obstacle into something you tackle together."


  • DB2部署除了大纰漏干扰GSIS处理数据能力,最终代理机构的会员产生实质性负面影响

    Something went horribly wrong with the DB2 deployment, interfering with GSIS's ability to process data resulting in substantial negative impact on the agency's members.


  • 调查发现,由于父母孩子每日忙于处理大量电子邮件更新社交网站信息英国家庭生活遭受干扰

    Family life is being disruptedbecause parents and children are overwhelmed by the huge volumes of emails and social messaging updates they are handling each day, according to a new study.


  • 肖像照中的失焦背景处理大多数情形下突出主体避免多余背景干扰的好方法

    You're right about the soft blurry backgrounds in portraits - in most cases they are a great way to highlight your main subject and get rid of any distractions in the background.


  • 我们希望日本领导人能够从中日关系大局出发正确处理这个问题,不使来之不易中日关系受到干扰

    China hopes that Japanese leaders can proceed from the overall perspective of China-Japan relations to address the issue correctly so as to avoid obstructions to the hard-won China-Japan relations.


  • ——电磁干扰典型特点处理机组继电保护设备进行了必要的分析说明

    The characteristics of electromagnetic interference typical for generating units and microprocessor relay protection equipment was given.


  • 考虑一领域经验丰富的地面指挥官来负责处理尽量减少外行干扰

    The idea was to let the ground commanders who are the experts in this field handle the operation with minimal interference from people who are less expert.


  • 仅仅引入看板方法而不处理这些经常性的外部工作不能解决我们运维团队面临的干扰过多问题的,所以适当的改造是必要的

    Introducing Kanban without dealing with these oft-time small external tasks wouldn't remove this particular problem, so an adaptation was necessary.


  • Kprobes提供了一个强行进入任何内核例程中断处理干扰收集信息接口

    Kprobes provides an interface to break into any kernel routine and collect information non-disruptively from the interrupt handler.


  • 形变资料分析处理中,如何分辨干扰信息始终是一个难题

    How to distinguish between interference and information always puzzles ourself about analyzing and processing data of the crustal deformation.


  • PC 8采用英特公司赛扬m处理操作速度1.5GHz带有1gDDR内存安装防电磁干扰的机架上,支持DINrail安装。

    The PC8 features an Intel Celeron m processor operating at speeds as fast as 1.5 GHz, and with one gigabyte of DDR memory in an EMI-protected metal housing that supports DINrail mounting.


  • 用户浏览网页时,有较大机会遭遇打扰而中断来自同事小孩电话emailIM电视背景声),这些干扰降低大脑处理信息的能力

    When most people browse websites the chances of interruption (from colleagues, kids, the phone, email, IM, TV in the background) are high, and this reduces the amount of brain power available to them.


  • 信号处理本质寻找信号干扰差别

    The essence of signal processing is finding differences between signal and disturbance.


  • 意味着要高能电子光子束处理食品它们干扰微生物的DNA阻止微生物释放危险毒素增殖

    That means treating food with high-energy bursts of electrons or photons to attack the micro-organisms' DNA, preventing them from spitting out dangerous toxins and proliferating.


  • 意味着要高能电子光子束处理食品它们干扰微生物的DNA阻止微生物释放危险毒素增殖

    That means treating food with high-energy bursts of electrons or photons to attack the micro-organisms' DNA, preventing them from spitting out dangerous toxins and proliferating.


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