• 统计学处理治疗对照组对比疗效显著

    The short-term of the treatment was marked compared with the controls.


  • 目的:总结显微手术结合术后处理治疗真菌性鼻窦炎临床疗效。

    Objective: to study the results of microscopic sinus surgery combined with postoperative treatment in fungal rhinosinusitis.


  • 对于合并其他疾病老年患者术前积极处理治疗合并疾病十分重要

    For elderly patients with other diseases combined, preoperative actively seized of the importance of treating the disease combined.


  • 学习一些小措施建议以及一些有益的资源处理治疗引起的副作用

    Learn tips and tricks for managing treatment side effects, including a helpful list of resources.


  • 目的研究3-硝基(3-NP多次处理治疗帕金森病及其可能机制

    Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NP) repetitive preconditioning on the course of Parkinson's disease and it's mechanism.


  • 如何处理治疗引起副作用并且乳腺癌期间治疗之后尽可能的利用生命

    How to deal with lingering side effects of treatment and make the most of your life during and after breast cancer.


  • 芝加哥论坛》报导摩尔已经完成了愤怒处理治疗并且于周四参加了大喊事件发生以来的第一替补训练。

    Zambrano has finished anger management therapy and participated Thursday in his first bullpen session since the confrontation, the Chicago Tribune reported.


  • 芝加哥论坛》报导摩尔已经完成了愤怒处理治疗并且于周四参加了大喊事件发生以来的第一次替补训练。

    Zambrano has finished anger management therapy and participated Thursday in hisfirst bullpen session since the confrontation, the Chicago Tribune reported.


  • 但是夫妻能力避免这些破坏性的行为(就桑迪说的“以笨拙方式处理不同之处”)- - -有时候争执治疗关系

    But for couples who are able to avoid that destructive behavior-or what Sandy calls "unskillful ways to deal with differences" -conflict from time to time can be like relationship therapy.


  • 他还说:“然而这些孩子还有行为失调的症状,那么行为治疗应该认为是首要处理。”

    Whereas if these kids have a behavior disorder, then behavioral treatment should be considered the primary treatment.


  • 批药品包括可以成功治疗高达80%疑似霍乱病例口服补液以及处理严重病例使用的静脉液体抗生素

    The consignment includes Oral Rehydration Salts that can treat successfully up to 80% of suspect cholera cases, as well as intravenous fluids and antibiotics for handling severe cases.


  • 特别重要所有分娩熟练保健专业人员接生,因为及时处理治疗关系到产妇的生死

    It is particularly important that all births are attended by skilled health professionals, as timely management and treatment can make the difference between life and death.


  • 制止利用安全注射家中患者进行治疗运动导致收集安全处理大量针头注射器

    A campaign to stop home treatment of patients using unsafe injections has resulted in the collection and safe disposal of a large number of needles and syringes.


  • 影片集中表现了一位不同寻常矫正师,要求治疗时与国王地位平等这种处理手法拉近了国王与普通的口吃的距离。

    The focus on George's relationship with his eccentric speechtherapist who insists on treating him as an equal makes the king a sort of everyman for people who stutter.


  • 提供享有有效治疗简单预防措施例如杀虫剂处理蚊帐室内杀虫剂残留喷洒有助于实现控制疟疾目标

    Providing access to effective treatment and simple preventive measures, such as insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying, will help to achieve the goal of controlling malaria.


  • 利用标准化治疗方案综合方式处理这些原因包括营养不良

    It attacks these causes, including malnutrition, in an integrated way, using standardized treatment protocols.


  • 而且他们提供个人群体治疗服务并帮助处理一些诸如获取暂时限制法令的法律事项

    They provide individual and group therapy. They will help you with legal matters such as obtaining temporary restraining orders.


  • 应该争取四周治疗处理失误。

    You should negotiate a cure period of two to four weeks to allow yourself time to remedy your errors.


  • 核实患者进行适当抗菌素治疗并且地方抗菌素供应足以处理进一步病例

    Verify that patients have been placed on appropriate antibiotic treatment and that local supplies of antibiotics are adequate to handle further cases;


  • 知道他们将如何处理这个问题,”正在波士顿郊区Lahey诊所接受治疗Svensson,“我自己感到幸运!”

    "I don't know how they're going to deal with that kind of issue," said Svensson, who was treated at the Lahey Clinic Medical Center in suburban Boston. "I feel very lucky."


  • 治疗处理那些潜在的问题

    Dealing with the underlying issues in therapy.


  • 一些人甚至希望辞职因为成为教皇参与决定一个恋童的主教从宽处理治疗,而随后,这个主教又恢复神职

    Some even want him to resign for his part, before becoming pope in 2005, in a decision merely to send for therapy an alleged paedophile priest, who later returned to pastoral work.


  • 癌症检测治疗上,在处理突发疾病和心脏保健上我们都做得很出色,否则就是另接受采访了(克林顿2004年成功地接受了一项显微心脏手术。)

    We're great at cancer detection and treatment; we're great at managing crises and heart care-otherwise somebody else would be giving you this interview. [Clinton underwent a quadruple bypass in 2004.]


  • 这种治疗能够使病人认识处理那些可能导致抑郁情绪想法,使关注当下感觉非已发生的事件。

    T. This kind of therapy teaches patients to recognize and deal with the thoughts that can result from depression. It centers on current feelings instead of past events.


  • 预防治疗通过初级卫生保健方面得到妥善处理

    Prevention and treatment are best managed through a primary health care approach.


  • 沮丧阻碍你享受生活他人交往的时候,什么去处理的时候,比如和一个顾问或者治疗谈话你克服沮丧。

    When depression gets in the way of enjoying life or dealing with others, that's a sign you need to do something about it, like talking to a counselor or therapist who can help you deal with it.


  • 妇产专科诊所多少年来一直把当作医疗垃圾例行公事处理何以寻找治疗手段的名义破坏胚泡就引发如此强烈的抗议

    And why does destroying blastocysts in the name of finding cures evoke such tigerish protests when most fertility clinics have for years routinely disposed of them as medical waste?


  • 这些方案主要是分发清洁针头安全处理使用的针头,而且可以提供药物治疗中心HIV病毒咨询检测相关转介服务

    These programmes distribute clean needles and safely dispose of used ones, and also offer related services such as referrals to drug treatment centres and HIV counselling and testing.


  • 报告指出更多国家正在采用治疗疟疾最新药物,更多的人正在通过规划接受长效杀虫剂处理的蚊帐

    It finds that more countries are introducing the newest medicines to treat malaria, and that more people are receiving long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets through innovative new programmes.


  • 报告指出更多国家正在采用治疗疟疾最新药物,更多的人正在通过规划接受长效杀虫剂处理的蚊帐

    It finds that more countries are introducing the newest medicines to treat malaria, and that more people are receiving long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets through innovative new programmes.


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