• 爆炸之后不久,整个宇宙处于杂乱无章混沌状态之中

    Shorty after the Big Bang, the universe was in a highly disordered and chaotic state.


  • 处于一种深度体验之中保持这种状态,你可能开始捕捉到了想法之间空隙

    When you are in a state of deep feeling, remain with it, you may start to catch glimpses of the gaps between your thoughts.


  • 如果总是处于一种心烦意乱状态,你就无法深入人类最为深层次领悟创造之中

    If you exist in aperpetual state of distractedness, you'll never tap into the deepest sources ofhuman insight and creativity.


  • 由于企业不再雇佣更多的工人,我们处于一个恶性循环状态之中就是问题所在。

    Businesses, for their part, won't hire without more sales. So we're in a vicious cycle. The question is what to do about it.


  • 布什卸任时公众支持率很低留给继任者一个处于交战状态经济危机之中国家

    He leaves office with low public approval ratings, and turns over to his successor a nation that is at war and in the midst of an economic crisis.


  • 这些感觉我们西方国家学习可能长期处于休眠状态然后突然间或者是相当的,呈现在了我们的言行之中或者说频繁地呈现在我们言行中。

    The senses, possibly long dormant from our training in Western countries, are suddenly, or fairly quickly, brought 'online', or into play more than usual.


  • 温格球队上周末客场5比3力擒蓝军切尔西,球队正处于亢奋状态之中本周二将坐镇主场挑战到访的法甲劲旅马赛温格认为马赛的场比赛将决定本组的出线形势,其重要性甚至不亚于两场杯赛的决赛。

    The Frenchman's squad are on a high after Saturday's incredible 5-3 win at Chelsea and Marseille arrive at Emirates Stadium for the second of what Wenger has deemed "two cup finals".


  • 如果正在做着自己喜欢工作那么,你就陷人职业消沉之中并且有可能一直处于这种状态因为相信一个更多这样的谎言

    If you are not doing work you love then you are in a career slump and you most likely remain there because of your belief in one or more of these myths.


  • 人格相当于至多只是生活其他从未他们自己化身期间获得这样一个状态人的陈旧梦想时,你处于相信大师创造者之中

    EGO is equivalent in believing one to be the MASTER CREATOR when you are at best living the worn out dream of another that never achieved such a state in their own incarnation.


  • 自然东西本身处于天堂状态,不自然东西本身就是地狱之中

    Natural thing itself is in a state of paradise, unnatural things itself is in hell.


  • 原本以为宵禁只是周四晚上后来别人介绍了知道,只要没有通知宵禁解除便一下处于宵禁的状态之中

    I originally thought the curfew was only in place for Thursday night, but I only later heard from somebody that until an order comes down to lift the curfew, it stays in place.


  • 世界金融市场处于高度紧张的状态之中全球经济增长面临着相当大危险

    The world's financial market conditions are severely strained, and risks to the global growth are significant.


  • 此时恰又处于美国历史上经济大条时期,每个人,美国上上下下所有处于一种绝望状态之中

    But it is the Depression, and there's this sense that everybody-all of america-has been forced into this desperate situation.


  • 当前形势处于混乱的状态之中

    The present situation is in troubled waters.


  • 边际人格当代中国青年影响明显边际人格作用,青年的人格状态常常处于矛盾失衡之中

    The influence of marginal personality to the current Chinese youth is obvious. Their personality condition is frequently in the condition of contradictory and unbalanced.


  • 间连丝动态性质表现它们频率处于变化之中的,是由组织植物整体发育生理状态决定的。

    The dynamic nature of plasmodesmata is also reflected by their changing frequencies, which, in turn, depend on the developmental and physiological status of the tissue or the entire plant.


  • 构法隧道施工过程中,盾构附近一定范围内的土体始终处于不断变化状态之中

    During the construction of shield tunnel, the ground around the shield has been changing all the time.


  • 那段日子恐怕大学生涯最辛苦了,几乎没有周末可言一直处于一种紧张奋斗状态之中

    I am afraid that semester was the darkest time in my college life and the definition of weekend totally disappeared in my dictionary. I was living in a great tension.


  • 结晶中的液面上覆盖厚厚的未反应保护导致结晶器弯月面区域处于良好状态之中

    The steel in the mould is covered by a thick layer of unreacted flux and these results in favorable thermal conditions in the meniscus area of the mould.


  • 语言归性根源世界(宇宙)的结构语言的递归结构处于全息状态之中

    Finally, the author argues that the rootstock of recursiveness of language be that the recursive structure of the cosmos and the recursive structure of language are in a holographic state.


  • 我国当代著名陕西籍作家高建群一直注重学习、借鉴运用外来异质文化精华使自己创作处于不停顿超越状态之中

    Gao Jianquan, a famous modern writer from Shaanxi, always sucks in the essence from different foreign culture to keep his writing non-stop and progressively surpassing.


  • 法律规范结构法律规范作为调整人们社会行为尺度是通过内在的处于动态之中功能性要素的相互联系来实现状态

    The structure of legal norm means the function of legal norm is realized by the acting elements and by their contract. Indeed this contract is a reflection of the real social living.


  • 星期五小故障个出错加热器开始,它奋进号三个辅助动力装置之中一个装置之内——为了允许进行发射所有这些装置都必须处于完好运转状态

    Friday's glitch started with an errant heater in one of the three auxiliary power units (APUs) in Endeavour - all of which must be in perfect working order for a launch to be allowed to proceed.


  • 这样处于这样的焦虑之中,谁还怀疑,他已方寸大乱了,而且由于种种力不从心尝试很快就陷入萎靡不振心灰意懒状态之中呢?

    Under such solicitude, who can wonder that the mind is overwhelmed, and, by struggling with attempts above her strength, quickly sinks into languishment and despondency?


  • 这样处于这样的焦虑之中,谁还怀疑,他已方寸大乱了,而且由于种种力不从心尝试很快就陷入萎靡不振心灰意懒状态之中呢?

    Under such solicitude, who can wonder that the mind is overwhelmed, and, by struggling with attempts above her strength, quickly sinks into languishment and despondency?


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