• 而且,牛顿声速经验定律公式化

    Newton also formulated an empirical law of cooling as well as studied the speed of sound.


  • 这种新型战斗机巡航速度声速的倍。

    The cruising speed of this new type of fighter is Mach two.


  • 目的了解变化对跟超声骨密度检测声速影响

    Objective To explore the effect foot position on detection of speed of sound during ultrasonic detection of calcaneal bone mineral density.


  • 描述了用改进声波探测器空气测定声速的方法

    In this paper, A method for measuring the speed of sound in air by means of a new sound wave prober was described.


  • 影响计程仪测速精度多种因素中,声速影响最大

    Among the factors which affect the accuracy of Doppler log, the speed of sound is the most important one.


  • 通过对超声纵波声速测量评定船用TA2钛合金平均晶粒尺寸

    Ultrasonic velocity measurements have been used to estimate average grain size in TA2 ship titanium alloy.


  • 一种用于测量保存高温高压水泥样品中的纵向声速换能器系统

    An acoustic transducer system for use in the measurement of longitudinal sound velocity in a cement sample that is maintained at high temperature and pressure.


  • 本文讨论星系激波一般性质以及等效声速变化星系激波影响

    General properties of galactic shock wave and the influence of the variation of effective sound velocity on the solution of galactic shock wave are discussed also.


  • 为了方便教学用共振干涉法相位比较法测定超声声速原理进行了剖析

    The principles used in measuring sound velocity by means of resonant interference and phase comparison are analyzed and compared, which are convenient for teaching.


  • 提出固定行程系统测量空气声速方法,与以往所用变化行程系统进行比较

    A new method of measuring the velocity of sound in the atmosphere is proposed, which USES fixed journey system, comparing to that used varied journey system before.


  • 再对相间传热作出热平衡绝热假设,得到完全平衡部分平衡声速具体表达式

    After introducing an adiabatic or thermo-equilibrium assumption between phases, the expression reduces to a particular expression for the complete or partial equilibrium speed of sound.


  • 光速大约声速100万,因此光波反射现象可以有效用来探测目标物及其距离

    Since the speed of light is about a million times as great as that of sound waves, the reflection of light waves may very well be applied in detecting a target and its distance.


  • 它们特性依赖这个非线相互作用,在此时存在声速声速声速孤立子运动

    Its properties depending on the non-linear interaction potentials, there are the supersonic, sonic and subsonic soliton motion in the protein molecules.


  • 测量声速大学物理实验一个比较重要实验,通过声速的测量可以了解被测介质声学特性

    Measuring sound velocity is an important physical experiment. It is possible to know the acoustical characteristics of measured medium by measuring sound velocity.


  • 实验日本室兰工业大学声速风洞完成的。

    The experiment was done in the supersonic wind tunnel of Muroran Institute of Technology.


  • 之后他们压缩减压能产生声波这种气体。数据表示部分冷凝速度超过声速因此他们制出了声音的黑洞边界。

    Their data showed that the speed of part of the condensate exceeded the speed of sound, and they had therefore made an acoustic event horizon.


  • 浮现黑子似乎能使当地声速增加从而使声波更快地通过这个区域

    The emerging sunspot region seems to boost the local speed of sound, thereby hastening the refracted return of sound waves passing through that part of the solar interior.


  • 现在证明-,你们在803章学到-,告诉你们声速,杨氏模量平方根,除以介质的密度

    Without proof-- - you will see this if you ever take 803-- I will tell you that the speed of sound is the square root of Young's modulus divided by the density of the material.


  • 薄型材料超声波传播规律进行分析得到材料声速共振频率的关系

    The relation between sound velocity and syntonic frequency is gained by analyzing the ultrasound transmitting in thin material.


  • 这种情况飞行员来说很因为螺旋桨接近声速(海拔较低温度大约1200kph),冲击波造成强烈震动

    And to make matters worse for the pilot, as the tips of the rotor blades approach the speed of sound (around 1,200kph at lower altitude temperatures), shock waves produce huge vibrations.


  • 这座储能厂把“闲时”的电力储存2500飞轮电池中。 飞轮的轮缘线速度之高超过声速

    The plant would store cheap "off peak" electricity in 2,500-pound flywheels that turn faster than the speed of sound.


  • 然后一跃自由而下,自由落体降落速度高达982公里/小时,几乎接近了1200公里/小时的声速而且他还经历了零下52摄氏度低温

    He then leaped and freefell at speeds of up to 614 mph, not far from the speed of sound's 761 mph, and endured temperatures as low as minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit.


  • 声速测量精度动态性能要求的矛盾通过独特硬件来解决

    The ultrasound velocity measurement accuracy and other requirements were satisfied by some special design in hardware.


  • 故此英勇小羊南极大气层声速飞来,并用一个综合的光电策略观纠正了他们

    So the heroic lamb flies from the atmosphere Antarctic at a supersonic speed, who then corrects them with a photoelectric lactic synthetically.


  • 高超声速飞行器的设计工具地面试验计算飞行试验,模拟高超声速飞行方面其局限性

    The developing tools for hypersonic vehicle, i. e. ground test, computation and flight lest all have limitations for simulating hypersonic flight.


  • 本文采用改进流线曲率对跨声速多级压气机非设计点进行了性能模拟。

    An improved streamline curvature numerical method is modified and applied to better approximate the flow fields of multi-stage transonic axial compressors.


  • 本文采用改进流线曲率对跨声速多级压气机非设计点进行了性能模拟。

    An improved streamline curvature numerical method is modified and applied to better approximate the flow fields of multi-stage transonic axial compressors.


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